Bayonet wrote:I think this could easily be the fate of many former "great leaders." Many people would consider them dangerous. Their second lives could well be exciting and short.
Well, they fall into four groups:
1) People who will be so unhinged by going to Hell that they are completely unable to function; they're just not the men they used to be. This is more or less what happened to Peter the Great in Don't Wake Me When I'm Quiet.
2) People who managed to effect an escape, or at least got so damn
annoying that they actually pissed a demon off into ripping their head off and eating it. So they were dead before the HEA even got there. Alexander the Great might have done this in remote antiquity; a modern candidate would be Winston Churchill.
3) People who are, by and large, remembered as heroes and who retain enough command of their faculties to accomplish
something, if not anything all that impressive. People who won't be seen as too much of a threat to leave alive. Robert E. Lee wasn't a national leader, but he falls into this group.
4) People who are
not remembered fondly, or have a mixed memory, and whose track record on Earth is such that one might reasonably worry about their intentions. Mao is probably one of the best candidates: officially, China would be thrilled to see him rescued, but unofficially, their government isn't going to want him running around and making trouble.
People in group (4) may be used as rallying points by "their" first life countries, may be killed off, or may be set up in palaces. It depends on national style as much as anything else.