Palpatine, like Yoda, should really be above lightsabre combat. It would have been much more chilling and effective if the scene went something like this: Mace Windu and the other three Jedi ignite their lightsabres to intimidate Palpatine. Palpatine just sits there behind his desk and closes his eyes. Then all four Jedi start choking to death. One Jedi drops his lightsabre and accidentally kills himself with it. The other two fall to the floor choking. Windu nearly chokes to death but ultimately summons the strength to overcome Palpatine's power, and at the last second breaks free of the choke hold and forces Palpatine into the corner with his lightsabre. Scene continues as usual...Formless wrote:The fight between Mace Windu Samuel L. motherfucking Jackson and Palpatine is probably the worst lightsaber duel in the series (its waaayyy too obvious neither actor knows what they are doing with a sword, and I remember the camera work not helping things, even considering the close quarters nature of the scene).
Well, I guess Dooku sort of gave himself away at the end of AotC when he used force lightning and then pulled out a red lightsabre.Galvatron wrote:Did anyone else notice that Palpatine openly referred to Dooku as a Sith Lord? When did Dooku ever actually drop the pretense of leading the separatist movement because the Republic was under the influence of Darth Sidious? I don't recall him ever admitting he was a Sith in AOTC.
In a way, Grievous's role is analogous to Jabba the Hutt. He's a second-tier, non-force-using villain who appears in the first half of the last film. He could have worked, if, like Jabba, the previous movie had built-up a reputation for him somehow. If we had heard about some bad-ass cyborg general named Grievous in Episode II, then it would have been more interesting to see him in Episode III. Also, he presented a (missed) opportunity to invoke a parallel with RotJ in terms of showcasing Anakin's powers. Jabba the Hutt served to showcase Luke's newfound Jedi abilities to the audience. Grievous could have been used to showcase Anakin's darkside powers. Perhaps in the battle with Grievous, Anakin could force-choke him or something, which causes him to start wheezing, thus showing the audience that Anakin has been dabbling with the dark-side.Galvatron wrote:The showdown with Grievous might have carried some weight if he'd been around long enough for us to care. Imagine if he and Maul were both in TPM; both apprentices of Sidious (fuck the rule of two). Maul dies the same way while Grievous escapes after killing Qui-Gon.