See you seem to think that at the stage the US would turn upon Israel there would be any perception of allegiance towards the other, the US would first have to stop backing Israel and turn their attentions towards Palestine in the hopes that if we help them create an equal nation for the Israelis and the Palestinians it will help foster better relations within the Middle East. One of the primary reasons the US is hated in the Middle East is because the Israelis purposefully instigate and we support them in doing so.ShadowDragon8685 wrote:Frankly, nobody likes the U.S. either, when they start bombing people unprovoked.
As I said, it would be a feeling of "a pox 'pon both their houses." Bombing Isreal into the bronze age would nessessarily require bombing the shit out of their military and security forces and their infrastructure, which would be immediately followed by waves of violence against Isreal capitalizing on their weakness. Facing the utter destruction of their state by a supposed ally, you'd have backed them into a corner.
And that is a change from the current status quo, how? Every single one of our alliances with foreign nations has to deal with a common goal, if those nations don't agree with that common goal we are not aligned. Do you think France would remain part of NATO if they wanted to become a communist nation? Because you're a fucking retard, I'm going to tell you the answer: FUCK NO. The entire point of NATO was to stop the spread of communism. America attacking Israel in order to promote peace in the Middle East is not going to cause America's NATO allies to go running for the hills because at the moment Middle East terror movements are the greatest threat to our collective nations' security. Ergo we have a common goal that Israel is doing it's damnest to instigate radical movements in the region, which is then pointed at us because we support them.Frankly, at that point, nobody would give a toss if they nuked New York, since the U.S. will have proven itself an utterly unstable psychopath of a country perfectly willing to bomb and invade anybody, even their best friends, if they don't tow the line. If anything, France, Germany, the UK, etcetera, would all start refocusing their MAD strategies on the US instead of Russia.
TL,DR: Alliances only last so long as two nations have common goals.