Bob the Gunslinger wrote:The problem with the Necrons isn't their fleet. It's their ability to infiltrate even the most suspicious of organizations and manipulate them like Puppets. We know that Necronlords have infiltrated the Inquisition (Xenology) and taken over whole worlds by posing as Governors (Codex: Necrons). Necronlords and/or C'Tan have infiltrated the Adeptus Mechanicus at some of the highest levels (Codex: Necrons, Let the Galaxy Burn) without anybody noticing in a society built around paranoia.
Societies rife with conspiracy, rife with internal fractures bordering on civil war, and rife with strange interdimensional powers that turn people into
fucking batshit insane lunatics, and rife with religious fundamentalism that make Talibanis look outrigt tame in comparison.
So, yeah. Just because XYZ-40Kguys can infiltrate ABC-40Kguys doesn't mean that EFG-Star Wars guys will be just as susceptible.
Couple this with the Necrons' ability to teleport (Cain's Last Stand, various other sources) and walk through walls (Codex: Necrons, etc.), and they wouldn't really need a fleet to neutralize the Death Star. I'm sure the Deceiver could think of a dozen fun things to do with a Death Star.
Can they teleport and/or walk through walls that are shielded? Can they teleport and/or walk through walls that are shielded with Star Wars shielding tech, ala ray shields and particle shields, and not 40k void shields? Can they teleport and/or walk through neutronium-ingrained hulls?
Also, the Necrons are very capable of "mega" scale industry. They have a Dyson's Sphere, for Throne's sake.
They have also shown themselves to be not rather inactive in the 40k verse, aside from small-scale activities where they scare people and go woo-woo. Do we see Necrons engage in large scale activities in the present 40k timeline? Their activities are so few and far between that they're pretty much still unknown to a lot of people in 40k - with knowledge of their existence actually restricted to guys like the Inquisition and whatever.
Bloody Chaplain wrote:With the comparison of the two ships multiple people have cited the size of Star Destroyers and their weaponry, I would like to point out that most escort type ship of the IoM are as large if not larger. If it is true that the SD is about 1 mile long, most escort ships of the Imperium are that long, (2 kilometers,) with larger ships coming in at 4-8 miles. Still this is smaller than SSD, but only a few thousand of these were made, while there are an uncountable amount of Battle-ships and Grand-Cruisers, and at the least there are, 3000 Battle-Barges. Just as a SD is bristling with weaponry so are ships of the Imperium, with super powered Lancer batteries, nova cannons, torpedoes, and laser batteries. While I am pretty sure an Ion blast would do the same to a IoM ship as it would to a SW ship of the same size, I don’t think anything but a SSD would be able to take out one of the larger Imperium ships.
If both vessels can inflict similar levels of damage, but one ship is way more massive than the other (while both ships are similar in damage-dealing capabilities)... then that massive ship is really just going to be a big target. So what if one battleship is "more massive", if a friggin tiny rubber boat is just as powerful as it?
You made the point that the GE has an entire galaxy worth of resources, though they also share them with Thrawn’s people and a few other groups, though I don’t think this adversely affect their resource gathering. The only military force in SW seems to be police to fight rebels, and they can’t even do that right.
The Empire lost to the Rebels because Palpatine got thrown down a hole. The Rebels never won a conventional up-front battle.
There are so many regiments of the Imperial Guard that they are uncountable. Behind them are the combat forces of the Imperial Navy, various PDF forces, (basically a planets standing army,) the militant branches of the Ecclesiarchy, as well as 1 million Space Marines give or take a thousand. Suitably the Imperial Navy is also gigantic. There are five immense navies, one for each sector of space, with most worlds having their own fleets of thousands, war zones having entire fleets dedicated to them, and so do many important planets such as Mars or Earth. Most of the larger ships are crewed by 25,000 to 1 million men.
Yet these fleets, as massive as they are, are as slow as hell. So while they're on par with SW in terms of firepower, in terms of mobility and speed they are inferior. This is like how Iraq had half a million men and a shitload of tanks in its army, yet the relatively numerically smaller forces of America and the Coalition were able to defeat them through SPEED and by dominating the skies.
So what if Imperium ships are crewed by a million people? That makes them more inefficient. Would you be bragging if some crappy tank is crewed by a hundred people, when comparing it to a tank that has only four people for crew? Would you be bragging if some car needed two dozen people to drive it, over a car that just needs one person to drive it? No you wouldn't.
All that means is that the Imperium will need more resources, and will need more SUPPLY SHIPS to feed all these excess manpower. Their supply ships are as slow as hell, compared to SW ships. SW ships are, on the other hand, far more efficient with droids and other cost-saving forms of automation.
" most worlds having their own fleets of thousands, war zones having entire fleets dedicated to them"
Wrong. A large portion of Imperium worlds are sub-standard, often with minimal defenses, with only a pair of defending warships (if that) and some PDF forces. A lot of those worlds featured in the Ciaphas Cain novels did not have the extreme degree of militarization you claim, despite them being near combat zones. A lot of those worlds are agriworlds, or worlds filled with anachronistic people with less-than-modern technologies, etc.
