So something that could potential give them an advantage over their rivals would not be considered worth the time and effort to produce? If they have more powerful guns and they want to make it take longer, they can tone it down or use specialized shitty guns to do that for them. But the idea that they would willingly make their vessels shit is a pretty hard pill to swallow. You know what they love more than slowly destroying a planet? Having their rivals on their knees.Hatak guns make a hell of noise, shake the ground and are visible bolts of lightning from the sky. For the Goa'uld that type of setting is basicly what they want as a freaking terror weapon. Military effectiveness is largely irrelevant for them untill it was late season 7 to 8.
So what if it would take them days to dismantle Modern Earth with orbital bombardment? You are subjecting entire planetary populations to massive shock and awe and probably ensuring a large chunk can't sleep through the time period. The entire thing is designed to break entire peoples, and for the Goa'uldto have a awesome lightshow at the same time.
Days? At that level of firepower? Try centuries. Days would be what it takes to wipe out a small village with those pieces of shit. You can jump out of the way to avoid getting killed by them. They look just like special effects explosives, coincidentally.Well, and you have to remember, the Ha'tak taking days to dismantle a planet is totally cool according to the System Lords.
It would make far more sense if they were just using some kind of low powered gun or their weapons were dial-a-yield and they had a gunner come in on work experience and he didn't know how to switch it off the setting they use to shave their beards or some shit.
And wars with other Goa'uld. That the Goa'uld are hugely arrogant and stupid is a given, but these blasts are supposed to be killing other, similar vessels. Did they all just sit around in a circle and agree not to use any blasts that gave off more energy than a hand grenade?Goa'uld vessels are like 90 percent defense, 10 percent offense, and geared towards dealing with far-flung settlements of pre-industrial humans.
Their technological stasis colours them as tech scavengers (since most of the "progress" we see is just when they found some ancient tech or some shit).I mean, hell, they don't even bother to design new weapons. They just take bigass staff weapons and mount them on the gliders, the bottom of the Al'kesh, and I swear they use the same things on the Ha'tak batteries and just pump more power into it.
Did you just say the Goa'uld motherships look badass in some circumstances?Really, the Goa'uld motherships only look badass until you realize that they don't do anything serious without about 15-20 of them at once.

Yes we all know they're pieces of shit, what I don't buy is that their main guns are so pathetically weak.They're the Hummers of space travel.