Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Admiral Valdemar »

I could see it as being 2012, but then wasn't "Fear Her" during the 2012 Olympics? If that's the case, then we're closer to 2020 now.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Bedlam »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:I could see it as being 2012, but then wasn't "Fear Her" during the 2012 Olympics? If that's the case, then we're closer to 2020 now.
Well the series has had a sort or present time zone with the companions being collected from the present or possibly near future (+1 year, after the first series when Rose was bought back a year late). Everything else was measured against that so Fear her was a trip into the future from ther series point of view although it will eventually meet up with it, perhaps we could have an episode in a few series set at the same time with the current doctor avoiding meeting Tennant's Doctor while dealing with another problem at the same time and place.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Captain Seafort »

Based on the end of the Christmas/New Year special on New Year's Day 2005 (the Doctor saying goodbye to Rose), I assume that that was when the first segment was set. The main part of the episode should therefore occur during 2017, and the final scene in 2019.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Bounty »

Captain Seafort wrote:Based on the end of the Christmas/New Year special on New Year's Day 2005 (the Doctor saying goodbye to Rose), I assume that that was when the first segment was set. The main part of the episode should therefore occur during 2017, and the final scene in 2019.
That assumes the Tardis made no more random time jumps between the end of the last special and it crash-landing in Pond's garden. 2017/2019 seems like an awful big jump for a 'present-day' series.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Gramzamber »

Isn't a future episode set in 2015? We might have a solid reference for Amy's time there.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Atlan »

Who was the mindless jackass that voted "1" for this? It was one of the best eps of late, if this didn't deserve at least a 3 or 4 I don't know what Dr. Who ep. would!
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Captain Seafort »

Atlan wrote:It was one of the best eps of late, if this didn't deserve at least a 3 or 4 I don't know what Dr. Who ep. would!
If this was a 1 then Blink and Utopia would be a 3/marginal 4.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by eion »

4 if only because it took me a while to warm up to Matt Smith. I am such a big Tennant fan that I was very iffy about this fresh-faced guy coming in, and his first 10 seconds during the last episode didn't really thrill me, but after a few of his jokes I was totally on board.

As to when the main section of the episode took place there are a few clues:

1) The Doctor appears to be using an iPhone/other multi-touch smartphone
2) That Laptop had a huge webcam on top, whereas most "present day" laptops have them built in. But maybe that was just to make the webcam obvious.

My guess is the last sequence is set in 2010, and the middle section is set in 2008.

Were there any clues during the opening as to when that was set?

P.S. anyboy care to hazard a guess as to why that Dalek had a Union Flag on its chassis?
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Ryushikaze »

I like where Smith seems to be going. At first, he was ten with a different face, but as he remarked, he 'wasn't done cooking' yet. By the end of the episode, he really reminds me of a somewhat more manic pertwee, though who knows if it that'll keep.

As mentioned, 0's CG was pretty weak, but they kept its real appearances to a minimum, so it's not too bad.

The Sillurians, the G Gundam London space colony, River popping out the airlock, all of that looked awesome.
I'm not even rolling my eyes at the inevitable return of Daleks and Cybermen, when by all rights, I should be bitching based on the last four season's worth of nonsense.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by mr friendly guy »

good reviews so far
New Doctor up to the job of saving the world, say critics
April 5, 2010

LONDON: The unknown British actor who stepped into the Tardis as the new Doctor Who has been given rave reviews by TV critics after making his screen debut.

Fans of the long-running BBC sci-fi show tuned in on Saturday night to see whether 27-year-old Matt Smith could fill the shoes of the enormously popular David Tennant as the world's favourite Time Lord.

And based on the first round of reviews published in Britain's Sunday newspapers, Smith has been given a resounding vote of confidence.

Some reviewers were so impressed that they thought he could be the best Doctor ever.

"From the moment he appeared, dangling from the architrave of his time machine, the new boy demonstrated that he can more than fill the shoes of his predecessor," Matthew Bell wrote in The Independent on Sunday.

"Matt Smith fights aliens. He wears tweed. He loves custard. He is the Doctor.

"And he might be more the Doctor than anyone who was the Doctor before."

Smith's first episode, The Eleventh Hour, sees him crash land on earth in his Tardis and go in search of food from a young Scottish girl, Amy Pond, who it turns out, becomes his next assistant when she grows up.

After discovering he doesn't like apples, bacon, bread and yoghurt, Smith's Doctor settles on fish fingers and custard for a meal before embarking on his first mission to save the world from a giant eyeball.

Writing in The Mail on Sunday, Sinclair McKay said it was always initially odd adjusting to a new Doctor, likening the Time Lord's regeneration process to "anointing a new Archbishop of Canterbury".

But he said Smith had faced down any doubters with aplomb from the moment he clambered out of his Tardis.

"By the end of the episode, in his tweed jacket and bow tie, like an Indie-band Professor Quatermass, you have forgotten all about his illustrious predecessor," McKay wrote.

"Indeed, Smith might turn out to be one of the best Time Lords of the lot."