Another point about manpower. While the destruction of Alderaan was the most terrible thing the Empire could do, planet killing is a familiar occurrence to the Imperium. The death of one planet, such as Tanith, is not even given a second though by anybody except the guardsmen from there. Similarly, when chaos take over a planet, billions of people are slaughtered.
Star Was ships are capable of slagging planetary surfaces easily. What was so amazing about the Death Star was that it destroyed a planet with PLANETARY SHIELDS (designed to withstand orbital bombardment), and not only rendering it uninhabitable, but also BLOWING IT TO ITTY-BITTY PIECES.
Any Star Destroyer can kill the fuck out of an unshielded world from orbit and kill millions of billions of people.
Several people talked about SW owning at space warfare. I find it hard since the fleet around the second death star had about 40 SDs and 1 SSD. If this is the force the Empire can put around such an important target, then Terra’s fleet alone, (which has thousands of Battle-Ships and Grand-cruisers,) could destroy this fleet and any other one.
Umm... because the Deat Star 2 was BUILT IN SECRET? And was Palpatine's TRAP TO CATCH LUKE SKYWALKER AND AMBUSH THE REBELS?
As for the force the Empire can muster to defend a single planet... do I need to point out the Battle for Coruscant in Revenge of the Sith? All of space was full of battleships and whatever.
If we put the largest Imperium ship against a SSD the SSD would win. In a straight up navel engagement on a planet, the Imperium can just field more ships of a similar quality to a SD, and enough larger ships to spam the SSD
In a straight up naval engagement, the Imperium's ships would be like slugs trying to catch up to the Galactic Empire's ships as they use their hyperdrives to attack and maneuver around Imperium forces with impunity. The Imperium's ships are very big, thus making them very big targets. The Imperium's ships are very slow in FTL, making any Imperium attempt at backup or support or counter-attack also very slow and ineffective.
The Galactic Empire will be a Mongol horde with an army of Genghis Khans on horseback, compared to the Imperium's super slow snail sluggoths.
Onto ground combat, it would not be like Vietnam as some have said. Vietnam had an almost appalling lack of support, as well as a general hatred of the US soldier. Nobody ever blinks an eye when an entire IG unit is wiped out. In fact, IG doctrine is to win against enemies of superior quality by sending in so many men that the enemy just can’t slaughter enough of them. Against humans it break down into more conventional schools of war. This brings me back that there will be no protest when several billion guardsmen die, even if they couldn’t take out a comparable amount of the enemy with them.
And you think that Star Wars didn't do this in the Clone Wars?
Also, you do realize that Imperium troop ships will be much much MUCH slower than an equivalent Galactic Empire force? That the GE can invade a planet and overrun it, and it'll take WEEKS for the Imperium to respond and to deploy soldiers?
This brings me back that there will be no protest when several billion guardsmen will ARRIVE TOO LATE, even if they couldn't take out a comparable amount of the enemy with them.
Onto the lasgun vs blaster argument. A lasgun on its standard setting is basically a .50 round. It blows limbs of people, and has been known to gib people quite easily. This is ineffective against most enemies the IG goes up against, but against humans it is incredibly powerful. The blaster seems to be generally weaker in the force it generates, I haven’t ever seen a rebel gibbed by one, I do recall in ep IV that storm trooper bolts that missed the rebels were able to kill them with shrapnel from the impact. Which one is stronger I don’t know, as I don’t know the full powers of the blaster.
Blasters have been able to take down Super Battle Droids. Literature suggests that blasters were used in blowing up that door in the Tantative in A New Hope (that scene, you know, when the Stormtroopers entered the ship) and that blasters were used to skeletonize Luke Skywalker's family.
Either way, it will still kill the average Guardsman dead.
From a lot of the SW movies and cannon books I see a lot of Hollywood tactics, Endor being the most blatant example. The IG and SM are guilty of this to at an extent, but not as badly. For the SM it is their way of life. Charge upright with little cover is a way of life for them, and IG commanders are often forced to make bad calls to prevent worse ones and so on. If we look at the reputations without the flaws of SW authors or the movies then the Storm Trooper should be an elite force. Yet again, why in the hell are there walkers in a forest, nothing larger than a platoon guarding the damn shield, and why do they get killed by teddy bears using tactics that anybody with common sense could avoid. In the movies at least, I really am not afraid of Storm Troopers.
Even when the Stormtroopers/Clonetroopers are ruining the shit out of a horde of robot battle droid killing machines?
On that note, 40k depictions are also not that good. It depicts the Imperial Guard as a fucking retarded force that uses
trench warfare tactics and uses commissars to
execute its own soldiers to make the rest of the soldiers fight "better" or "boost morale"
At least, in the Prequels, we get to see that SW forces are very much capable of making rapid planetary assaults deploying CRAPLOADS of Clone/Stormtroopers in mere minutes along with air-dropped armor units and heavy artillery in Attack of the Clones.