Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Simon_Jester »

gizmojumpjet wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:Just because I'm curious about the depth of your knowledge of the US Constitution... which amendment in the Bill of Rights, precisely, involves the right to vote?
Oh no, a slight error I made last night while working on my post totally invalidates my arguments!!!!
Oh wait, no it doesn't...
Did I say it invalidated your arguments? I did not.

Now, I do say that it makes your grasp of constitutional law suspect. That you might not know as much about what you're talking about as you think you do. That you seem to have trouble with the difference between a legal right and a human right, or between "this is the state of the law" and "this would be good policy."

But do I say that your mistaken belief that voter rights are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights invalidates your argument? Of course not. That would be silly.

To address your argument more fully:
gizmojumpjet wrote:
Are you SERIOUSLY equating getting people to vote with getting people a dangerous tool that kills people?
Since they're both guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, can you explain why you find it surprising that I would equate them?
Well, we now know they're not both guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Maybe you equated them because you thought they were until today?

Well, let's be charitable. Maybe not. Maybe you just think that the right to vote and the right to own a gun are equally essential. That even if they weren't both in the Constitution (and yes, they are), then we'd still have equally strong rights to both. So that promoting gun ownership and the right to it is just as important as promoting voting. And morally equivalent to, promoting voting.

If so, why do you think so? Because the idea doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
And nice way of totally side stepping the issue that Car sales and the Car industry Revolves around SAFTEY about making them safe, about Teaching safety, about mandating standards.
Someone help me out. Is the whole trying to equate guns to cars gimmick a red herring or a straw man?
It's actually a very close parallel. Guns are, if anything, much deadlier than cars, because they are specifically designed to cause harm to things, rather than just being big and fast. Mechanically the parallel is pretty much one for one.

From a citizens' rights standpoint? Well, you have no officially enumerated right to own a car in the Constitution. And, based on a common reading of the Second Amendment, you have an officially enumerated right to own a gun.

But you also have a right to free speech... which does not allow you to incite riots and endanger other people's life and limb. You have a right to freedom of religion... which does not give you the right to perform human sacrifices. In general, your constitutional rights are not extended to allow you to hurt others on purpose, or to hurt them by being reckless.

How do we apply this principle to the Second Amendment? Obviously, one starting point is that your right to "keep and bear arms" does not give you the right to shoot people while bearing arms, not by itself. Another is that you do not have the right to recklessly endanger innocent bystanders while bearing arms- say, by doing showy gun tricks in public like twirling a revolver around with the safety off.

That's where mandatory safety classes come in. As with cars, there are things a gun owner must know in order to avoid being a threat to those around them. They must know the legal definition of self defense in their state. They must know how to handle a weapon safely. And so on.

And while you have a right to your gun, you do not have a right to be an ignorant fool who gets other people killed.

Nor is this similar to a poll tax, because you are not being charged to take the course. Indeed, the course should be made available for free. Hell, I'll be generous, make it a correspondence course- again, for free. The only way one could fail the course, if it's done right, is by being such a moron that one can't pass the course... in which case one isn't just exercising the right to bear arms. In that case, you're exercising your right to be an dangerously ignorant moron, which is a right you don't have.
You keep using the N-word. No one needs a gun until they need it badly. But to demonstrate how your assertion that guns were needed then but not now is nothing but a bullshit lie, here's a few people who have needed guns very badly, and very recently:
And yet guns are not a necessity of life in the sense that, say, food and water are. I can live without a gun; I cannot live without food and water.

Some people wind up needing medicine very badly, or they will die. More people than use guns in self-defense, even. Does that mean they have a right to medicine, the way they do to have guns?
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Gil Hamilton »

Coyote wrote:For that we'd have to get into the finer points and intentions of militia laws. I do not dabble in explosives beyond what I do for my Combat Engineer duty in the Reserves. However, I can say that I have never been issued a pipe bomb in my entire time in the Army, which is subtantial. Grenades, yes, C4, det cord, etc, yes, but not pipe bombs. Someone who knows more about why explosives and pipe bombs are not allowed would have to take this one up, since I neither know much about it or care overmuch about using explosives.

