I was actually thinking about this from the beginning of the thread. If Muslims were smashing party office windows, calling in death threats to representatives, targeting representatives' children, issuing maps with bomb icons indicating who they wanted out of office, and cutting gas lines...to be honest, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Muslims would be rounded up like the Japanese were seventy years ago, and the Republicans would be leading the charge. Talk about double standards!weemadando wrote:Imagine if a muslim had cut the gas line on a member of parliaments house. Do you honestly believe that there wouldn't already have been a fucking Code Red, nationwide manhunt and an offshore trip on a private jet to somewhere with less laws on the cards?
Also, that cross hairs map thing released by SarahPac targets my parents' representative, from where I lived until I was 18. Interesting.
And also, as an example of how these people think, when I was young and my dad was driving us somewhere and we would pass the armory, he would always point it out and say "when the government tries to crack down and take over the country as a dictatorship, that's where we'll go. We'll take it over first, and use its guns and ammunition to defend ourselves, just like the patriots in the Revolutionary War." I had that drilled into my head. In fact, my brain's default is to consider the government evil and dictatorial and about to "take over." I have to use manual override all the time...
Anyway, this is depressing. Is there somewhere I can move that's less depressing? I'm tired of being in a country with loons like this. Of course, I suppose there are at least some loons everywhere...