The Sunday Telegraph's John Preston said Smith "proved himself more than capable of holding it together" as he battled to save the world in just 20 minutes while juggling the new quirks of his regeneration.

"Less cocksure, less confident of his own allure than David Tennant, he has an intensity, a boisterousness and a rumpled, rueful air that's very beguiling," Preston said.

"And while his charm may be more understated than Tennant's, he has stepped into the role with enormous confidence."

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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Gramzamber »

eion wrote:P.S. anyboy care to hazard a guess as to why that Dalek had a Union Flag on its chassis?
Daleks are pretending to be the good guys helping against the Nazis as part of some EVIL PLAN which will be thwarted by the Doctor. And Spitfires in spaaaaaaaaaace.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

I'd love to see the Daleks as actual-factual good guys for once. Like, on TV, and not in some obscure piece of Expanded Univers whatever.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Dartzap »

Something that confuses the whats-the-year-Doc was noticed by the ever observant chap/ettes over at Galifrey Base:

He does look rather a mug

Look at the issue date :? He sure as hell isnt in his 40s
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by generator_g1 »

1) The Doctor appears to be using an iPhone/other multi-touch smartphone
2) That Laptop had a huge webcam on top, whereas most "present day" laptops have them built in. But maybe that was just to make the webcam obvious.

According to engadget, the phone and laptop was a disguised Blackberry Storm and Acer Aspire.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

I'd hazard a geuss that either the issue date was a effects cock up OR its telling us that this guy isnt were hes supposed to be/is an alien/goes time travelling himself at some point (in fact, i read somewhere that Rory DOES climb aboard the TARDIs at one point later in the series)

It is probably a vain hope, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope these daleks arent another "we hid" group of Daleks. Im hoping that EITHER they are good-guy rebel/alternate Daleks OR they are pre time war versions.

Maybe they are the last of the "Human Daleks" from Troughton's time?
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Admiral Valdemar »

I thought from other previews we saw a pre-TW Special Weapons Dalek of sorts. If that's the case, then it could be that they are genuine originals, perhaps goodies to boot.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Captain Seafort »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:I thought from other previews we saw a pre-TW Special Weapons Dalek of sorts.
From what I recall, it looked like a TW Dalek (with the large ear lights) in the old grey colour scheme. Given that the lighting wasn't great in that shot, I suspect it's actually the khaki Dalek from the newer trailer.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Dartzap »

The Pepperpots have supposedly been resdesigned, atleast heightwise, so that MS can face them eyeball-to-eyestalk on equal terms.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by NecronLord »

I would guess that Britain has salvaged a dalek, and that it will realise its nature during the episode.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Oooo possibly. But in the trailer we see two different ones, the khaki one and a white domed one with a different eyestalk
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Thanas »


Not exciting, not bad.

Not up to Moffats other work.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by eion »

Dartzap wrote:Something that confuses the whats-the-year-Doc was noticed by the ever observant chap/ettes over at Galifrey Base:

He does look rather a mug

Look at the issue date :? He sure as hell isnt in his 40s
If you're going to make a TV show watched by obsesive fans, you have to get your props right because they will freeze-frame on shit like this and spend months debating what it means before some guy comes out from the prop shop and says, "Um, we screwed up. It was supposed to read 2000. not 1990."

I really hope this isn't one of those cases.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by DarkSilver »

saw it, I enjoyed the 11th Doctor more than the Tenth, so far, but I still enjoyed the 9th more.

Will see how Smith-Doctor plays out
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by PREDATOR490 »

The preview showed scenes of WW2 and the Dalek has a Union Jack...

Conclusion: Daleks are going to be in WW2 helping the British.
Further supported by reading the local TV Guide. It says Winston Churchil has recruited the Daleks in episode 3.
I suspect that explains where the Space Spitfires will come from... upgraded via Dalek technology. Although I suppose they were attacking a Dalek enemy once the Doctor reveals they are the bad guys. We also have the return of a Cyberman and the Weeping Angels...

Cyberman - Not impressed
Weeping Angels - Unsurprising they would bring them back considering the episode was well liked. Hopefully it will be equally good.
Doctor with a gun - Yeah, Doctor is going to suddenly start shooting people ?, I dont buy it. Probably shooting some device or something like before.
Vampires - Sigh, too many vampire related media these days. Additionally, Doctor Who's a kids show so we cant even have decent gore or special effects to make vampires live up to their usual practice.
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Re: Doctor Who: "The Eleventh Hour" [spoilers]

Post by Captain Seafort »

PREDATOR490 wrote:Doctor with a gun - Yeah, Doctor is going to suddenly start shooting people ?, I dont buy it. Probably shooting some device or something like before.
Probably, but the Doctor can be pretty trigger-happy if sufficiently pissed off - Daleks and Cybermen for example, and probably the Angels.
Vampires - Sigh, too many vampire related media these days.
At least they've got history in the series, and since these seem to be genuine vampires rather than one of the half-dozen knock-offs, I'll be disappointed if there's no reference to the war.
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