Your gaming backlog

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Your gaming backlog

Post by Vympel »

Games I own and still have to play/ finish:-

Games not even started to play

* Batman Arkham Asylum
* Resistance
* Resistance 2
* Saints Row 2
* Dawn of War 2 / Chaos Rising
* Napoleon: Total War
* World in Conflict / Soviet Assault
* Empire at War / Forces of Corruption
* Sins of a Solar Empire
* Gears of War (only played multiplayer co-op a few times with Alyeska)
* God of War 2 (PS3)
* God of War 3
* Operation Flashpoint 2 ($7.50 off Steam, couldn't refuse!)

Games in progress

* Assassin's Creed (yes, the original, shut up!)
* Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
* Bioshock 2
* Empire: Total War
* Dead Space
* God of War (PS3)

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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Stark »

Wow, you waste a lot of money on games. You know you can just take them back if you find you don't have time to play them, right? :D

At the moment the only game on my backlog is Metro, which just came out and I'm playing at the moment. I have played all the non Bioware/CA/PS3 games on your list already :(
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Vympel »

Oh and since the backlog is so huge, games I want to get and haven't:-

* Metro 2033
* Aliens vs Predator
* Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

Oh and I forgot Red Alert 3 since I've only done the Soviet campaign, and C&C 3 since I've only done the Nod campaign.
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Stark »

AvP isn't so great but you can finish it in an afternoon (or could if you didn't have a real job).
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Vympel »

Stark wrote:Wow, you waste a lot of money on games. You know you can just take them back if you find you don't have time to play them, right? :D
The PS3 games on the list with the exception of the GoWs I got pre-owned for cheap. And why would I take back PC games? You blaspheme!
At the moment the only game on my backlog is Metro, which just came out and I'm playing at the moment. I have played all the non Bioware/CA/PS3 games on your list already :(
Is Metro any good?
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Stark »

I think Metro is all the good parts of STALKER except actually working this time. It's linear and story based (like Halflife etc) rather than open and has no A-life of not-working, but it's a really interesting story, creepy, detailed, etc. The combat is a bit workmanlike but it's not horrible.

It's VERY obvious it's by many of the same guys involved in early STALKER development.

EDIT - oh, when I picked it up I noticed 'only on Windows and 360' written on the box. Is that true?
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Vympel »

Dammit now I want to go get Metro ...

But I won't. Bioshock 2 is going to be the next game I finish. Then who knows.
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Mr Bean »

Start playing Bad Company 2. But not before Saints Row 2.
Your missing a hell of a time not playing Saints Row 2.

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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Akhlut »

Need to Finish
Mass Effect 2 (second playthrough)
The Force Unleashed
Persona 3
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (4th playthrough)
Saints Row 2

Need to Start
Disgaea 2
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Vympel »

Mr Bean wrote:Start playing Bad Company 2. But not before Saints Row 2.
Your missing a hell of a time not playing Saints Row 2.
Yeah I gave it a go and then all this other shit happened and freaking Bioware games came out and I always give them priority (Awakening and Bioshock 2 have priority now, of course)
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by General Zod »

Need to finish:

Uncharted 2
Ninja Gaiden 2
Silent Hill Homecoming
The Witcher

Might finish one of these days:

Mass Effect (I've finished 2, but never the first)
Dragon Age: Origins (lol)
Half-Life 2

In Progress:

God of War 3
Final Fantasy 13 (meh)
DoW2: Chaos Rising
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Armoured Core 4
Armoured Core For Answer
Dynasty Warriors 6 (There's no way I'm going to finish it; I have Empires)
Soul Calibur 4 (by "finish" I mean "get all the kit", here)
Total Annihilation (skirmish was much more fun than the campaign)
Red Alert 2 (as above)
Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge (as above)
SDN Worlds 5: Sanctum
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by KhyronTheBackstabber »

At bat.
Assassin's Creed 2

On Deck
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes (Wii)
Bad Company 2 single player

Need to finish.

Twilight Princess (Every time I try to play this game, something happens half way though, and I don't get back to it)
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Darksider »

hoo boy. This is gonna be a fucking doozy.

Games I own but never started:
Metroid Prime 1, 2, and 3
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Evolution Worlds
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Resident Evil 4
All of these are Wii/Gamecube games that I picked up real cheap on sale at the local gamestop. All of those combined probably cost me less than a hundred dollars (US)

Games i've started but have yet to finish:
(This is going to be a loooooooong fucking list. Most of these date back to middle school)
Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
(In all of these i'm literally a couple of hours away from finishing, assuming I can find my old saves)
Suikoden II, 3, 4, and 5
Legend of Dragoon
Resident Evil Zero
God of War 1 and 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
Halo Wars
World In Conflict
Company of Heroes

Those are the ones I can remember right now, i'll update the list when I get back to my mom's house and look through my game shelf.
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Ypoknons »

Beat most of it, distracted before finishing final level:
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Battlestations Pacific
Dawn of War II

