Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by eion »

Darth Wong wrote:How old are you? If you're old enough to have been politically aware in the 1990s, you would know that Clinton faced nearly as much intensity of hatred as Obama does now. Moreover, you would know that public attitudes toward homosexuality were much harsher at the time. The 1990s came just after the 1980s, and in the 1980s, people were still so backward that they failed to pass the ERA, for fuck's sake. I mean come on, how difficult is it to say that men and women should have equal rights in the Constitution? You should not underestimate how far we've come as a society in the last 20 years. Hell, I still remember Sunday closing laws and school prayer when I was a kid.
Oh I'm a youngin’. I was 8 in '93 and in Germany so I received very little U.S. News or Pop-Culture. I still remember my Mom not letting me watch The Birdcage on the flight home in '96; while it was R it probably would merit a PG-13 if rated today.

Anyway, yes we have come an unbelievably long way. But that is why it should be so surprising that Clinton took the direct path back then, rather than a more indirect and behind-the-scenes method which Obama seems to be doing. It is far better to take 2 years to do something and accomplish it fully than 1 year and to do so ineffectually. If Clinton had called for a comprehensive, yearlong study of homosexuals in the military, similar to the Crittenden Report of 1957 and then used that evidence in his fight he might have had more success. As it was he simply directed the Secretary of Defense to prepare a draft policy, earning him the distrust and rancor of the Joint Chiefs and Congress.

Discharges under Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell

If American society was becoming more accepting, why did the discharge rates under DADT continue to rise? Yes, the military leadership is often much more conservative than society at large, but it is led by civilians for a reason. Clinton never took up the fight again after his lose, even after he declared the policy a "failure" after the Barry Winchell murder.

The drop after 2001 did not represent a massive liberalization of the Military, but simply a practical response to the need for service-members during Afghanistan & Gulf War II. So the Defense Dept. seems to have no problem with GLB service-members dying during wartime, but only with them serving during peacetime.

There's also an argument to be made that had Clinton accomplished something sweeping it would have given him momentum for the 1994 elections. He was forced to compromise on gay service in the military and lost on Health Care. America, above all political ideologies, loves a winner. Just look at the bump in the approval of Health Care reform following its passage.

Maybe I am too young to understand exactly how much America has changed, but the fact that gay soldiers are chaining themselves to the White House fence and that we’re still (as in right now, today) discharging able-bodied, willing and competent service-members during a time of war says to me that there hasn’t been a fundamental change in those 20 years.
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by Darth Wong »

If you were older, you would know why gay soldiers didn't chain themselves to fences at the White House 20 years ago. They would have feared for their lives, and with good reason. At the time, gays were working just to get society to tolerate their existence, never mind granting them full equality.

What we're seeing today is the result of gay expectations sharply increasing compared to what they once were. Sort of like how blacks in the 1960s fought angrily for equality, whereas blacks in the 1860s were overjoyed just to be considered human beings rather than property.
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by eion »

Darth Wong wrote:If you were older, you would know why gay soldiers didn't chain themselves to fences at the White House 20 years ago. They would have feared for their lives, and with good reason. At the time, gays were working just to get society to tolerate their existence, never mind granting them full equality.

What we're seeing today is the result of gay expectations sharply increasing compared to what they once were. Sort of like how blacks in the 1960s fought angrily for equality, whereas blacks in the 1860s were overjoyed just to be considered human beings rather than property.
Fair enough, though I still recoil every time someone tells me I'd understand if I were older. Progress never progresses as fast as the young want it to I suppose.
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by Broomstick »

eion wrote:
What we're seeing today is the result of gay expectations sharply increasing compared to what they once were. Sort of like how blacks in the 1960s fought angrily for equality, whereas blacks in the 1860s were overjoyed just to be considered human beings rather than property.
Fair enough, though I still recoil every time someone tells me I'd understand if I were older. Progress never progresses as fast as the young want it to I suppose.
Yeah, I used to do the recoil thing, too, when I was your age (I supposed you didn't want to hear that, either :P ) But with time you'll come to appreciate how understanding really does change with age (note I said "change", not "gets better" - I'm not sure it's better in all cases, just different).

I go to my dad when I want to know what things were like before I was around. I wish now I'd talked more with my grandparents while they were still alive. They remembered a world before electric lights, telephones (as a common thing), automobiles, airplanes... also before two world wars, nazis, communists, and other Very Bad Things.

