The Kernel wrote:Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that Google gave up China for good PR. I'm sure everyone thinks that's a rational argument.
I said they got fed up with the hacking and lo, a good opportunity for PR manifested itself once they quit. I didn't say PR was the reason they quit. On the other hand, you did jack and shit to address my point that corporations
still continue their behavior and such actions do not constitute a fundamental change in that behavior.
The Kernel wrote:Blah, blah, blah, are you honestly trying to argue that personal freedoms in China would be a BAD thing?
Blah, blah, blah, you're an idiot who can't discern between personal and political freedom, and of course between personal freedom and collapse of government. Because how'd you achieve political freedom in China, OTHER than by allowing China to liberalize gradually? The other option is to destroy it's current government. Which would lead to mass hardship. There are options inbetween, but they all depend on the stance of the CCP and, most importantly, the support of the CCP by the Chinese people or lack thereof.
I haven't seen you propose any sort of viable strategy for Chinese liberalization. Instead, you went to rant about "blah blah blah", whereas I have pointed out the real steps towards a better political establishment, better human rights and better legal proceedings that the Chinese have actually enacted.
The Kernel wrote:They also routinely "disappear" dissenters and have the stories purged from the internet, they censor any information that might be seen as subversive and they have a propaganda machine that would make Hitler proud.
You asked for evidence of liberalization - I have provided it. Concede your point, the Chinese
are making their system better. Even if it's still an autocracy, it's far milder and more institutionally transparent than it was before, and they have enacted these steps consciously.
They dissapear dissenters? So what?
So does Russia. Google quit Russia?
No? WHY? Tell me now, WHY?
Russia not only purges stories from the internet, it jails bloggers. It wipes out news which are "unfit" for the common citizen, routinely replaces headlines which might cause too much trouble, like "Russia is #1 in Europe by the number of billionaires while millions are in poverty" on a top news portal being changed to a mild "Richest Russian owns XX billion". Got a problem?
Where is your moral corporation doing shit?
The Kernel wrote:Nice black/white fallacy you have there.
That's all you can say? I live in a nation where dissenters dissapear and Google censors the mansions of our corrupt mafia leaders on it's satellite maps. Why is Google still here? Why, then, hasn't Sergey Brin made it's fucking search engine dissapear from Russia?
The Kernel wrote:Nice strawman assfuck, now point to where I said Google was a moral beacon. Oh wait, you can't can you?
Valdemar said other corporations should come down on China like a ton of bricks, removing their assets and causing the Chinese government to collapse. When I adressed this point, you answered that "well tough luck, in the words of Bush, democracy
requires blood is a messy business". Nice backpedalling.
Admiral Valdemar wrote:I would dearly love for this to come to something that really makes The Party take a long, hard look at their current status and question whether their wealth and power would still be there if everyone upped and went to India, for instance.
Stas Bush wrote:If it happens right now, this would probably cause an economic collapse of China and unmitigated economic hardship on a population which barely rose from agrarian poverty into industrialism. But hey, political pipe dreams make it perfectly well to wish folks suffering in the name of freedom, right?
ray245 wrote:Most people don't realise there are ordinary people who lives in China.
YOU wrote:I hate to paraphrase George W. Bush, but Democracy is a messy business. China becoming more open and with a less oppressive government is better for everyone in the long run even if it causes short-term pain.
Now, will you answer the points raised or backpedal? Maybe you want to install a trade boycott against all nations who have egregious human rights violations? Well maybe you should start from Saudi Arabia, where semi-slaves ruled by an opressive theocracy labour for your fucking oil to fuel your cars? And only then start with China? No?
Maybe you should support Google leaving Russia and ALL other post-Soviet nations which do imprison bloggers, dissappear dissenters, purge internet articles? Maybe Google should also leave all South East Asia, which I'm sure has a worse record than China? Perhaps it should leave Thailand, Vietnam, etc. etc. Maybe Google should leave Turkmenia? Do you know what it's leader did to it's population?
Fuck you, you ignorant fucking hypocrite. Google leaving China, a nation that did perhaps the MOST progress for it's population for the last 20-30 years, and remaining in all the nations listed above is just PURE, PUREST hypocrisy. Fuck you, fuck google, fuck your moralist idiot stances.
Oh hey, and why didn't google leave Zimbabwe? Unlike the Chinese, people there are fucking impoverished and on hte brink of starvation. Call me when Google leaves Mugabe's little land. Then I'll see.