Clash of the titans [spoilers]

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Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by mr friendly guy »

Ok so I saw it in 3D. Dimly remembering the old one so I have a comparison to, and I have to say they change a few things around to give me the impression that this was not just version II with updated special effects.

So what was different? Well they butchered Greek myth, at least from what I remembered. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily, although I felt that the fact the film didn't focus in enough on some of these changes / plot points hurt it. Note that not all of these changes needed to be zoomed in on, but since the plot centred around Perseus trying to get revenge on Hades (ultimately all he was doing was so he could be in a position to kill Hades) and to beat the guy in one scene which happened so quick left a bad taste in my mouth. Now scholars of Greek myth would be already going hang on a minute, Perseus wants to kill Hades? No, that was what happened.

So which parts of Greek myth was changed and how else does it differ from the original?

In no particular order

1. Well the Kraken was created to defeat the Titans, which it did. Now Obviously this was to make the Kraken like a "big bad" to use Joss Whedon terminology. Not only can it destroy cities, why its more powerful than the Titans. Thats why it can be defeated by Medusa's stare. I felt that wanking it was unnecessary and it could have still served its plot point just by being a big monster.

2. Gods rely on human emotions to sustain them. In fact humans were created by Zeus instead of Prometheus. I didn't mind this aspect as it served an important plot point. Zeus relied on humans love and adulation, while Hades could get by on their fear. This brings us to difference three.

3. Hades used this opportunity to try and ursurp power from Zeus. It would have been better if there was a fight scene between the two which didn't last for, say, 2 seconds followed by Hade's gloating.

4. Zeus slept with Perseus's mommy. In the Greek myth Perseus's mum (whose name eludes me) was imprisoned, but Zeus transformed himself into a ball of light and slept with her. In this one, humans besiege Olympus (yes thats right, its a recurring theme in the movie that humans had enough of the gods), so rather than destroy the invading army he takes the form of their leader and sleeps with his wife. Human king goes mad and presumably his army stops the siege. Sneaky, I actually liked that part.

5. Perseus adopted family is killed by Hades as collateral damage, sparking his need to avenge himself.

6. The mechanical owl only made a brief homage appearance. Thank goodness for that.

7. Djinn suicide bomber. What you ask? The Djinn don't originate from Greek myth, they appeared in various middle eastern cultures.In fact the Djinn here dress like a stereotype Arab. Now you might say, but they live in a desert, of course they would adopt similar clothing. Except they aren't human any more, they are immune to Medusa's stare and human body parts have been replaced by something else. So its not like they are going to get skin cancer.

But Djinn suicide bombers are cool, ok. :lol:

8. Giant scorpions.

9. Io played by Gemma Atherton, who served as the advisor role. She did a decent enough job so I can't complain.

10. Perseus doesn't get Andromeda. Actually given how things played out before hand it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Other random thoughts

1. Perseus we foretold your arrival to end the gods reign. Except he didn't and the prophecy cliche in fantasy gets tired fast.

2. Oh BTW, you are a demigod. Perseus "reveal" moment when he is revealed to be the son of a god seemed rushed. Seriously after wiping the floor with humans for being rude to the gods, Hades just mentions it as he leaves.

3. Perseus you are our only hope.

What do you do when you are a king of the Gods and your brother Hades has tricked you, and he is now more powerful than you. Why you hope that your half human offspring would be able to save you. Hey wait a minute, what about all the other gods? Sure you sent them away, but how soon until they realise something is up? What about these guys?

Danny Huston as Poseidon
Tamer Hassan as Ares
Izabella Miko as Athena
Luke Treadway as Apollo
Nathalie Cox as Artemis
Nina Young as Hera
Agyness Deyn as Aphrodite
Paul Kynman as Hephaestus
Alexander Siddig as Hermes
Charlotte Comer as Demeter
Jane March as Hestia

Fuck you had a Starfleet officer who is also Hannibal Barca to help you out, not to mention that you were Qui-Gon Jinn a life time ago. :lol: :mrgreen: :P (multiple smilies in case someone misses the sarcasm). Surely you can do better than relying on the untested Perseus.

4. Sam Worthington's acting. I liked him in Avatar, but this time round he just seems like Jake Sully but in sandals. Being sort of wooden worked for Jake Sully until he had to give his "this is our land speech." However it doesn't work for Perseus. I just didn't find Perseus as played by Worthington a character I could give a shit about, unlike when he was played by Mark Hamlin in the original.