That said - no, people under 25 years old today do not truly understand, on a gut level, how homosexuals used to be regarded. The fact they do not is, in truth, a victory. Meanwhile, us old farts have to deal with the fact that you young'uns grew up in a different world than we did. You can read about it in the history books (or historical websites - I guess that's what the younger generation does these days, isn't it?) but you didn't live it, you don't feel it the same way as those who lived through those times did.

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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by Edi »

Broomstick wrote:That said - no, people under 25 years old today do not truly understand, on a gut level, how homosexuals used to be regarded. The fact they do not is, in truth, a victory. Meanwhile, us old farts have to deal with the fact that you young'uns grew up in a different world than we did.
This is actually more than half the problem with getting things to progress, because most politicians fall into the prejudiced old fart category and things aren't going to get substantially better before the politician demographic experiences a shift towards us young ones (young and young, fuck I'm working towards 35 right now...) and the only reliable remedy for that is time.
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by eion »

Broomstick wrote: <Snip>
Sorry, What did you say, all I heard was this. :wink:
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by Broomstick »

Edi wrote:This is actually more than half the problem with getting things to progress, because most politicians fall into the prejudiced old fart category and things aren't going to get substantially better before the politician demographic experiences a shift towards us young ones (young and young, fuck I'm working towards 35 right now...) and the only reliable remedy for that is time.
Some of us old folks learn to adjust and change our ideas over time - like my father, who grew up in an era where real men didn't permit their wives to work and homosexuals were to be despised and spat upon, yet by middle age he was trying to keep his wife healthy enough so she would be able to continue working, even though we didn't, strictly speaking, need the income and he came to accept his lesbian daughter and speak up for gay rights. He expects his granddaughter to have a career every bit as valuable as her brother's and male cousins.

Me, I am old enough that the modern world imposes the occasional culture shock on me. I don't live in the world I grew up in, that world is gone forever, there is no way to go back. I'm trying to be one of the adaptable ones, despite the temptation to retreat into the old and familiar. I know I can't stop time and I don't want to be left behind. Then again, this new world can let me hang onto my past in a way that wasn't possible when I was young. Embrace the positive and keep working on minimizing the negative, I guess.

Just as there is a minimum age for politicians perhaps there should be a maximum age as well - too old and it's too easy to try to make decisions based on how the world used to be or, worse yet, how it is remembered (which is invariably different than the actuality, for better or worse). Policy makers should strike a balance between too young to have real world experience and too old to be relevant or in touch with reality.

But, back to the topic at hand - DADT was the best Clinton could do, and there are still people who have not, and never will, forgive him for it (on both sides of the issues). Frankly, in 1993 I was shocked he got even as much as that. I don't see any way he could have gotten more, or a better deal for the serving homosexuals. It's only because the military didn't collapse into a smoking heap that there is now enough acceptance to make further progress.
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by [R_H] »

eion wrote: Discharges under Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell

The drop after 2001 did not represent a massive liberalization of the Military, but simply a practical response to the need for service-members during Afghanistan & Gulf War II. So the Defense Dept. seems to have no problem with GLB service-members dying during wartime, but only with them serving during peacetime.
2002 - 906
2003 - 787
2004 - 668
2005 - 742
2006 - 623
2007 - 627
2008 - 619
2009 - 428

A total of 13'389 since 1994, most of them (naturally) from the Navy, Air Force and Army. Perhaps the drop in discharges also indicates that it's no longer as much of an issue for some officers to allow GLB service members to continue to serve.
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by eion »

[R_H] wrote:
A total of 13'389 since 1994, most of them (naturally) from the Navy, Air Force and Army. Perhaps the drop in discharges also indicates that it's no longer as much of an issue for some officers to allow GLB service members to continue to serve.
And it just happens to coincide with the most massive war in decades? Doubtless there was an increase in acceptance as younger service-members rose in the ranks, but it was overshot by the need to retain troops in the face of recruitment shortages.
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by [R_H] »

eion wrote:
[R_H] wrote:
A total of 13'389 since 1994, most of them (naturally) from the Navy, Air Force and Army. Perhaps the drop in discharges also indicates that it's no longer as much of an issue for some officers to allow GLB service members to continue to serve.
And it just happens to coincide with the most massive war in decades? Doubtless there was an increase in acceptance as younger service-members rose in the ranks, but it was overshot by the need to retain troops in the face of recruitment shortages.
What indicates to you in that quote that I some how disagreed with Afghanistan and Iraq having an effect on discharges? Note the "ALSO".
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by eion »

the part where I mssed the also. Sorry
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Re: Pentagon changes rules for discharging gays

Post by [R_H] »

eion wrote:the part where I mssed the also. Sorry
No problem.
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