This is the thing that made me do a mental retrospective of the numerous space battles etc in the Stargate franchise and see if there was anything worthwhile there, since I found this space battle to be just so damnably poor.* Lame space battle. Sorry, but Stargate has never been able to pull off spectacular space battles. Anyone who ever lists a Stargate space battle as their favorite is obviously on drugs, because they've always been pretty terrible. They show no artistry in direction or visual noise whatsoever.
They're always the same: unacceptably static, visually boring, with terrible sound effects (worst sound effect ever: Wraith weapons fire) and uninteresting special effects. This was no different. Destiny's main weapon firing was the most anticlimactic thing ever. Everyone knows how to make at least a decent space battle except the people who do Stargate.
Just sucks balls. Move the fucking camera around. Add some visual flavor. Do some interesting things, for fuck's sake. It's CGI, you can do whatever you want.
I couldn't think of a single one. In fact, I'm going to define the most often seen traits of the general shittyness of Stargate space battles, in no particular order.
1: No originality / imagination / artistry etc with the camera. Every space battle is terribly static, with the participant ships mostly just sitting there or moving very little, exchanging fire, with very pedestrian camera shots that don't engage the viewer. Star Wars mastered the art of making an exciting space battle back when they didn't even have CGI and their capital ships were just background scenery models. Its all about movement. Do something - either with the camera or the ships. Battlestar Galactica manages more dynamism and visual delight out of its enormous, lumbering warships than Stargate does.
2: Awful sound effects. In terms of space battles, Stargate has some of the worst sound effects in science fiction history. Weapons sound effects are supposed to be iconic, evoking the power and nature of the weapon firing. Whether its the booming echo of a turbolaser, the high-pitched buzzsaw whine of a phaser, the pulse of a photon torpedo, or the heavy clunk of nBSG's cannons, you appreciate and connect with the sound effects.
Whoever designs the sound effects for Stargate has no understanding of this whatsoever. Wraith DEWs have to be the worst sounding weapons in science fiction history. Listen to this shit:-
Goa'uld motherships aren't far behind.
Now in SGU, once again the ears are assaulted by terrible sound effects. The Destiny's main gun drops down - fires - and we're treated to the same tinny, synthetic, fake, weak as piss type of sound effect that infests Stargate like a bad rash.
3. Poorly executed visual effects. I have no particular problem with the utter lack of imagination that is evidence in what Stargate's weapons fire looks like - its hard to make an original energy weapon - however, they obviously have no conception of how to make the visual effects of combat evoke a visceral reaction from the viewer.
First of all - an example of proper effects:- Link - watch from 1:07. When a shell or missile impacts a ship in nBSG, you as the viewer can feel it. Basestars disintergrate as shells rip into them, exploding in a very "real" fashion. It looks like you'd imagine it would look.
By contrast, Stargate weapon impacts look and feel fake. No consequences are ever particularly evident on the ship under fire. There's a shitty sound effect, the "poof" of the weapon against the ship, and we move on. There's never a feeling of real damage or cost. Oh, but wait - there is - but it sucks:-
4. Sparks flying everywhere on the bridge. Holy shit the sparks. In every space battle, virtually the moment combat starts, ridiculously voluminous showers of spark fly out of every nook and cranny remotely near a main character, for no discernible reason. This is a very cheap way to make the viewer feel like danger is happening. How did nBSG handle it? The very, very rare spark, maybe some shattered glass and most of the time slight rumbling.
5. Poor music. This is self-explanatory. Compared to the proper full orchestra of Star Wars or nBSG's wardrums, Stargate's music is a complete non-entity.