There were clear differences on (that is one says yes, the other says no)
a) apologising to the Stolen Generation - ALP yes, Liberals - no and had to be dragged kicking and screaming.
b) Nuclear power - ALP no way in hell, Liberals - yeah, but we just won't support it with a carbon tax. Lets just say that word like some holy mantra.
c) Climate change - ALP we need to do our bit. Liberals - what climate change? Fucking climate change deniers, but then they have evolution deniers in their ranks as well, so no surprise there.
d) Industrial relations - cough work choices cough
e) immigration and playing the race card - One wants a big Australia the other is blatantly racist going as high up as its leader (although Abbott was at least smart enough to say "I didn't mean that"). The Liberals have such paragons of tolerance like Wilson Tuckey, Ross Lightfoot, and their refusal to actively confront One Nation back and their playing of the race card says a lot about what is wrong with the Liberals, Conservatives and some segments of their supporters in general. Remember the dumbshits that tried to paint Labour as being supported by Muslim extremists and claiming it was a joke. Oh and there is this loser.
This guy was a small fry so the Young Liberals could kick him out of the party. Unfortunately the Liberal party proper won't apply the same standards to oh I don't know, how about Wilson Tuckey. Moreover it continues to show that there does seem to be more racists in the more conservative elements of society. I wonder why?
f) Abortion - Rudd lets things stay, Abbott is a strident anti abortionist thus demonstrating (along with his other periods of stupidity) why abortion should be legalised.
g) Stimulus package - it seems which ever party is in power calls for it and which ever party in opposition opposes it, not just in Australia so this might not be a good example.
differences in scale (ie one says yes, the other says I am even better at it)
a) Christian values - which always seems to be a drawcard for the rabble. While both leaders are homophobic, Abbott takes it to a whole new level, then apologises like the shitstain he is when caught out. Although to be fair, Rudd is just using the same tactic Howard's liberals used to try to gain the Christian vote.
So I don't know where we get this there is little difference between the two parties from. Yes, they both have problems and I always vote for the lesser of the two evils, which is a fancy way of saying which ever party pisses me off less. If an election was held today I already know which party pisses me off.