Knife wrote:Shroom Man 777 wrote:
Nuking Israel would get Iran nuked back by not only Israel, but also America as well -
I don't see that as any sort of certainty, nor do I think the Israels. I also don't think the Israel's would consider that a good account of things, don't worry if you're wiped out we might wipe them out too. Which leads to Israel having a greater need to defend against such things.
thus it's as likely as Pakistan nuking New Delhi, which is not very. And it's not like other powers have not issued statements threatening Iran as well.
Pakistan and India actually are more equal in power and man power, where Israel and Iran are unequal. Israel having more power (at the moment) and Iran having far superior numbers.
Israel's also posturing launching pre-emptive strikes into Iran. This, and the fact that Israel's got American backing AND nuclear powers, is something that might necessitate Iran developing nuclear weapons to deter undue Israeli aggression. Israel's already launched unprovoked attacks on another ME nation's nuclear infrastructure recently, right? I mean, conventionally, Iran can't touch Israel - it certainly can't invade it without a massive conventional military force, neither can it counter-attack any Israeli pre-emptive strike. I don't think Iran can even defend itself conventionally from an Israeli attack.
This disparity, coupled with the heavy American military presence in the region, makes the Iranians not consider this a good account of things. Which leads to Iran's increasing need to defend against such things.
Iran's past deeds? Specifically, which ones? And how are these past deeds any worse than the acts of other accepted nuclear powers?
So we have to wait to see Iran do something bad with nukes before we can get worried?
I was asking for bad things without nukes.
Nobody should but just because the genie is let out of the bottle, doesn't mean we should pass the bottle around so everyone can take a swig. That's pretty much the meat and potatoes of the argument. Pro Fuck-Yeah America wants only US allies to have nukes, Anti Fuck-Yeah Shroom-types think anything that is against Fuck-Yeah America is good so nukes for all, and the rest of us who think we should try our best to limit anyone from getting the fucking things.
You do realize that Fuck Yeah American actions have caused great harm to Iran (and many other nations), and pose a grave military threat to that nation as well? Are you incapable of seeing just how threatening and scary and dangerous America looks like to a lot of people, and because they can't hope to match American military might conventionally, it forces them to go to the nuclear option for self-defense?
The "Shroom-types" are thinking that anything that constitutes as SELF-DEFENSE against Fuck Yeah America is okay, so nukes for self defense is good.
Just how different or worse is Iran compared to a whole bunch of other nuclear powers who are "trusted" with nukes?
They don't have them yet and someone and everyone, either by diplomacy, sanctions, or the stick can stop them.
Then hopefully in the name of all that's fair and balanced, Iran can get its nukes. All nations have the right to defend themselves against "the stick", after all.