I'd wager it is because explosives have more of a history being used for terrorism than for direct combat; explosives can be set and then left to blow up when someone else activates something-- ie, a boobytrap-- and there is also not always a way for the bomb-maker to control who detonates the device (see the problem with land mines left in third-world countries).
I'm using pipebombs as an example of a weapon in which is highly illegal and I know carries a substantial criminal penalty for even possessing. You are focusing too much on the work and not enough on the example. I also know that improved explosives aren't that hard to make; dangerous to make, certainly, first and foremost to the person attempting to make them, but not difficult with basic chemistry knowledge and a recipe. Further, its something that militia nutcases in the US like to brew up and you know full well that some do. And if you were ready for the Suddenly Tyrannical US Government to show up and put you into the FEMA Concentration Camps, they are entirely a sensible weapon to have on hand.

However, we make them illegal, even though a strict reading of the second amendment promises not to infringe on the right to bear arms. It is pretty damn infringing to put someone in jail for several years per device, so the second amendment is interpreted as to define what "arms" are. That is the point. It is entirely up to the government to define such things, so to say that this weapon ban or that weapon ban is unconstitutional isn't true, because the government defines what counts.

That's the point that you keep dancing around.
I don't feel I am. The restriction on explosives seems reasonable to me and I never saw a reason why it shouldn't be.
REASONABLE to you. It is not a Constitutional issue, even though the strictest reading of the second amendment would have IEDs legal, since they are certainly arms that people use to fight other people.
Seriously, man, I have more control over where my one bullet goes than I do over where several hundred shards of shrapnel goes. If I have to answer to a judge & jury about an errant bullet, I can say with definition, "I was aiming for X". You can't claim any such control with a bomb-- how can anyone say with a reasonable degree of truth that they threw a grenade or pipe bomb at an attacker and made sure the explosion only targeted the one person they were "aiming" at?
You are dancing around the point. It doesn't matter if a gun is more controllable than an explosive, show me in the Second Amendment where it says ANYTHING about the nature of the weapon in question. We restrict certain weapons because they are unreasonable, which puts paid to the notion that a weapon's ban is automatically unconstitutional. Whether or not the ban is REASONABLE is another matter.
I know for a fact from personal experience that explosions do not always do exactly as they are expected, no matter how well engineered they are. You admit as much by saying that demo engineers are held repsonsible for things that go wrong. Remember, a demo engineer isn't doing a hasty IED ambush with minutes to spare, a controlled det of a building is going to be a long, careful, painstaking process that will be overseen by all sorts of demo and safety engineers-- and even then, they do not always go as planned.
Fine, conceded. However, they are very often right and tend to have a great safety record, particularly in the United States. That's why the punishments are so steep when they foul up. The same cannot be said for gun owners, who by far have a larger accident rate where they shoot something they didn't mean to, including themselves. In fact, you have personal experience. Who is more likely to accidentally kill someone or mess up something they weren't supposed to, someone who works with explosives or someone with a gun out shooting?
It would seem to be-- you just argued yourself right there why limiting explosives is a good idea. Which side are you arguing?
I'm saying limiting explosives are a good idea, precisely because they are so dangerous. However, under a strict reading of the Constitution, we can't infringe on them. What this does is put paid the notion that weapon's bans are inherently unconstitutional, as you were suggesting above.
If you want to argue in favor of pipe bombs as legitimate militia weapons, and weapons suitable for personal defense, by all means, be my guest. I'll watch. Burden of proof is on you to prove such a claim.
You are the one who always argues "personal responsibility" and the government trusting its law-abiding citizens with weapons. You are the person who's said that the government should just trust gun onwers to be responsible with their weapons and not use them illegally. It's your argument, not mine. Given how much you've been trying to dodge the actual discussion here, I'm not surprised you are misreading me.
Um, no, not really. No one else seems to be arguing for pipe bombs. There is no NPBA, or National Pipe Bomb Association, demanding rights that I know of. Unless you want to start one.
When you are ready to stop dancing the point, we can actually have a discussion here.
We did? What's this "we" thingy, Kemo Sabe? I am not the one arguing in favor of pipe bombs.
No one is. I'm using them as an example of a rightfully banned class of weapon, which you and I seem to be in agreement should be banned. Since we are in agreement, you concede that weapon's bans are Constitutional.
Refer back to Miller for what constitutes a "militia weapon". They only specifically dealt with sawed-off shotguns, but it is a start. And the 1934 Act limited availability of fully-automatic weapons to the general populace. And as I have mentioned several times in this thread, in the Heller case, the notion of an individual Constitutional right to own weapons does not preclude some controls or regulations.

