The Never-ending snowfall

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The Never-ending snowfall

Post by Defiant »

Did anyone else here in the U.S. get a bunch of snow? Here in the midwestern U.S. we got about 15 inches. It sucks!
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Post by paladin »

My part of NJ got about 20 inches with snow drifts of 4 feet. It also sucks!
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Post by Dalton »

Most of Western Long Island got 20 inches, 3 feet in some places because of the wind.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Just west of Phily got about 20 inches on top of several inches that didn't melt from the last storm. Drifts reach 3-4 feet in places but are not that common. Lucky I shoveled my driveway and sidewalk late yesterday during a lull in the storm. That made today's effort much much easier.
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Post by Pu-239 »

SW of Washington DC, ~17. Damn I need to stop staring at this messageboard for hours and hours a day. It's messing my grades up.

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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Ha! I laugh at you all covered in snow! The stormcompletleymissed Michigan, so we get off scot-free! Tee-hee!

Although if it did hit, we'd be expecting 2-3 feet of snow.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

In Western PA, I got about 2 feet of snow. However, it's gotten warmer, and the snow is melted. However, they are expecting flurries next morning.

I wouldn't have minded getting more snow, though.
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A fellow michigander

Post by Stormbringer »

I just noticed you live in michigan. Where in Michigan are you? I shuttle between Muskegon and Detroit myself.
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Re: A fellow michigander

Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Stormbringer wrote:I just noticed you live in michigan. Where in Michigan are you? I shuttle between Muskegon and Detroit myself.
I live in Madison Heights, little town about 10 miles north of Detroit. Nice place, quiet, sleepy, but its got some nice locations.

But hey, we beat that storm. And incidentaly, the Wings are beating out their opponents now too. We had an off week for sure, but we're back and we took San Jose, Buffalo and Atlanta with us. Onward to Vancouver!

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Post by Defiant »

Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Ha! I laugh at you all covered in snow! The stormcompletleymissed Michigan, so we get off scot-free! Tee-hee!

Although if it did hit, we'd be expecting 2-3 feet of snow.
Yeah, good thing it missed Michigan and hit us here in Ohio. I bet if one snowflake fell on a Michigan road, it would fall apart :twisted:
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Post by Raxmei »

No snow here so far. It's been raining a lot, though.
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Post by Tsyroc »

We've been having a bit of rain off an on for most of the week. Still, unless you grew up here it's pretty nice. (A lot of the native Tucsonans whine if the sky is mostly cloudy for more than a couple of days in a row). :roll:
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Re: The Never-ending snowfall

Post by jegs2 »

Defiant wrote:Did anyone else here in the U.S. get a bunch of snow? Here in the midwestern U.S. we got about 15 inches. It sucks!
It was sunny, then cloudy here. Supposed to rain the rest of the week.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

I got lost in the snow :oops: . Really, the snow at some parts are almost waist deep.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

We got 20 inches of snow.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

2 ft, drifts of five. I thot I left maine, but I guess not.
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