Eternal_Freedom wrote:My point exactly. Astronomically a hundred thousand years is nothing at all. Certainly the sun would not have moved enough around the galaxy to screw up the constellations.
"Star patterns are a match" bullshit. If the star patterns matched what they were supposed to be in the Zodiac, they would be on the real earth, not some fake as one that is some unkown distance away.
Also, does anyone know why they showed us Earth2/real Earth at the end of "Crossroads pt 2"?
Because nobody bothered to think it through in advance, they played it by ear and got in over their heads. Ultimately, I think that's why they pulled the 'God did it' card. Because they
couldn't explain anything without contradicting what we've seen, so why bother? There's a reason why the last plays that were written that employed deus ex machina
and were seen as a success were in ancient Greece.
Junghalli wrote:The easiest rationalization is probably that Earth1 and Earth2 are quite close to each other. I think the zodiac would probably still be recognizable from a nearby star system, as most of the stars that make it up are dozens or hundreds of light years away and moving to, say, Tau Ceti only skews your perspective by about 10 light years.
Perhaps, but they had some pretty exact charts there of what things should look like, if memory serves. The stars that make up those constellations aren't a uniform distance away, so there would be enough of a shift to be noticeable. Then again for all we know, Earth1 and Earth2 are 4.1 lightyears from each other, but I don't recall enough astronomy at the moment to recall how different it would be between the two locations. But I'm assuming, like I said, there ought to be enough of a change between the two locations that it is different enough.
Also, Anguirus, I really don't remember where I read that, I think it was a transcript of one of the post-episode podcasts that the producers released, I'll have to track it down another time. Sorry.