Shroom Man 777 wrote:Man, is that the best they can do? Point out to some nobody in the Democrat party who likes Mao? Is that the crowning victory of American conservatism?
Mao is a communist, end of story.
Man, compared that to all the closet homosexual homophobes in the Conservatives' side,
Can't prove it, can you. Even if you can, it's obviously sheeps in wolfs clothing who are using the fine Republican base to inherit the power of the common folk.
not to mention all the torture-supporting fucks up to and including Dick Cheney,
To preserve America, we must do everything in our power to do so. Besides they aren't really people, they are terrorists.
compared to how it was their fucked-up administration that lied to the world and sent America to a war of deceit based on non-existent WMDs,
Just because they weren't there when we gave them freedom doesn't mean they were never there. So how did we lie to anyone?
plus all sorts of Reagan-era dickeries, it really shows just how feeble these little people are.
Reagan brought us the time of greatest prosperity. And you're too young to understand.
There ya go, stock answers and whatever you contest is reduced again and again to this. May as well talk to a fish for more enlightening talks.
Really, Shroom all of this is said a thousand times and more and never inflicts anything. Eating lunch with Congress' power base you get the feeling that they are no different then cultists when they reach that level. There is also an underline of pure selfish nature in general with almost all of them, especially in regards to anything beyond their doorstep. Finally most are apathetic about the situation and just drudge through looking at the other side and saying "Not any better really.".