Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

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Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Flagg »


It's at the 14 second mark. He literally wipes his hand off on Clinton's shirt after shaking hands with a Haitian.

"Gotta get that stink of black off or they won't let me back in the social club!"

I find this newsworthy, but if the mods don't I accept my thumping in advance.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Wow, Bush is an asshole but probably only for the reason he didn't wipe his hand on his own shirt. Probably!

That being said I have a no shake policy at work which was developed based off of disgusting experiences with other peoples hands. You have no idea when the last time someone washed their hands, and when you're dealing with people who might not have access to basic hygiene that can make some peoples skin really crawl. (like me)

Though it could also be because he can't stand to shake the hand of a black man. Which given his history wouldn't really surprise me.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Bush and social etiquette? Hilarity ensues.

I also never liked shaking hands either, though I'm not to the point of getting Howard Hughes over it (hygiene hypothesis and all that). I do find bowing, like they do in the Far East, to be more useful. I'd rather not go into the kissing that goes on in the ME.

Actually, that reminds me. Isn't there a picture of Bush holding hands with a Sheikh on a visit to Saudi or somewhere? I wonder why A-rabs get allowed to go all touchy-feely. Oh, yeah, the oil.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by AMT »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:Bush and social etiquette? Hilarity ensues.

I also never liked shaking hands either, though I'm not to the point of getting Howard Hughes over it (hygiene hypothesis and all that). I do find bowing, like they do in the Far East, to be more useful. I'd rather not go into the kissing that goes on in the ME.

Actually, that reminds me. Isn't there a picture of Bush holding hands with a Sheikh on a visit to Saudi or somewhere? I wonder why A-rabs get allowed to go all touchy-feely. Oh, yeah, the oil.
As much as I hate to defend Bush, it could be that the guy just had nasty hands, or his hands were sweaty, greasy, whatever (either the Haitians or Bush's itself, if he is anything like me regarding humid areas and skin oil)
Though using Clinton's shirt to wipe his hand is just gross.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by wolveraptor »

I remember he was on some talk show once and he wiped his glasses on the hem of some lady's skirt, randomly and without permission. It'd be fine, but he was the fucking president, and it really becomes embarassing for us.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Singer »

I thought the same thing as AMT; the dude must have had sweaty hands or something. However, it was an asshole move to wipe it on Clinton's shirt.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Kane Starkiller »

As long as he's not giving any more unsolicited massages I'm happy.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Singular Intellect »

It's interesting that the immediate reaction is one of assumed racist behavior rather than, as other have said, just someone having dirty hands.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by General Zod »

Singular Intellect wrote:It's interesting that the immediate reaction is one of assumed racist behavior rather than, as other have said, just someone having dirty hands.
On the other hand, I'll bet nobody would have thought anything of it if he wiped his hands on his own shirt. Wiping it on someone else's is just not normal behavior.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Gil Hamilton »

I can understand the wiping your hand part. That guy was probably part of a work group in the humid as hell part of Haiti. I can imagine you'd wipe your hand no matter what, cause he was possibly pretty grimy. As stated, the douchebag part (but still somewhat hilarious) is that Bush's hand didn't go to his own pantleg, but Bill Clinton's shoulder. A more appropriate summation of Bush is hard to find.

Shows Bush's hygiene too. After all, god knows where that shirt has been. I'm surprises Bush didn't pat Clinton's shoulder and then wipe his hand off on a sweaty aid worker. :lol:
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by FSTargetDrone »

Carry a handkerchief, George?

Probably not. This moron could have simply slipped his hand into his pocket with an handkerchief inside, wiped his hand and no one would have been the wiser. And that's assuming this wasn't done because of the man's skin color.
wolveraptor wrote:I remember he was on some talk show once and he wiped his glasses on the hem of some lady's skirt, randomly and without permission. It'd be fine, but he was the fucking president, and it really becomes embarassing for us.
Not, it wouldn't be fine, no matter who he (Bush) was. Who reaches over and touches the skirt of a woman like that? To wipe his glasses? The only people who have an excuse for getting grabby like that are toddlers.



Look what I found (this is from an appearance on Letterman):

So it's not her skirt, but that's irrelevant. It's "no class" is what it is.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by eion »

I am continually baffled that 50,456,002 in 2000 really thought this guy was the best choice for president, and that in 2004 3,012,166 thought he was the better choice for president.

The morals and behavior of a twelve year old.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Dalton »

Remember this? Using hand sanitizer immediately after shaking Obama's hand? Maybe he's just a germophobe with not much decorum.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by SpacedTeddyBear »

General Zod wrote:
Singular Intellect wrote:It's interesting that the immediate reaction is one of assumed racist behavior rather than, as other have said, just someone having dirty hands.
On the other hand, I'll bet nobody would have thought anything of it if he wiped his hands on his own shirt. Wiping it on someone else's is just not normal behavior.
At best, its immature behavior. I can't recount the number of times me and my sister would wipe our dirty hands, blow and wipe our noses on each others sleeves when we were kids playing in the yard (which still happens on occasion 20 years later).
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by ArmorPierce »

Any one have a picture or video of him wiping his hand after shaking a rich white man's hand?

Honestly, I wouldn't blame him in that circumstance for wiping his hand. People's hands are everywhere and are pretty nasty and it's hot down there so people are probably sweaty and or dirty especially considering that the infastructure of the country must have been pretty fudged. Him wiping it on bill was the douche move. I would have tried to wait until I was out of sight and could wipe/clean my hands without people noticing and in the mean-while just try not to touch my face with my hands.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by FSTargetDrone »

Is Bush Howard Hughes all of a sudden? Does he have open wounds on his hands? Yes, if he wants to wipe his hands, by all means (like I said, though, carry a handkerchief or something), but does anyone think the Secret Service is going to let him and Clinton in an area where the conditions are so poor or near people who are so ill that he could contract a serious disease by casual contact? That crowd he's interacting with isn't standing in open sewers. No one is bleeding from the eyes.
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Re: Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Touching Black Man

Post by Patrick Degan »

The only thing this incident shows is what we've long known about Bush Jr.: that he is an uncultured boob despite all the family money and that he essentially ceased maturing at around age 19, if not slightly earlier.
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