stormthebeaches wrote:Not to mention in the 1980s, the American Axis of Evil was also supporting Saddam Hussein's use of nerve gas against Iran. When the UN Security Council tried to condemn Iraqi nerve gas usage on Iranians, the American terrorists vetoed it and the American/terrorist-sympathizing UK also abstained from voting. This is because they hate the Truth, Freedom, and Halal Pie.
Saddam invaded Iran in 1980. However, he pulled all soldiers out of the country a few months later. He then offered a peace deal to Iran. Saudi-Arabia created a plan to end the war that involved Iraq giving 70 billion dollars worth of aid to Iran in reparations. This was very favorable to Iran. Rather than accept this, Iran announced that it would "continue the war until Saddam Hussein is overthrown so that we can pray at Karbala and Jerusalem". It then invaded Iraq.
Of course! Operation Iranian Shield was followed by Operation Iranian Storm - where the Iranians kicked Saddam Hussein's ass in the name of all that's good and holy. Iran
had to invade Iraq because Iraq was developing WMDs, which are a threat to world security, and Saddam was a dictator who hated freedom and needed to be toppled. If those pussy liberal anti-Iranian unpatriotic terrorist-sympathizing hippy abortionist nations like the US hadn't backed Iraq, we would've seen Iran launched Operation Arabian Freedom too.
Come on. Iranian interventionism in Middle East isn't always necessarily bad, I'm sure Kuwaitis and the Saudis had nothing against Operation Iranian Storm.
If Iran invaded Iraq, which were hosts to a strain of Islam advesarial to America (and Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia) and the destruction Saddam's regime was
awesome as far as America is concerned. Not to mention, Iran would've gotten rid of Iraq's WMDs too!
It would've meant that America wouldn't have had to send troops in Desert Storm AND Operation Iraqi Freedom, since Iran would've Desert Stormed Iraq AND brought Iraqi Freedom to Iraq!
By the time the US started supported Saddam, he was on the defensive, fighting off an invading force. Also, US and British aid was dwarfed by Soviet, Chinese, French and German aid so I'm not entirely sure why your focusing solely on American aid here.
Because the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore, and none of the other powers are currently being interventionist - or AS interventionist - compared to the Americans and the Brits? If the French and the Germans were intervening with Operation Arabian Cheese-Nazi or something, I'd be focusing solely on the Napoleons and Hitlers too.
Of course, there is also the fact that Saddam's initial invasion was far from unprovoked. Iraq may have fired the first shot in the war but Iran had been stroking tensions for years.
Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. By all means, Iran should've launched a pre-emptive strike in the name of freedom and democracy.
What's wrong with Iran as a regional power?
Because the current regime is a brutal theocracy that is determined to maintain its own power rather than anything else?
Why? The current regime would've defended the Middle East from rogue nations armed with WMDs, like Saddam Hussein. Iranian intervention in Iraq would've brought freedom, toppled Saddam, and disarmed the WMDs - a noble goal for all humanity.
Why are you so unpatriotic and anti-Iranian? Do you hate freedom? Why don't you support the troops in the Iranian Republican Guard?
For the Iranians, it is.
For the rest of the world, it wasn't. There is a reason why almost everyone (not just America) supported Saddam when Iran invaded Iraq.
If they're not with Iran, then they're against Iran. And it turns out they're a bunch of fucking morons, since Iraq ended up invading Kuwait and scaring the shit out of Saudi Arabia.
Why do they support a rogue terrorist nation that uses WMDs? Are they part of the Axis of Evil? Do they hate freedom? Do they hate peace? Do they hate babies? Why are they so anti-Iranian and unpatriotic?
I don't think letting Iran take over Iraq would have been "gooder". Saddam was evil but I'd rather his secular dictatorship ruling Iraq than the religious nutters in Iran. The rest of the world agreed with me too considering how the US, UK, USSR, Germany, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and many other nations all backed Saddam.
So you'd rather his secular dictatorship ruling Iraq and developing WMDs and using them against Kurds and Iranians - an atrocity not even the Iranians have done to their own people? Well, we can see the fruits of these mistaken, fucking hypocritical, actions.
Actually, no. You'd rather not see his secular dictatorship rule Iraq and developing WMDs - which is why you invaded his ass and deposed him. Something the Iranians would've done twenty years ago!
If only the world had listened to Iran, the scourge of WMDs and Iraqi terrorism would've been defeated!
Pakistan isn't a dictatorship anymore. Pakistan was actually a democracy when it was developing its nukes.
Yes, a democracy that's letting terrorists fuck around in India - pissing off another regional nuclear power. But hey, as long as it's a democracy, it's A-OK, am i rite? As long as Pakistan isn't a theocracy, they can have their terrorists fuck Ghandi in the mouth and piss the Indians off, then it's fine and dandy! But if Iran has nukes, to defend against unilateral American atrocity-attacks and illegal deceitful invasions and sponsored WMD-using regimes, it's WRONG because Iran is - gasp - a theocracy! Oh no!
I seriously hope this is a joke. The Shah was bad but the current regime is far worse and has significantly dragged the country backwards, both socially and economically. Not to mention the current regime is just as oppressive, if not more so than the Shah.
I'm using American-style rhetoric, so it is a joke. Why is American-style rhetoric a joke? Because America is a big, fat fucking joke.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Shroomedian is the only thing that makes sense.
Oh, Iran is bad because it's a theocracy. But it's okay to support Saddam against Iran, even though Saddam's nerve gassing Kurds and later on invading Kuwait. Saddam's secular, so that's doubleplusgood, am i rite? That's hellarious.
My view in all this is that Iranian regime is a brutal theocracy that is represses its own people, is determined to maintain its power and is certainly not the kind of regime that I want to see getting a nuclear weapon. And yes, I hate the idea that Pakistan and Israel have nukes but that doesn't mean that Iran should also get nukes too. Three wrongs don't make a right.
But you just said that Iraq is OK and preferable to Iran, when it's nerve gassing Kurds andd Iranians. So if Iran follows Iraq's example, and elect Saddam as Ayatollah, then it would be OK for Iran to have nukes? It's no longer a theocracy, so that'll make it better, am i rite?
Why is it wrong for Pakistan and Israel to have nukes? Israel wants nukes to defend itself against the overwhelming numbers of Islamofascists who deny the Holocaust and want to kill Jews. Just like how Pakistan wants nukes to defend itself in conflicts against India. Just like how Iran wants nukes to defend itself against American asshole atrocities.
As for being in favor of a military strike, that's another issue entirely.
Why would anyone want an attack against the Iranian military? Why do you people hate the Iranian soldiers, the proud servicemen and women of the Iranian armed forces who defend the Iranian people and the Iranian way of life against terrorists and American-sponsored WMD regimes? Why do you hate the troops? Why are you so anti-Iranian and unpatriotic? Does the sight of grieving war widows, orphaned children, and Iranian soldiers getting torn to pieces by insurgent terrorist IEDs make you happy? That's horrible.
I for one support the troops who are risking their lives for the safety and security of Iran and its people! I hope that they stay safe, and that through their courage and patriotism, they can defeat and kill anything seeks to hurt or harm Iran and its noble peace-loving people. Iran, fuck yeah!