What is left undefined is what, exactly, those controls, regulations or restrictions can be. Some of this will be outlined in the upcoming case challenging Chicago's gun ban (although I have a feeling that it will mostly end up focusing on Constitutional 'incorporation'). Technically, yes, all Heller did was say, definitively, that an individual American has the right to keep and bear arms. Now they have to decide what those "arms" may be.
We are absolutely in agreement now, in sharp constrast to what you said above when you claimed that a de facto weapons ban was unconstitutional.

Such a ban isn't unconstitutional, because government can simply define whatever they want as not covered by the right to bear arms and what is actually suitable for militia purposes.
According to the precedent set by Miller, it is established that "arms" must be suitable for militia purposes. So that narrows it somewhat. They may have to focus on settling two other things: what, exactly, is the militia, and what, exactly, is it's mission to be so that we know what "militia arms" are "suitable"?

Once that is determined, depending on how the Chicago case goes, and which of the many interpretations of the Cruikshank case wins out with regards to the "priviledges and immunities" enjoyed nationawide by all citizens of America within the borders of America, regardless of which State thay are in, will win out. Then we may see a rule that states that militia weapons may be standardized by certain types. However, all this is speculation. A lot of precedent will have to be gone over. This will be determined by the Supreme Court.
In the highly unlikely event that pipe bombs become recognized as militia weapons.
No doubt, but that begs to obvious question of whether or not you need to be in a militia to use them and whether or not you can use them when you aren't on duty in a militia. I would think that would be a dangerous game to play, if it was decided that you have the right to bear and keep arms; keep them at the local militia armory when you aren't on duty in the militia.
In a way, though, this reinforces the notion that certain arms are considered suitable for civilian ownership, while others are not. "Free Speech" or not, you cannot shout "Fire" in a crowded theater, so the old saying goes. Is that a limit of Free Speech? Yes, technically, it is. But it has been deemed to be a reasonable restriction. Pipe bombs at some point were determined to be the same status-- a restiction on the 2nd Amendment, but a reasonable one. And actually, you can use words in general speech that are banned on electronic media-- in books, in movies, in every day life. There is no "allowed areas" where you can detonate pipe bombs... there's just places where you are not likely to get caught, or, far enough outside city limits or territorial waters where there are no applicable laws to pursue in the matter.
Exactly. This applies to various gun bans as well. Hence, a weapon's ban on firearms isn't unconstitutional, the argument is more about whether or not they are reasonable in the person's opinion.
I don't see how; the military doesn't use pipe bombs, so they are not applicable to militia purposes; and I agree that there are restrictions placed on the 2nd Amendment which are reasonable while you seem to be arguing that since the 2nd Amendment doesn't spell out what is allowed, that anything should be allowed.
That is the exact opposite of what I'm arguing! What the hell is wrong with you, Coyote? I'm putting out that there are entirely reasonable weapons bans exist, therefore the notion that any weapon's ban is specifically unconstitional is wrong! You are the one arguing that weapon's bans are unconsititutional, not me.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Coyote »

Ryan Thunder wrote: [Hysterical gun fear and bog-standard support for confiscation snipped]
Do you have anything to fucking contribute besides yet another broken record?
Alyeska wrote:You have demonstrated repeatedly that you are incapable of even considering other options other than bans. You want to punish the majority for the crimes of a few.
You keep saying that because you're looking at the problem the wrong way. Admit it; you just don't like the solution.
What "solution"? It has been demonstrate dtime and again that blanket bans are not much of a "solution" to anything, yet you trot this shit out... again.

Rather than try and target the problem itself, you just heap bans on people. FYI, there are methods of curbing violence and gun violence that do not ban weapons.
Those methods require me to trust people I do not know with powerful instruments of destruction. I don't even trust other people with cars, but I put up with it because we have to get to work somehow. I'd rather we took buses, since then we can justify keeping a closer eye on the drivers and be all economical and sustainable all at once, but that's never going to happen, in part for the same reasons a gun ban is never going to happen; people have an unhealthy obsession with <insert here>.
No, this just shows that you are so fucking paranoid as to be debilitated from fear.
No. There is nothing you can do to disable a weapon without damaging it. And damaging it will affect its sentimental value. It will affect its actual value. And it will affect its historic value.
You can't take it apart and store some vital piece somewhere else? The trigger, perhaps?
God damn it, that fucking does it. You fucking moron, you want to argue gun policy but it is fucking clear from this statement that you do not have even the slightest fucking idea what is being talked about. You don't know the basic mechanics of what is being discussed, you don't have a clear idea in your head that would allow you to form a realistic goddamn opinion about the subject being discussed. You worthless piece of shit, you are wasting my time and the time of everyone else in here with your pointless, ignorant, retard babble.

