Shroom Man 777 wrote:What happens when the Daleks start using time travel? Or when they decide to kill all life in the galaxy?
The Irken Empire also has time-travel technology. In "The Frycook that came from all that space." Sizz-Lorr mentioned that there is a time warp on Foodcourtia at least when the Foodening happens. Basically the giant food-court planet gets a massive influx of customers and its mass reaches a point that its impossible to escape its gravity and everyone gets stuck there for 20 years. Sizz-Lorr got stuck in the Foodening and waited 20 years, but when it was over he went through a time warp so that he track down Zim and bring him back in time for the next Foodening at which point Sizz-Lorr would take a vacation while Zim was stuck on planet for 20 years.
So, it looks to me that the Irkens may have access to huge planet-encompasing time warp fields that surround Foodcourtia. The Foodening occurs because a mass of customers come in and order lots of food which the matter-energy converters produce and drastically increase the planets gravity. It takes 20 years to lower the gravity to the point that anyone can escape. So, the Irkens surrounded the planet in a time warping field so that once the 20 years are over everybody on the planet can just go back in time 19 years 10 months and go on their way... so that they don't mess up their busy schedule too much.
To the people on planet, 20 years went by but to the outside universe it could have been much shorter. For the customers who come during the Foodening to pick up some snacks... well, they can use the Time Warp to move to a point in time when the planet isn't stuck in the Foodening. Problem is... that this means about 20 years worth of customers fly through a time warp and arrive on the planet at once and start ordering.
So it could very well be that Foodcourtia and its Foodening problem is the result of Irkens abusing the heck out of mass time-travel technology, energy-matter-snack conversion, and who knows what other sorts of tech to make a planet that is full of nothing but fast-food restaurants. The result in hugely massive fluxuations in the planets gravity well and people getting stuck on it for decades at a time. If that's what happens when they use this tech stupidly then what happens when a half-competant Irken uses it as a weapon?
If Daleks start pulling Time-Travel garbage, the Irkens could use their own time-travel technology and utterly absurd manufacturing and industrial capacity to send whole planets into the past.
Also, in "Bad Bad Rubber Piggy", Zim created a Space-Time Object Replacement Device that basically grabs objects from the past and replaces them with objects of similar mass. This could then instantly affect the present... it doesn't seem to have the risk of destroying the universe via paradox or anything... it but it can seriously mess peoples lives up by giving them retroactive injuries and such. Zim used it to ruin Dibs life by replacing bikes, flying helmets, and medical equipment with rubber piggies... it worked until Dibs dad gave Dib a set of protective power armor at which point things got ugly.
The Irkens could easily build something similar to that and then get a bunch of old barrels of toxic waste or something. If any Daleks decide to go to the past then the Irkens just Object Replace their dalek armor with barrels of toxic waste and laugh as the Daleks are reduced to little squids dissolving in toxic sludge. Or they could just start replacing stuff with dynamite.
It seems the Space-Time Object Replacement Device would be an excellent weapon to use against anyone trying to pull time-travel stuff by going to the past. Just use the time-scanner to find the traveler in the past and then start replacing their vital equipment and organs with jagged metal and bombs. The defender doesn't even have to do any traveling themselves to do this... they can defend their past while still in the present. Problem is that with the Object Replacer then affecting something in the past changes what it is in the present instantly in unpredictable ways... so trying to retroactivly kill someone with this thing is likely to make thing even weirder and harder for you. It best limited to a defense system to wipe out Time Travelers trying to pull stuff in the past because they aren't essential to the time-line.