Tremors: The Series on DVD

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Tremors: The Series on DVD

Post by SylasGaunt »

Okay I didn't know about this until after I spotted it in the store the other day (with some truly wretched box art) and it wasn't expensive so I picked it up and watched my way through it this weekend.

The first thing that comes to mind, other than the fact that dammit the show was fun and certainly better than most of the other crap SyFy was playing at the time, was that they committed that most irritating of all 'Show with continuity' sins..


This seems to come up a lot with shows I watch. Tremors, Firefly, and a couple others and I have to ask.. has this EVER been a good idea? I mean has there ever been a case where showing the episodes out of order has done anything but make things more confusing? Because I can't think of a single instance where this did anything but muddle things up.

In the case of Tremors it spends the first 4 episodes on strictly graboid/shrieker/ass-blaster related problems before the mad science and mix-master gets brought up. And it's probably due to having the episodes in the correct order but there's actually a lot fewer mixmaster mutants than I remembered. Looking at the episode summaries only 5 of them involve Mixmaster including the intro episode and the one where it gets loose. All the rest of it is related to Graboids and the various stages of their lifecycle.

And as seems to be par for T:tS threads can we please keep the 'Rar hate because Farscape was cancelled' to a minimum?
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Re: Tremors: The Series on DVD

Post by Oskuro »

I guess the network execs in charge of planning assume that all TV series have one-off episodes with no direct continuity, so it doesn't matter if they mix them up, wich of course means that series with strong continuity will get fucked hard, and then you get those same execs scratching their heads at poor viewer reaction, and blaming it on the show's quality.

As for Tremors, never watched the series, but heck, I loved the first movie, not sure why.
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Re: Tremors: The Series on DVD

Post by Revy »

I remember this series, thought it was great. I actually saw the series first and then went back and watched all the films because I liked it so much. Burt Gummer is the best survivalist ever. He's the kind of character you'd want in a video game.
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Re: Tremors: The Series on DVD

Post by FaxModem1 »

I for one, loved this series when it came out on TV. I think I was the only one on this forum back then too. Good to know it'll be on DVD.

Now, are you saying its out of order on DVD, or it aired out of order, or both?
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Re: Tremors: The Series on DVD

Post by SylasGaunt »

It was aired out of order on Sci-Fi. The DVD release has them in the proper order.
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Re: Tremors: The Series on DVD

Post by Swindle1984 »

I have all four movies on DVD. Need to pick up the series.

I wanted to grow up to be just like Burt Gummer when I was a kid. :P Unfortunately, he has a much bigger budget than I do.

Love the character, can't stand the actor though.
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