Be happy the Senate is dissolved, because I'd table a motion that Ryan Thunder is not allowed to participate in any more gun policy discussions until he fucking educates himself. And I mean really, truly understands the policies, the laws, the precedents, the social factors, and the mechanical realities that go into the debate before spouting off repeated, half-baked fucking "opinions" that have no grounding in comprehension. You are not fucking prepared to engage in a real discussion about this subject matter.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
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So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Coyote »

Gil Hamilton wrote:I'm using pipebombs as an example of a weapon in which is highly illegal and I know carries a substantial criminal penalty for even possessing. You are focusing too much on the work and not enough on the example. I also know that improved explosives aren't that hard to make; dangerous to make, certainly, first and foremost to the person attempting to make them, but not difficult with basic chemistry knowledge and a recipe. Further, its something that militia nutcases in the US like to brew up and you know full well that some do. And if you were ready for the Suddenly Tyrannical US Government to show up and put you into the FEMA Concentration Camps, they are entirely a sensible weapon to have on hand.
If something like that ever were to happen --which I am extremely dubious of, BTW-- then yes, IEDs of all sorts would come out of the woodwork. But apparantly this is not the point, is it?
We are absolutely in agreement now, in sharp constrast to what you said above when you claimed that a de facto weapons ban was unconstitutional.
Okay, I get it. You think I am "dancing around the point" that bans of certain kinds of weapons are Constitutional. OK, I see what you're angling at.

Of course certain types of weapons bans are Constititional; I never said otherwise. This is why I've been so confused about your point; you seem to act like this is some big "reveal" when I've stated all along that weapons like pipe bombs, IEDs, cannon, etc, were restricted and that this wa sreasonable. This is why I didn't get what you were so happy about: you seemed to revel in revealing something I never tried to hide.

Remember that for me, the term "gun" has a specific meaning. A "gun" is a crew-served weapons system, from machinegun up to a cannon. That is a "gun". When talking about military style smallarms, I do not use the term "gun", I use the term "weapon", or sometimes "rifles/pistols" and other specifics.

So when I say a "weapons ban is unconstitutional," I'm not talking about everything from pointy sticks to MIRVs. I'm talking about the subject at hand: man-portable, individual firearms.
No doubt, but that begs to obvious question of whether or not you need to be in a militia to use them and whether or not you can use them when you aren't on duty in a militia. I would think that would be a dangerous game to play, if it was decided that you have the right to bear and keep arms; keep them at the local militia armory when you aren't on duty in the militia.
But that would go against the notion of "keeping and bearing arms". You keep them with yourself. And again, in the Heller case, it was also stated that a gun kept disassembled was clearly not ready for home defense purposes and could not be counted as such. So the concept of having a gun nearby and ready to use is already accepted as part of the individual right; that was a lot about what Heller focused on: having a gun on hand for personal defense. Not locked at an armory five miles away.

I don't see how; the military doesn't use pipe bombs, so they are not applicable to militia purposes; and I agree that there are restrictions placed on the 2nd Amendment which are reasonable while you seem to be arguing that since the 2nd Amendment doesn't spell out what is allowed, that anything should be allowed.
That is the exact opposite of what I'm arguing! What the hell is wrong with you, Coyote? I'm putting out that there are entirely reasonable weapons bans exist, therefore the notion that any weapon's ban is specifically unconstitional is wrong! You are the one arguing that weapon's bans are unconsititutional, not me.
I'm saying it depends on the weapons. A ban on pipe bombs is reasonable, but a ban on semi-automatic rifles is not. And remember, the "ban" on machineguns and explosives is not really a true "ban", they are available for people who want to jump through the hoops to get the liscencing. Most people don't feel the need or want to go through the trouble. These are reasonable restrictions and I never claimed otherwise.

I think the problem here is you were not exactly aware of how I was employing the term "weapon". I was using it to specifically apply to individual firearms, and you were seing the word in the broader sense in that "weapon" is a category that encompasses many things.

