Siege wrote:First off, can you please acknowledge the fact that it remains to be proven that Iran is actually trying to acquire nuclear weapons? This is by no means certain, yet you continue to treat the theoretical possibility as an incontrovertible fact.
Obviously if there is no solid proof they are trying to build nuclear weapons they shouldn't be attacked. But what do you count as solid proof? A mushroom cloud?
Siege wrote:Secondly, I would think it's obvious: stopping the Iranian nuclear program should be a goal to an end (that end being something like the improvement of the safety and stability of the region), not an end in and of itself.It's pointless to even wonder whether or not an end should be forcefully put to the Iranian nuclear program without considering the ramifications of stopping (or not stopping) them. Hence why you should be concerned about what the intervention you propose will achieve in the mid to long term. If intervention, even if successful, will serve to radicalise the Iranian leadership and stoke their fears and paranoia of the West and everyone who collaborates with it, how will that improve the safety and stability of the region? In my opinion, it won't, and therefore a strike against the nuclear program will worsen, not improve, the situation.
I disagree. Stopping the spread of nuclear weapons is an important goal in and of itself. Obviously there is concern about how the intervention will affect the long term relationship with Iran. The question is is maintaining good long term relations with Iran worth allowing Iran the capability to destroy any European city by entering a 10 digit number and pressing enter.
Siege wrote:No, it's like seeing a guy reaching into his jacket, assuming he's going for a gun, and shooting him in the face before even making sure he's actually got a weapon on him. Before you know it you've pumped 41 shots into the guy even though he was just reaching for his wallet. Where I come from, that's not a particularly desirable outcome.
Except you repeatedly said to the guy to stop reaching into his pocket and he doesn't listen.
Siege wrote:Hold on a minute, how is pre-emptively bombing the shit out of Iran a defence strategy? Because it sure sound like an offence strategy to me.
Because we're not using swords anymore. Nuclear weapons can wipe out cities in seconds and people can't afford to wait for an attack to come if they believe there is a heightened chance a country might use its nuclear weapons.
Flagg wrote:I'd say that's a nice attempt at dodging, but it was pretty feeble. You make an assertion and you better damned well be able to back it up. I'm still waiting for you to do so. I have a feeling I'll still be waiting when your contributions to this thread get HOS'd.
So if I go into driving school and the instructor sees me and immediately states "I don't think you can drive" I can automatically get a drivers licence because he made the assertion so now its up to him to back it up? You can't shift burden of proof like that. I'm the one who wants the get out on the street and it's up to me to prove I'm capable and responsible enough regardless of who said what first.
Iran wants to get out on the street with nuclear weapons and its up to it to prove that it's responsible enough if the world is to tolerate the risks of a yet another country that can wipe cities off the map at a push of a button. What I said or didn't say doesn't enter into it.
Flagg wrote:Way to miss the point, cuntrag. The fact that in the 40+ years that the USA and USSR possessed nuclear weapons there was never a war between the two shows that MAD helps to prevent conventional wars. The fact that India and Pakistan aren't jumping up eachothers ass nearly as much as they were before both had nukes shows the same thing. Now kindly provide evidence to the contrary or go fuck thyself.
I already addressed all of these issues in my previous post: USA and USSR NEVER went to war. Either before or after they got nukes. Therefore you have no proof it was the nukes that kept peace for the last 60 years. You also completely ignored my points that crises like installment of missiles on Cuba would never exist.
However I did provide examples to the contrary: China attacking US forces in North Korea and Argentina attacking the Falklands.
Flagg wrote:The fact that a form of government is irrational is in no way relevant to the issue. If it was I'm sure an erudite person such as yourself would have provided evidence to the contrary. You know, rather than just repeating the same "RAAAR THEOCRACY BAD!!!!" mantra.
The fact that a form of government is irrational is in no way relevant to whether they should be allowed to have the capability to arbitrarily wipe cities off the map at the push of a button? I have to say I disagree with you there. How many countries has Argentinian military junta invaded before their attack on the Falklands? If they had nuclear weapons would that have made them more or less bold? They risked a possible nuclear retaliation from UK basically to increase their approval ratings. I would say that was irrational. Do you think that ayatollahs are more rational and trustworthy than the military junta before Falklands?
Stas Bush wrote:Kane Starkiller wrote:I don't believe human race should have nuclear weapons in general.
Because they are too powerful and too easy to construct. North Korea, a country whose people are forced to eat grass, now likely has a capability to devastate Tokyo. Earth is too small for this bullshit.
Stas Bush wrote:The task of Hezbollah and other anti-Israeli groups is to push Israelis, who are seen as occupants, out of the Middle East. You may not like it, but it's not much different from the goals of the Mujahed in Afghanistan. You're really grasping at a straw.
And what does pushing Israel out of "Middle East" mean for the existence of Israel? How is this the same as pushing USSR out of Afghanistan? Just so there are no confusions both US and Iran made a calculated risk when they stirred shit for countries which have (or likely have) nuclear weapons. Iran was willing to push it a lot further and for less tangible gains.
Stas Bush wrote:Israel used it's military force to trump over a nation. Not once, but many times, in fact, Israel has used overwhelming military force in wars; it also has nuclear weapons.
Again: that's as big as it gets. Iran can turn into a much larger enemy and one that has called for Israel's destruction and turning Iraq into an Islamic republic.