I am sure I would have more thoughts, but its getting late. Overall I give it an average rating.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Oni Koneko Damien »

My question is, as it has been since I found out about this movie: Is the CG Monster-battle-porn good enough to justify going? Because that's pretty much the only reason I'd go see this movie.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ford Prefect »

The trailer was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, and while it's only a trailer it totally coloured my impressions of it as Clash of the Titans + 300. I actually enjoyed 300 due to shameless homoeroticism it being endearingly ludicrous, so I guess all I need to know is a) is the action at least well-crafted and b) is it endearingly ridiculous enough to justify going to see it? For example, is the entire sountrack made up of silly cock-rock widdly widdly guitar wankery?
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by mr friendly guy »

Well the monster battle scenes with the scorpions was pretty nice, but otherwise I wouldn't call it that great. I thought the action scenes in Avatar was better. So I wouldn't have gone just for the battle scenes. I went to see it because I was a fan of the original and I wanted to see what an updated version looked like. To be honest, if I knew what I know now I would have tried to watch it on dvd or ahem online (for a small fee, since copyright violation is bad mmkay) rather than at the cinema.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Darth Nostril »

Okay so I'll wait til my brother buys it on dvd then borrow it from him, chuck in 300 & super special edition of Gladiator for a brainless sword and sandals popcorn flick entertainment weekend.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Meest »

Why does it seem movie characters these days are allergic to using wit or their brains, there's no need to dumb down a story like this and turn it into generic action. Every action movie seems to fall into this popcorn movie crap, why can't there be good fights and visuals and story?
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ford Prefect »

I went and saw it last night. It was dumb, but not as absolutely terrible as I was expecting. The trailers wasn't even remotely representative of the tone, which was nice. Boy, Zeus was shiny, though. :) I liked the throw-backs to the original film, but I think I was the only person who laughed at RELEASE THE KRAKEN.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ford Prefect »

And this just occured to me, but Medusa was pretty cute for a hideous half-human snake beast. :)
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by The Cooler King »

Ford Prefect wrote:I went and saw it last night. It was dumb, but not as absolutely terrible as I was expecting. The trailers wasn't even remotely representative of the tone, which was nice. Boy, Zeus was shiny, though. :) I liked the throw-backs to the original film, but I think I was the only person who laughed at RELEASE THE KRAKEN.

You weren't the only one laughing...

I thought the movie was fun. It had some cool visuals, nice callbacks to the original (LOVED the cameo of Bubo!), and Zeus was at least somewhat closer to the bastard of mythology (even if his armor was nice and shiny golden!) Was it over the top? Hell yes, and it was that much more fun because of it.

I have to say, though, don't bother seeing it in 3D. The 3D was HORRIBLE. Very little 3D, and what was there was weak and uninspired.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Gandalf »

My lady and I saw this film a few days ago.

We were just really bored. With so many gods and monsters, how could it be so dull? Also the climax was... bleh.

Thank gods for Liam Neeson.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ghost Rider »

Liam Neeson was really the only shining aspect of the movie for me and my friends.

The plot read like a bad RPG. First we need a reason for the hero to EMOHATE the gods (Hades playing Voldemort). Then we have him see a way to get to Hades via LOVE INTEREST. So he goes on the start with a bunch of fodder, and we get to SPECIAL WEAPON AND HORSE dropped into his lap, but his EMOHATE tells him to fuck this...because he must do this as a MAN!!! Yeah, a man who apparently has the sword skills of a trained soldier having never picked up a sword before. So after a CGI battle with Calibos and some scorpions presenting itself as a bad miniboss fight we get new They meet up with 300's reject hags, and they give an deadly prophecy. And then Zeus comes down, and gives him a coin to pay the ferry man to get to Boss Lair #1. While on the way to Boss Lair #1 we have Perseus and love interest foreplay. Then...we have Medusa battle. Not too bad, but went by the book in how people got whacked. Perseus still won't used the damn EMOHATE GOD WEAPONS until love interest gets hurt. Then he whacks Kalibos who has some silly final words.

Oh...back to a side plot. You see...nevermind. Let's not and go to the CGI spectacle that is the Kracken. Who roars, dies, and Perseus does a 200 hit combo on Hades to win the day. Only he doesn't want the princess but wishes to be on a lonely island with his manly horse. Zeus goes "No son of mine is going to be fucking only a horse" and cast Life on said love interest to end the tale.

And yes, do not see this in 3-D. I protested to the fucking thing and lo...I was right. Avatar was enjoyable for 3-D, this was $5 assrape without a reacharound.

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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ford Prefect »

Ghost Rider wrote:Liam Neeson was really the only shining aspect of the movie for me and my friends.
You prick. :lol:
Ghost Rider wrote:Let's not and go to the CGI spectacle that is the Kracken. Who roars, dies, and Perseus does a 200 hit combo on Hades to win the day.
This was seriously rushed. I actually liked how the Kraken looked, and while I couldn't really expect Jakesoolly to suddenly bust out the Kratos-style monster climbing, the Kraken goes down like a bitch. Not as big a bitch as Hades, though that should be expected because this was like the lamest Hades ever.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Well, I liked it So there.