I accept the current firearms laws as they are and find them reasonable. Most gun owners are comfortable with them, also, and only a handful are arguing for total, unrestricted access. Remember, I would actually like seeing a few more requirements, mostly related to training, WRT firearms in the general public.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Beowulf »

Actually, much of this discussion about pipe bombs is besides the points, as they are regulated under the 1934 NFA, as destructive devices, and each individually needs to be registered with the BATFE, just like machineguns. As machinegun sale has been seen to be a constitutionally permissible restriction on arms, it's reasonable to assume that restrictions on creation and transfer of destructive devices like pipe bombs will also be seen as a constitutionally permissible restriction on arms.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by eion »

Coyote wrote:It's more accurate to say that a pipe bomb is a pissant substitute for a proper grenade.
Agreed. The point is that the primary aim of each is not direct injury via the explosive but through the shrapnel of the case exploding. This of course would only apply to a fragmentation grenade.

And being a weapon that is easily manufactured from common parts and ingredients makes a pipe bomb actually more useful than a grenade to an anti-invasion militia that will likely operate as a guerilla force against an invading army anyway.

So again, if the point of the second amendment is to ensure a well-prepared and well-armed militia to counter invasions, why can't I own pipe bombs and practice their use?

I don't buy the, "Because I can control where a bullet goes" argument, ever hear of a ricochet? Or say even a buckshot shell?
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by eion »

Beowulf wrote:Actually, much of this discussion about pipe bombs is besides the points, as they are regulated under the 1934 NFA, as destructive devices, and each individually needs to be registered with the BATFE, just like machineguns. As machinegun sale has been seen to be a constitutionally permissible restriction on arms, it's reasonable to assume that restrictions on creation and transfer of destructive devices like pipe bombs will also be seen as a constitutionally permissible restriction on arms.
But it doesn't say "...the right to bear arms (With congress deciding what constitutes "arms")" or "...the right to bear arms (except those devices whose targeting cannot be controlled by the user)"

I am saying a strict reading of the 2nd amendment does not support a blanket ban on any weapon that could be considered useful to a "well-regulated militia", which can be read as any weapon employed by the military and which can be employed directly by front-line troops (this allows a ban on private sale of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, since those cannot be used without the direct order of the CINC)

The point is that the militia is an outdated and irrelevant concept in current U.S. politics. An argument can be made for a fundamental right to possession of firearms for self-defense under provisions for killing someone in self-defense, but that argument does not rely on the 2nd Amendment.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Coyote »

eion wrote:And being a weapon that is easily manufactured from common parts and ingredients makes a pipe bomb actually more useful than a grenade to an anti-invasion militia that will likely operate as a guerilla force against an invading army anyway.
Then they can be made when the time is right-- in that unlikely event of UN invasion/FEMA concentration camps/etc.
So again, if the point of the second amendment is to ensure a well-prepared and well-armed militia to counter invasions, why can't I own pipe bombs and practice their use?
They're not really something you'd need to "practice" with, if you've experienced a couple of 4th of July celebrations (light fuse, run; or light fuse, throw at drunken friends/cat) you're pretty much, um, qualified.
I don't buy the, "Because I can control where a bullet goes" argument, ever hear of a ricochet? Or say even a buckshot shell?
Don't be ridiculous. You have a reasonable expectation of control over the trajectory of the bullet. Part of choosing your target also includes bearing in mind things like over-penetration, and backstops. No one can honestly, realistically expect 100% perfect, total, Tomahawk-GPS control. :roll:
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by eion »

Coyote wrote:
eion wrote:And being a weapon that is easily manufactured from common parts and ingredients makes a pipe bomb actually more useful than a grenade to an anti-invasion militia that will likely operate as a guerilla force against an invading army anyway.
Then they can be made when the time is right-- in that unlikely event of UN invasion/FEMA concentration camps/etc.
But if we aren’t allowed a working knowledge of how to build and use them, it’s essentially banning them isn’t it? It’d be like abortion being legal, but no medical school could teach a doctor how to do it.
They're not really something you'd need to "practice" with, if you've experienced a couple of 4th of July celebrations (light fuse, run; or light fuse, throw at drunken friends/cat) you're pretty much, um, qualified.
The military would seem to disagree with you. Or do they accept, "Oh, I've thrown firecrackers before, Drill Sergeant" as sufficient evidence that you are qualified to throw hand grenades?
I don't buy the, "Because I can control where a bullet goes" argument, ever hear of a ricochet? Or say even a buckshot shell?
Don't be ridiculous. You have a reasonable expectation of control over the trajectory of the bullet. Part of choosing your target also includes bearing in mind things like over-penetration, and backstops. No one can honestly, realistically expect 100% perfect, total, Tomahawk-GPS control. :roll:
An M67 grenade has a listed kill radius of 15 meters, so as long as no one and nothing I don't plan to destroy is within that range I have controlled it. If you're about to say, "But you might throw short," then I would just make sure to keep a 15m path from me to the target clear.

