I'll just show some truly stupid ones.
Combine with GOP budget 'We don't have to pay for that', and it's an eternal limbo.Barton (TX) Would prevent this bill from taking effect until the Office of Management and Budget certifies that the federal budget deficit has been eliminated
'You're a legal, approved immigrant? Too bad. NONE FOR YOU! DIE IN THE STREETS!'Barton (TX), Johnson, Sam (TX) Would require that all individuals under Medicaid have to demonstrate their identity and citizenship.
Because paying for it and paying down the deficit is against the GOP charter, apparently. Oi. Were they ever for fiscal responsibility? I mean, since Teddy Roosevelt?Barton (TX) Would strike all taxes in the bill.
Improbable, given you can't reliably predict the economy 20 years ahead.Barton (TX)(Ed: Man, he's persistant) Would prevent the bill from taking effect until Medicare and Medicaid are solvent for the next 20 years.
See above.Upton (MI) Would prohibit the bill from taking effect until the Medicare Trustees publish projections that show that Medicare is solvent for the next 30 years.