Yes, it wasn't really exactly super-inspired nor was it as ridiculously over the top God of War stuff, but I think making it too OTT would've also had the consequence of making it stupid. It was pretty simple and straight forward, but hey I wanted to watch Jake Sully kill the fuck out of monsters and mazes and dungeons and dinobonoids, and that's pretty much what I got.

Yeah, the story was pretty simple and could've used some more tweaking. One thing that got me was how they really didn't go all the way in that anti-gods stuff, since while the people are all railing about overthrowing the tyranny of the gods and Io and Jake Sully both go on about how they must make a stand and stuff, the movie still ends with Jake Sully being best buddies with Zeus. Which was kind of odd.

It could've been better. But as is, it wasn't overwhelming nor was it underwhelming. I was... whelmed by the movie. Overall, a pretty nice distraction. :)
Ford Prefect wrote:And this just occured to me, but Medusa was pretty cute for a hideous half-human snake beast. :)
Yeah. I felt kinda sad when they cut off her head. Poor girl. :(
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ford Prefect »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Yeah. I felt kinda sad when they cut off her head. Poor girl. :(
The look on her face when the djinn shrugged off her petrification beam was adorable, no joke. :) Also, did anyone else think Draco was played by the Rock? I was totally convinced of this, but it turns out he was played by Le Chiffre from Casino Royale, which blew my mind.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

I liked the film. It was the same kind of ridiculous fun as Commando. I cracked up in every single fight scene. I also found it funny that the movie threw out the R2D2 stand-in owl and immediately replaced him with the Chewbacca stand-in djinn.

Medusa's deathsplosion would definitely gain Philip J. Fry's approval. "It has a vampire and an explosion!"
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ghost Rider »

Ford Prefect wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:Let's not and go to the CGI spectacle that is the Kracken. Who roars, dies, and Perseus does a 200 hit combo on Hades to win the day.
This was seriously rushed. I actually liked how the Kraken looked, and while I couldn't really expect Jakesoolly to suddenly bust out the Kratos-style monster climbing, the Kraken goes down like a bitch. Not as big a bitch as Hades, though that should be expected because this was like the lamest Hades ever.
I wasn't expecting that either, but I wanted the Kraken to be more and the battle could have been him flying and needing to do something. Hell most of the Kraken battle was Jake Sully running after flying monkeys. The way they go on about how it is the destroyer of all things, should've made it's entry far more devastating. Instead we got a bad Godzilla intro.

And Hades went down fast enough that I wondered where his so called power went into.

The one thing that would've done better for the film is that the hero had to be less EMOHATE. This is something that the first film did better in that regard, and the remake just shoved into us. Make Jake all heroic and crap and have him get the other woman, all good. Just don't have the silly Batman upgraded origin.

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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Bedlam »

I just saw it and wasn't impressed. As previously mentioned the 3D was very weak. I guess you generally got the jist of all the Greek gods being bastards, was the Madusa backstory given in the film the actual mythology or did they change it? It seems to fit into how the Greek gods were generally showns.

What was with the Ending though?

Zeus: Well Son I unleased a monster which killed a few thousand people today, but hey I helped you kill it, sort of, you looked awsome doing that, want to be a god?
Percius: Well I guess your not such a bad dad after all, but I kind of like being a Mortal.
Zeus: Ok, well I'll resurect your girl friend now, call me when I'm a granddad so I can ignore my grandchildren for most of their lives as well.
Percius: Cool, thanks dad.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Gil Hamilton »

I wasn't that impressed by it. It did have some good aspects though:

(1) Well, aside from Hades, the Greek Gods came off as the Greek Gods. Not good, not evil, but passionate and petty and with great power. Liam Neeson did a good job as Zeus and that character was well written. The backstory for Medusa was off from Ovid's version of Medusa (Posideon didn't rape Medusa and Athena was pissed because they were having sex in her temple, she who is a virgin Goddess), but its absolutely something that would have fit into Greek mythology.

(2) The CGI monster porn was good. I liked the Scorpions, Medusa, and the Kraken.

The Bad:

(1) Perseus' behavior isn't particularly consistant. He starts off with a "Damn The Gods! I'm going to do it as a man!" shtick... which is why he uses his dad's lightsaber, his dad's winged horse, an assist from dad and ends up with the chick that his dad banged and made immortal (though this time, she wasn't a cow). Way to do it as a man, Perseus.

(2) The dialogue was terrible. You know how there is always dialogue that exists to go in the trailer that stands out? Well, virtually every line from Perseus was like that.