If it is true that the majority of persons owning high-capacity magazines and "military" weapons are simple law-abiding citizens who either hate reloading or are just using them recreationally, why is a distinction made for "destructive devices"? What exactly does a firearm do if not destroy things.

And if we're going to outlaw those devices that are uncontrollable or lack a reasonable use in hunting or self defense, why exactly are "dragon's breath" shotgun rounds not illegal nationwide? Why aren't flamethrowers regulated by the federal government then?

The point is that we lack a unified and rational set of firearms regulations in this country. If the only rule we can hold ourselves to when discussing firearms regulation is the 2nd ammendment, then our options are very limited.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Formless »

eion wrote:I don't buy the, "Because I can control where a bullet goes" argument, ever hear of a ricochet? Or say even a buckshot shell?
Are you seriously suggesting that this guy doesn't have some control over where his shots go? Seriously? You obviously know jack shit about shotguns.

As for ricochet, that's one of the reasons the basic four safety rules say "know what's behind your target."
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Mr. Coffee »

eion wrote:I don't buy the, "Because I can control where a bullet goes" argument, ever hear of a ricochet? Or say even a buckshot shell?
The Four Laws of Gun Safety wrote:1. All guns are always loaded.
2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
If they made being able to recite that from memory a precondition of purchasing a firearm you'd weed out a lot of the dumbasses.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Alyeska »

Ryan Thunder wrote:You keep saying that because you're looking at the problem the wrong way. Admit it; you just don't like the solution.
Amputate the leg to deal with a broken foot. I don't like the solution because its bullshit. I rather like liberty, freedom, that sort of thing. Solutions that can balance liberty with safety are preferable. A ban is inherently anti-freedom.

Here is a history lesson for you. In the last 30 years there have been less than half a dozen crimes committed with legal fully automatic weapons in the United States. There are approximately 150,000 legal fully automatic weapons in the United States. In 30 years 150,000, fully automatic weapons (we are talking machine guns, M16s, AK47s, BARs, Tommy Guns, M60s, MP5s, military grade weapons here) have been used less than 6 times in crimes.

Whenever you hear news reports about gun crime in the US, any mention of assault weapons is the Media being full of shit. Either they people illegally modified their weapon (and trust me, its not easy), or they stole police weapons (which happens in any country). Most of the time its the Media being full of shit and calling any weapon an assault rifle.

So there you have it. The most dangerous guns that everyone wants banned. And they are statistically the safest category of weapons in the entire country. More people are killed in hunting accidents each year then have been killed in the last 30 years by fully automatic weapons.

You want to ban ALL guns. As evidence by the above, you have a solution in search of a problem that does not exist. You want to ban all guns without even researching the subject material or considering educating yourself on the topic.
Those methods require me to trust people I do not know with powerful instruments of destruction. I don't even trust other people with cars, but I put up with it because we have to get to work somehow. I'd rather we took buses, since then we can justify keeping a closer eye on the drivers and be all economical and sustainable all at once, but that's never going to happen, in part for the same reasons a gun ban is never going to happen; people have an unhealthy obsession with <insert here>.
Dynamite is legal in the United States. Explosives are legal. They are used in construction and mining all the time. Those are far more powerful and destructive. Are you calling for those to be banned? You have an irrational fear and want to ban something entirely without even understanding the issues. Rather than address the actual reasons for violence, you want to ban the convenient weapon.
You can't take it apart and store some vital piece somewhere else? The trigger, perhaps?
At this point it is not disabled. If you take the trigger, you compromise the weapon. If you simply remove the trigger and leave it with the people, it can be reinstalled at any time. If you take the trigger and modify it so it can't be reinstalled, you have again damaged it. Its a very simple concept here.
That's only because you (collectively) have an unhealthy obsession with firearms. Perhaps this obsession could be cured over time through the education system? I know, it'd take a while, but it'd make an actual ban more practical. The current crop of hoplophiles would get older and less able to initiate violence when their weapons are confiscated, as well, so it'd be safer for rabid internet tough guys like gizmojumpjet here, too.
And you have an irrational fear of firearms. Perhaps this fear could be cured over time through the education system?
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by eion »

Formless wrote:
eion wrote:I don't buy the, "Because I can control where a bullet goes" argument, ever hear of a ricochet? Or say even a buckshot shell?
Are you seriously suggesting that this guy doesn't have some control over where his shots go? Seriously? You obviously know jack shit about shotguns.

