You're running an occupation of a populated place where lots of people will be carrying stuff that can be mistaken as weapons. While I have already acknowledged that mistaking these guys for RPG-totting insurgents is a mistake that can be made, you have to acknowledge that "Muj" with rockets aren't the only ones who're crawling around Iraqistan. Your troopers are going to have to be likewise paranoid and/or aware that there'll be craploads of non-combatants who can easily be mistaken for combatants.Coyote wrote:Things "clearly look like NOT weapons" when you are in a comfortable, secure armchair-quarterback mode at your innernet connection. Things are not so clear when you're in a zone where there are supposed to be people packing weapons, you are expecting just exactly that, and you have to look at them while also keep an eye out for all the places around where a Muj with a rocket could try to take a potshot at you while you're concentrating. In the back of your mind is the notion that maybe the whole event is something for you to look at while a guy draws a bead on you.
Sitting in front of your monitor, Cheetos-orange fingertips flying across the keyboard, with only this to worry about, takes a lot of pressure off.
But again, nothing is being excused. True, ambulances were suspected of being used as troop and weapons transports in both Palestine and Lebanon recently, but better ROE and EOF discipline should be drilled into everyone's heads over there since this sort of carelessness makes everyone else's jobs harder... and only gives propaganda to the enemy.
It's not about "only giving propaganda to the enemy", it's about avoiding getting journos, bysanders, Good Samaritans coming to help in vans, and goddamn fucking little children, from getting ripped to pieces by gunship fire and ending up having troops in Bradley hauling them to hospitals or whatever where they'll end up dying miserably anyway.
This ISN'T a conventional war, this is an occupation of a country and a half-assed attempt at nation-building and winning "hearts and minds". So, yeah.
Are they allowed to shoot at people, undesignated and without uniforms, coming in to give aid to injured people? Are they allowed to do this in places that aren't formally-declared warzones or whatever, but are occupied cities populated by civilians living their lives and doing ordinary things? If I found some guy bleeding on a street, and I went to help him not knowing that he's bleeding because the Americans shot him, would I end up getting my face shot off by some American gunship armed with SLAMRAAM-ER-LAWMANPADOICWFCSMRAPs?You are not, however, allowed to shoot at a pilot who has bailed out of his damaged airplane, because he is not coming to attack you, but trying to perform self-evacuation from a personal danger (the burning, plummeting, now-useless aircraft).
Hey Shep what if the place is also crawling with civilians since the place is NOT a conventional battlefield but is actually an occupied city with people actually living in it, and then we have civilian people coming in to help some guy who's bleeding and dying?MKSheppard wrote:There's a reason you know, why military ambulances have camouflage defeating markings all over them; consisting of white squares with red crosses in them at just about every angle possible.