Stas Bush wrote:Nuclear weapons have killed effectively zero people since 1946 onwards for all that matters. Their number, nor the number of nuclear powers (which grew progressively from 1 to

did not impact this zero casualty count.
Yet. We know for a fact how powerful and devastating nuclear weapons are. You are pitting this fact against your assumption that because there were no nuclear wars yet there will be none in the future.
Stas Bush wrote:Yeah, but so is America a terrorist state which kills people. Supporting it is bad. So why do you support them attacking Iran and killing people? I don't know. What is the functional difference?
You are supporting a nation which not only supported terrorists who killed people, but also itself has killed people in wars of agression. On the other hand, Iran has only done the former, but not the latter.
I support someone not allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons, with force if necessary and if it can be done with minimum casualties. Supporting US in its wish to keep nuclear weapons of a terrorist sponsoring theocracy doesn't mean that I support US in everything that it does nor that I approve of its every aspect so I would ask you to stop using that strawman.
However as I said: US, when its power and reach and sphere of interest (entire world) is accounted for, did less bad things than Iran did with its own neighbors.
Stas Bush wrote:Does Iran profess a doctrine of lebensraum, genocide and invasion? Where is the Iranian version of Mein Kampf, then?
This is another strawman. I responded to Shroom Man 77 that threatening statements cannot be dismissed as "just propaganda" because often times they are not just propaganda. And even if they start out as just propaganda they can rile up the populace to a point when it starts to become an actual policy.
Stas Bush wrote:20% of the world's GDP. "That much trouble"? I'm not sure how many of the high-casualty wars past the year 1960 have involved the USA, but quite surely it's going to be more than proportional to it's share of world's GDP.
Yes 25% or 20% depending on whether nominal or PPP values are used. Just because US was "involved" doesn't mean it counts as part of "bad" things it did. Certainly liberating Kuwait was a good thing whatever else they did.
Stas Bush wrote:You have no evidence proving that, right? You're just thinking "Those filthy genocidal Arabs are dumb fuckers who support Iran because they want them to kill Israel". Here, see - I have made an insight into your thought process.
I would hope that the smiley revealed it as a joke. The fact that a large percentage of Arabs (30%) think that Iran will use the bomb on Israel comes from the poll Shroom Man 77 linked to. The other one was a joke (partly). But I grew up in a region where interethnic hatred grew rampant and that was even after we lived in a single country. If you think that such a thing doesn't exist between Israelis and Arabs you are quite naive.
Stas Bush wrote:Really? If there was a war without nuclear weapons, in the 1950s or 1960s, the death tolls would be massive. Conventional bombing would be used. Fighting would be ferocious as it was in World War II. There's no evidence that the leaders of the WARPAC or NATO would have for some reason initiated any sort of peace talks when a conventional war posed NO THREAT to these leaders themselves. Unlike a nuclear one, where they would most certainly be annihilated along with the rest of the populace; and even if not, their days in the post-nuclear wasteland would be few. Europe and Asia would be ruined, putting people there into a new cycle of misery.
Quite possibly, the USA would continue the war from abroad even if Europe and Asia would be ruined and occupied, bombing people and killing people for years and years, because it wouldn't really cost them any damage, the USSR lacking any ability to attack them efficiently (without nuclear weapons).
I never implied that armistice was a done deal. I said that there would still be a chance because it would take many months for the death toll to reach what can be done with nukes in hours. Secondly even if death toll in the end was equal to that of a nuclear war there would still be no widespread radiation contaminating water supply, crop fields etc. etc.
Stas Bush wrote:As for your misguided idea that the US and USSR never went to war for other reasons than nuclear weapons... You see, the USA constantly breached Soviet airspace and had it's military planes shot down (by contrast, the USSR didn't breach U.S. airspace with it's recon planes). This is a reasonable casus belli for a conventional war; many times such provocations were the start of more serious provocations... (which didn't start, because nuclear weapons make it too great a cost to follow on a casus belli).
I see no evidence that either US or USSR would be willing to start WW3, even if it was conventional, over some spyplane overflights. Not to mention that the main point of these spy overflights was to examine nuclear launch and test sites in USSR and that without nukes they would not be as intensive and USSR on the other hand would not consider individual breaches of its territory as threatening to its existence.
USSR never breached US airspace that we know of. If it didn't that was because it didn't have the capability not because it didn't want to. It had plenty of conventional spies all over the West.
Stas Bush wrote:Yeah, but then, nuclear weapons can decrease the probability of conventional war by a factor of 1000 or 2000. We don't know. As for radioactivity, does it matter in a desert which is unusable anyway? Weapon radioactivity, unless it's groundbursts, decreases swiftly.
Moreover, why didn't you then evaluate a probable biological weapon programme of Iran, which would be far more unsafe (but which would likely be the case if you ruin their nuclear infrastructure)? Maybe you should.
Yes we don't know. You are pitting your optimistic assumptions (1000 or 2000) over a known fact that nuclear weapons are millions of times more powerful than conventional of equal size and relatively cheap. And yes it matters whether there is radioactivity. A few groundbursts over crop fields and they're unusable for a century. Not so with conventional shelling.
I certainly don't think that biological weapons are OK but they are a separate issue. There are many things that can kill you but you need to take care of them one at a time.
But if the forces of evil should rise again, to cast a shadow on the heart of the city.
Call me. -Batman