Darth Wong wrote:That's a good addition but a bit over-broad. Some of his films, like "Happy Gilmour" and "Big Daddy", try to make heroes out of complete douchebags, without ever really making them see what was so wrong with their behaviour. "School of Rock" with Jack Black is very similar in that way. I can't stand it because the guy is such a fucking asshole, and nothing he does later in the film redeems him.General Zod wrote:Pretty much anything with Adam Sandler in it.
However, Sandler does have other films which don't follow that mould. "The Wedding Singer" and "50 First Dates" both include a character who seems like a basically decent guy, rather than celebrating extreme selfishness as some of his other films do. There's also "Bedtime Stories", which is a kind of a lukewarm family film but which I certainly wouldn't call "reprehensible" in a moral sense.
I'd recommend you see 'Funny People'. Sandler basically plays himself in the movie and makes alot of fun of his shit movies, but really it's a deep character film disguised as a comedy. Plus it's funny as shit.
I'd also like to defend the first 'Saw' film. From what I recall there was a bit of blood and gore (maybe more than "a bit"), but the motives of the killer, excellent acting, and moral dilemmas posed by the various situations the victims find themselves in really raises this above the "torture porn" genre. Of course after that they got progressively retarded and downright disgusting to the point of anyone sitting through one is either really into special effects gore or has serious mental problems.
I'd also disagree with the 'Hostel' movies being non-artistic. The gorier parts I've seen are either a snuff film or some of the best fucking gore FX I've ever seen, but again, anyone who can sit through an entire movie like that is fucked in the head.
I'm going to go a different way and list some movies that were totally unnecessary or ruin the characters in an unforgivable way, but are not particularly bad or without artistic merit. Of course, all are sequels.
Ghostbusters 2 - They basically just hit the reset button and remade the first one with snazzier FX. It added nothing to the characters or story whatsoever. If they ever make a third one (supposedly they are, but I'll believe it when I see it) I can assure you, they will never mention anything from the second movie.
Die Hard 2: Die Harder - Again, it's basically just Die Hard with a reset button. At least they got the characters right, but on the whole it's just a remake of the first one with a different setting. In fact it's so unforgettable that in the best Die Hard (my favorite, Die Hard With a Vengeance) they completely ignore the second movie and never mention anything that happened in it.
Star Trek: Nemesis - This has been analyzed pretty well by Wong, though I take a different view on why I hate it. They basically get all the characters wrong and aside from the mention that Riker and Troy are leaving the crew, nothing of significance really happens and there is no character advancement aside from Data "dying".
All 3 Star Wars Prequels - Do I really need to say anything here? I mean we basically are shown a bunch of shit we either already know or that is never mentioned or important in the rest of the series. However, I will say that aside from the episode 2, I found them enjoyable enough and the advancements in CGI made by Lucas are astounding.
Sequels to Starship Troopers - Aside from giving Casper Van Dien and T'Pol from 'Enterprise' (an unnecessary TV show) something to do, they miss the entire point of the first movie and their mere existence is an affront to mankind. (For those who couldn't figure it out, the end of the first movie basically laid out that the entire point of the war was to fight the war.)