[/quote][/quote]This is a succinct way of suggesting that libertarians and liberals share similar personalities and outlooks. There is just an intellectual difference concerning markets and government.Will Wilkinson wrote:libertarians are liberals who like markets.
I will be speaking on the subject of markets vs. government in a number of upcoming talks. The first one will be at Campbell University in North Carolina on Thursday, March 18th at 6 PM. I assume this is open to the public. If you have a group in your area that would like me to speak, let me know (you can leave a comment).
Below is a sketch of some of my thoughts.
1. Since I was once a liberal and am now a libertarian, I might count as evidence for Will's thesis. I don't think that my personality or outlook changed as much as my intellectual framework.
2. I think that most liberals I know would say that they like markets, "but..." The "but" is that they think of markets as serving some basic human needs, but not higher human needs. For liberals, the market is to government as the saloon is to the art museum. People do need to visit a saloon now and then, but the art museum represents the higher form of civilization. To stretch the metaphor a bit, liberals think that the saloon needs to be regulated, by sophisticated art patrons.
3. Liberals are more confident about social science and technocratic expertise. Libertarians are more confident about decentralized trial-and-error learning.
4. I think that liberals have a more romantic concept of democracy. I keep going back to Daniel Callahan's statement on p.215 of Taming the Beloved Beast:
To me, government is a mechanism that diffuses and dilutes accountability. If government does something wrong, does a bureaucrat get fired? Does an agency go out of business? Do legislators suffer financial losses?In the end, government must answer to the public, forcing an accountability that is absent in private sector medicine.
If I shop for a coat, the store is accountable to me. If government decides on a policy, my affect on that policy is at best very indirect. Will my vote be determined by that policy, or by my feelings about the elected officials based on other factors? Even if I vote on the basis of a single policy, will others vote the same way? Will the elected officials understand what the voters want? etc.
5. I think that liberals see markets and government as representing different facets of human nature. The market is where we go to channel greed, aggression, and the desire to outwit and take advantage of others. The government is where we go to channel compassion, kindness, and community spirit.
The libertarian view instead sees a common human nature at work in markets and government. With Adam Smith, we see bread on our table coming not from the benevolence of the baker but from his self-interest as filtered through the mechanism of the market. We see the government as an arena where rent-seeking is just as aggressive as in the market--except that the forces of competition are weaker for government-generated rents than for rents that can be temporarily captured in the market.
I think that compassion, kindness, and community spirit are best channeled through voluntary activities, such as charitable organizations. I tend to think of government as a particular form of charitable organization, one which is rendered corrupt and horribly inefficient by the fact that it obtains its funding via coercion rather than via voluntary donations. Charitable organizations themselves are far from perfect. But I think that, dollar for dollar, I get more community benefit out of my charitable contributions than out of my taxes.
6. I think that liberals view the market as a somewhat barbaric and unfair mechanism for allocating resources. They view government as a mechanism for restoring fairness and justice.
To a libertarian, the market mechanism is civilized. When people buy and sell in the market, they are making voluntary, mutually beneficial exchanges. In contrast, government is an arena where one side wins and the other side loses.
When I shop for a coat, if I do not like the way a coat fits or how it looks, or how much the seller wants me to pay, I do not buy that coat. I buy a different coat, perhaps in a different store. The shopping process leads to peaceful, mutually satisfying trade.
On the other hand, look at how the issue of health care reform is going to be resolved. It is like gang warfare, where the Democrats and Republicans are going to rumble, and at least one side is going to be very unhappy with the outcome. For me, it is the democratic process that is barbaric, and it is the market process that is comparatively peaceful and civilized.
Interesting thoughts, but I think that he's entirely off for five reasons that (tellingly) he did not cite as differences between liberal (progressive) thought and libertarian thought. At least, these are the reasons I am a progressive and not a libertarian.
- Progressives view the market process as an inefficient allocator of resources because, broadly, of transaction costs, information costs, frictions in adjustment, wealth asymmetries, market power, rent-seeking, and collective ignorance/incorrect valuation (as in the case of short-run price trends used to predict house prices during the bubble, leading to overvaluation and incorrect pricing of MBSes). Hence, progressives feel that government intervention can make market outcomes better in situations beyond the typical libertarian "protect property rights and intervene only in natural monopolies and externalities" creed. (Progressives also tend to view externalities as significantly more extensive than libertarians.)
- Progressives view income and wealth asymmetries as inherently limiting freedom and creating coercive situations because wealth asymmetries permit resources to be bid away from more valuable to less valuable uses - e.g., luxury consumption. They also view wealth asymmetries as leading to rent-seeking and inefficient income allocation.
- Progressives view the government as an instrument of collaborative effort in society, rather than as a coercive parasite on society. In other words, democratic government is a product of social interactions, rather than some exogenous entity that is only responsive to incentives. Progressives also view the government as in principle capable of (relatively) efficient operation, instead of the horribly inefficient morass that libertarians see it as.
- Utilitarian progressives do not consider harm caused by inaction to be less reprehensible than harm caused by action. This is an oft-unstated moral difference between utilitarians and rights-first libertarians -- a libertarian considers money taken by coercion to be wrong (i.e., taxes) even if it is used to do good because it is harm caused by action, whereas money taken by inaction (e.g., someone forced to work for low wages because high search costs prevent him from finding a better job) is not wrong.
- Elitist progressives view people as largely inherently unable to make rational decisions, so they need to be parented by a (more) rational government - c.f., smoking and seatbelt laws. Unlike the morally relativist libertarian view (people value what they spend on, so limiting or changing their options decreases welfare), this persective says that people are sometimes (often) better off when their options are limited to better ones.