Currently Playing:
Final Fantasy XIII
God of War III
Fallout 3 (ongoing venture, lots of mods and DLC)

Indefinite freeze:
Gundam Senki 0081
Valkyria Chronicles
Pixeljunk Shooter
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Dragon Angel »

Games I am currently playing, with great delays in between:
Lunar: Silver Star Story

Games I want to play that are on queue:
Seiken Densetsu III
Tales of Phantasia
Xenogears (actually, I did play this for a short period of time, until my save file became corrupted...:x)

As you can see, I am a proud RPG geek of really old games. I never managed to complete them for various reasons, but as they say...better late than never!
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by KhyronTheBackstabber »

Ypoknons wrote: Fallout 3 (ongoing venture, lots of mods and DLC)
I had over 250 hrs. on Fallout 3 before I beat it.
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by weemadando »

Need to finish (or at least play enough that I feel justified):
GTA IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony, plus cherry pick some achievements from TLAD and GTAIV that are outstanding
Red Faction Guerrilla
Brutal Legend
Fable II
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
Bioshock (yes, the original)
The Witcher
Dragon Age Origins
Mass Effect
ArmA 2 (if they ever patch it so the campaign works)
Empire Total War (if this is working and I can finish a campaign at least once now)
Left 4 Dead 2 (might have to bite the bullet and import the 'Muhrican version so I can actually play it rather than the even more borked than I thought Aussie version).
Mirror's Edge
Prince of Persia (2008 version)
Penumbra games
Dawn of War II
Castle Crashers
Shadow Complex
Toy Soldiers
Fallout 3
Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Dead Space
Bad Company 2
Far Cry 2
Zeno Clash

Need to start playing
Batman: Arkham Asylum (was several hours in, but my savegame corrupted)
Crysis Warhead
STALKER: Clear Sky & Call of Pripyat (once I finish off the original)
Overlord series
About a bajillion other games that I've picked up on Steam specials and should really play at some point.
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Stark »

Why do people even buy games when thy have a dozen on the shelf they've never played? Is it impulse buying? Wasting a thousand bucks on desk fillers?
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Xon »

The bot AI in Metro is mind-numblingly stupid. And while the gameplay mechanics are very much like the good bits of STALKER. The game is very much a rail shooter, you sometimes get the options of using stealth, but it only happens rarely. And it makes gratuitous use of cut-scene railroading to make a lot of events happen. Some of them even flow well from the actions you where doing, but most are just jarring changes.
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Stark »

It's Russian, what do you want? It's officially more interesting thanHL2 and once I'm done I'll return it. Good game! :)
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by General Zod »

Stark wrote:Why do people even buy games when thy have a dozen on the shelf they've never played? Is it impulse buying? Wasting a thousand bucks on desk fillers?
I blame impulse buying. It's hard to resist Steam sales when they're advertising games at $7.50 or $10 a pop that normally go for $20 or $30. Or buy one get one free specials at Gamestop for used games.
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by weemadando »

Pretty much. I've all but stopped buying this year though. For a while, when I had plenty of time and spare cash it was easy to justify a game a week, even if I never got close to finishing it.
Stark wrote:Why do people even buy games when thy have a dozen on the shelf they've never played? Is it impulse buying? Wasting a thousand bucks on desk fillers?
And also - many of the games in my "should finish" list, I've already poured between 4 and 100+ hours into. It's just a case that I want to finish them, or get to the end of a plot line or just get to a set piece that people have talked about so I can happily put it away for good.

For example, I'm only on Act III of The Witcher and would love to get back to it and finish it, but even if I never do, I've gotten enough out of that game to be more than happy with it.
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Re: Your gaming backlog

Post by Oskuro »

Stark wrote:Why do people even buy games when thy have a dozen on the shelf they've never played? Is it impulse buying? Wasting a thousand bucks on desk fillers?
For me is about collecting titles I consider worthy of owning, and you can't return PC games anyway (Even the EULA says so). Of course I buy them when their price tag drops drastically, but still it ends up being quite a lot of money, then again, I don't drink alcohol, so guess I have to spend the beer money somewhere :roll:

I'd also like to blame Ubisoft for releasing packs of 3 games at 10€ the pack. Next week it's HAWX, R6V2 and GRAW2, I think. Now I have spare games, thus my brithday gift-giving problems are solved for over a year (WiC, Prince of Persia 1&2, Heroes V, Silent Hunter 4....).

*Looks at huge box on the floor*

Yeah, my list of games to play is a bit too massive right now. I have a tendency to play games mostly through, and then wander off to something different when I'm like a level from finishing them. For example, it took me a week to get to the next to last level of Tron 2.0, and over a year to get back to it :?

Currently working on the Hitman series and the WiC campaign.

Edit: Also, the Death of PC Gaming tm has slashed game prices drastically as retailers try to get rid of their stock (see Ubisoft's über packs above). I guess there'll be less worthy (and cheap) stuff to buy in the future.
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