None of the commissioned naval officers have extensive infantry training in B5, but like most Military Academy trained commissioned officers in real life, they do have some training in handling personal weapons and basic infantry tactics. There's nothing really extraordinary in that. They all also seem to have Starfury training, which may be a bit of a stretch, but Starfuries have extensive computer assist, so they are not quite as difficult to fly as modern fighter jets.Batman wrote: Not that other series are any better of course. Nevermind Pensacola, is there ANY military B5 main character who ISN'T qualified to do infantry work, close combat, fighter combat, infiltration/guerrilla work AND command a starship?
The infantry specialist in B5 is Garibaldi, who has actual infantry combat experience from the Minbari War and whatever training senior NCOs get in B5-verse. He is NOT qualified to command a starship and rarely does so (actually I can't remember if he ever does). He is qualified to fly a Starfury, which is presumably something he learned to do after taking the position as the security chief of B5. However, we do not see Garibaldi pulling any really heroic fighter jock stuff, so there is no reason to assume that he is very good at it.
As for infitration/guerrilla work; most of that is done by Marcus, who has very extensive Ranger training just for that. Some is also done by G'Kar, who used to be an actual guerrilla in his youth, and Garibaldi, who also has many of the qualities needed for such work.