(3) Hades was kind of lame and the Kraken, for all its set up, was really anti-climatic a confrontation. "Rwar, I'm a Kraken! NO I'm stoned!"

The Ugly:

(1) Really, you crib a monster from Muslim mythology and you make him a suicide bomber? Really?
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ford Prefect »

Bedlam wrote:I guess you generally got the jist of all the Greek gods being bastards, was the Madusa backstory given in the film the actual mythology or did they change it?
Gil Hamilton wrote:The backstory for Medusa was off from Ovid's version of Medusa (Posideon didn't rape Medusa and Athena was pissed because they were having sex in her temple, she who is a virgin Goddess), but its absolutely something that would have fit into Greek mythology.
Ovid reckons that Medusa consented, and that she was a priestess of Athena, but the film didn't invent 'Medusa got raped'. It's an idea that has been floating around for years, though I'm not entirely certain of it's origin.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by CDiehl »

Perseus' behavior isn't particularly consistant. He starts off with a "Damn The Gods! I'm going to do it as a man!" shtick... which is why he uses his dad's lightsaber, his dad's winged horse, an assist from dad and ends up with the chick that his dad banged and made immortal (though this time, she wasn't a cow). Way to do it as a man, Perseus.
I agree. They spent half the movie setting up this idea of Perseus hating the gods and wanting to complete his quest without their help. Then, they noticed that the movie was almost over and decided to piss away their one little idea.

On a side note, am I the only one who thought Pegasus would turn out to be a ringer sent in by Hades? He's a big, black winged horse who scares the other winged horses. His conveniently showing up after Calibos was killed looked like he was there either to kill Perseus during the flight back to Argos or to delay him until the Kraken had done its business.
Really, you crib a monster from Muslim mythology and you make him a suicide bomber? Really?
I hadn't noticed that connection. However, it was one of the most pointless parts of the movie, for two reasons.

1. The Djinn blew himself up, and Medusa didn't even lose bowel control.

2. The Djinn had no identifiable character development, seeming more like a walking plot device. That and his failure to accomplish anything kills any nobility in his sacrifice.

Speaking of pissing away a heroic sacrifice, Draco's death was a total waste. I thought he had intentionally put himself in Medusa's path to distract her so Perseus could behead her while her back was turned. Instead, Perseus stands there like a dope while his comrade-in-arms turns to stone. I wanted to shout "Do something, Dumbass! She's distracted!"
Medusa's deathsplosion would definitely gain Philip J. Fry's approval. "It has a vampire and an explosion!"
The same could be said of Io.
Clash of the Titans + 300.
This is more like Clash of the Titans + 300's wimpy cousin. It would have been great if they'd made this a little more God of War-like. Seriously, I would have loved to see the harpies get knocked to the ground and get their wings torn off, and Perseus twist Medusa's head off.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Ford Prefect »

CDiehl wrote:Speaking of pissing away a heroic sacrifice, Draco's death was a total waste. I thought he had intentionally put himself in Medusa's path to distract her so Perseus could behead her while her back was turned. Instead, Perseus stands there like a dope while his comrade-in-arms turns to stone. I wanted to shout "Do something, Dumbass! She's distracted!"
I was actually pretty sure he had pinned her to the ground with the big chunk of rock ... but then she fell off.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Knife »

It was ok, I rather liked the original even with crappy sfx. The effects in this one was hit and miss, I thought Medusa was horribly done and worthy of Hercules TV show, but the scorpions were neat. Plot wise, it was ok, too much angst about being against the gods with no pay off though.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Gil Hamilton »

Knife wrote:It was ok, I rather liked the original even with crappy sfx. The effects in this one was hit and miss, I thought Medusa was horribly done and worthy of Hercules TV show, but the scorpions were neat. Plot wise, it was ok, too much angst about being against the gods with no pay off though.
I think what was jarring about Medusa was that virtually all the other "human" creatures in the movie were done using make up and prosthetics. Calibos, the witches, and the Djinn were all extremely good appliance jobs. So when the Medusa shows up as an entirely CGI critter, the minor details when you look at a CGI image that are off become alot more glaring. The Harpies kind of looked weird to me for the same reason, but they were moving so fast its easy to overlook.
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Knife »

That could be true. I appreciate what they tried to do, what with her having some semblance or hint of beauty left to her in a horrible form; but it just didn't look real.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Darth Wong
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Re: Clash of the titans [spoilers]

Post by Darth Wong »

I saw the film on Friday. I thought it was OK and my sons enjoyed it. It had numerous flaws of course, but what perplexes me is the people who thought that the original film did not share these flaws. As far as I was concerned, the film provided exactly what I was expecting: a remake of the original, with all the flaws of the original except for the outdated special effects.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness

"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
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