Elfdart wrote:So you admit they opened fire without knowing what they were shooting at?
No, Troll. They were shooting at a van that appeared to be removing armed combatants from the scene.
Elfdart wrote:No, you fucking retard. I saw two heads in a minivan -you know, the preferred vehicle of families with kids- and neither looked tall enough to be an adult. Let's see: short people in a vehicle commonly used by families with children...
Bullshit. You see kids because you are told those are kids and you are expecting to see kids. Same as Gil thought "That could only be camera equipment" earlier.
Elfdart wrote:What on earth could it be?
Could be a lot of things from 500m or farther out through a view finder aboard a moving attack helicopter.
Elfdart wrote:Then get your fucking eyes examined, fuckface!
Pull your head out of your ass for a second and you'd understand that at the time, under those cercumstances, the first thing to pop into your mind isn't "kids". Fuck, we just had a breif discussion on what kind of fucking idiot takes his kids towards gunfire and explosions. I certainly doubt that the pilots expected that either. But you're to worked up from jerking off to more "RAR Soldiers eat babies" porn to look at it objectively.
Elfdart wrote:Because the first thing that a couple in a minivan is going to do when the vehicle stops and someone hops out to help a man who is bleeding is to start making out. Maybe you have fantasies of a girl sitting on your lap while surrounded by corpses, but that's between you and a shrink.
The point is that it could have been a lot of things and it isn't obvious from the guncam footage that it is a pair of kids, dumbass.
Elfdart wrote:Get your story straight: Either the crew opened fire knowing they were shooting at non-combatants, OR they opened fire with a total disregard for whether they were shooting non-combatants. Either way they committed a war crime.
They fired on people they thought to be removing armed combatants and weapons from the scene, no more, no less. But while we're at it, and even though we've hashed this shit out a few pages back in the thread, exactly what war crimes are they guilty of again?
Elfdart wrote:The man wasn't armed, asshole. Even if he was, he was clearly out of action because they had already shot him. Neither he nor the man trying to aid him were firing at anyone. Show me where that dying man had a weapon while they were trying to put him in the van.
Watch the video, you fucking twat. Bushmaster units fucking say they find weapons on and around most of the people the guys in the van we're trying to help. Well, except for the two dead guys with cameras...
You have watched the video, right?
Elfdart wrote:Please show where Wikileaks only released the edited version. You can't of course, because both the short and long versions were posted at the same time on their website. You are not only a lying shitstain, but a lying shitstain who can't even make up his own lies and bullshit.
I never said they didn't release the unedited version, you fucking moron. In fact I linked to their website and told you where to look in the unedited version to see the uncropped guncam footage from the Cry-Me-A-River vid you linked, you inattentive fuckwit. Maybe if you stopped jerking off to the thought of Soldiers eating babies for five minutes and actually fucking read you'd have noticed that.
Elfdart wrote:How the fuck does the father know where the rounds are landing? He's driving home, hears gunfire, and sees a man bleeding on the sidewalk. He tries to help the man (there's no gunfire in the immediate vicinity at this point) and he gets blown away. That makes him a "fucking retard"?
Hell, I'd have thought the dust, the pair of gunships orbiting overhead, the multiple armored vehicles and dismounted soldiers coming down the street, and all the fucked bodies would have given that away. I know as a father the first I think when I hear explosions when driving my kid home from school is to drive in the direction of the explosions to see if anyone needs help. Oh, wait, no, I'd continue taking my son home and not take him into danger because I'm not a fucking retard.
Elfdart wrote:No wonder you got your panties in a wad when used the word "psychopath" to describe the fucktards who blasted the man and his family.
No, I take exception to your obvious trolling douchebaggery. I can sum up all of your posts in this thread as follows "RAR! SEE, SOLDIERS EAT BABIES! *fap fap fap fap*" I mean, the sort of obscene glee you must feel at this story is so fucking obvious it's sickening. You're not posting to make a point, to make an observation, or even to toss in a "me too+!" comment. You're posting for the same reason some people slow down when they see a really horrific car wreck, just to get some sick jollies at the spectacle of it.
Elfdart wrote:Who's excusing anything, you trolling fuck? By all means, please quoite me where I've said that what the pilots did was excusable. Understandable how they made the mistake, but not excusable.
A distinction without a difference.
The difference is one would be understanding how something could happen and the other would be condoning it, you dishonest pile of shit.
Elfdart wrote:They fucked up. I've said this many times, but you're to busy jerking yourself off at the thought of US Soldiers being baby killers to bother to read the fucking thread. Fuck, at this point I doubt you've even watched the guncam video.
Says the fucktard who claims he can only see "blobs".
So like I said, you haven't watched it, have no goddamned idea what the fuck your talking about, and you really are just fucking trolling.