As for ricochet, that's one of the reasons the basic four safety rules say "know what's behind your target."
And of everyone who buys a shotgun goes through the exact same training Mr. Knapp does. Are you saying that nothing outside the shooter's DIRECT control (where I point the gun, when I fire the gun) affects the dispersal of the buckshot through the entire course of its trajectory?

What is the distinction between that and ensuring proper clearance for a grenade? If you're claiming the distinction is in a trigger, than what about a remote detonated grenade?
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Mr. Coffee »

eion wrote:The military would seem to disagree with you. Or do they accept, "Oh, I've thrown firecrackers before, Drill Sergeant" as sufficient evidence that you are qualified to throw hand grenades?
Can you throw a baseball reasonable well? Then you're probably able to chuck a grenade far enough and accurately enough.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by eion »

Mr. Coffee wrote:
eion wrote:I don't buy the, "Because I can control where a bullet goes" argument, ever hear of a ricochet? Or say even a buckshot shell?
The Four Laws of Gun Safety wrote:1. All guns are always loaded.
2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
If they made being able to recite that from memory a precondition of purchasing a firearm you'd weed out a lot of the dumbasses.
I agree, and if you codified it so that violating any of those 4 without due cause was a crime it would weed out even more. But even doing this would be called "undue regulation" and an "infringement of our right to bear arms" by gun control groups. They argue that ANY regulation by the government is unconstitutional, even though the 2nd amendment is one of the few parts of the constitution that actually has the word “regulate” in it!

Again, why isn't every gun owner falling over each other trying to acquire more training then the next guy if it such a natural thing to do? Why don't all gun stores require a mandatory 4 week course in gun safety before you're allowed to take your revolver home? Do you know of any gun store that even requires you to know the 4 Laws before you can buy a gun from them? If the community of firearm's owners and sellers is so self-regulating, where is all the voluntary regulation?

I don’t doubt there are many good and responsible gun owners who wouldn’t think of letting a friend pick up one of their guns and fire it without giving them a blue-gun and drilling them for weeks until they knew everything about gun safety, but those are a rarity I’m sure.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by eion »

Mr. Coffee wrote:
eion wrote:The military would seem to disagree with you. Or do they accept, "Oh, I've thrown firecrackers before, Drill Sergeant" as sufficient evidence that you are qualified to throw hand grenades?
Can you throw a baseball reasonable well? Then you're probably able to chuck a grenade far enough and accurately enough.
"But Drill Sergeant, I made Varsity Baseball. Doesn't that count?"
"Does this look like a fucking baseball diamond, recruit? Do I look like your pot-bellied, gum-chewing, towell-snapping P.E. Teacher. PULL AND THROW, NOW!"

If I know how to pull the trigger on an arcade M-16 light gun, is that the same thing as knowing how to shoot a real M-16?
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Mr. Coffee »

eion wrote:"But Drill Sergeant, I made Varsity Baseball. Doesn't that count?"
"Does this look like a fucking baseball diamond, recruit? Do I look like your pot-bellied, gum-chewing, towell-snapping P.E. Teacher. PULL AND THROW, NOW!"

If I know how to pull the trigger on an arcade M-16 light gun, is that the same thing as knowing how to shoot a real M-16?
Are you typing this shit in brail or did you simply not bother to look at the photo that you posted, numbnuts? As a matter of fact, the M67 DOES look a lot like a baseball in size and general shape. Seriously, you'd think that with what, half a dozen motherfuckers telling you that you're full of shit and explaining at length why you're full of shit you'd stop saying hilariously stupid shit and maybe read and learn, but no... You gotta keep saying more stupid shit (hurr hurr, ban everything, hurr hurr), and we get to waste more time correcting you.

For fuck's sake, it's like you're Blayne MkII. Only this time it's gun control instead of videogames.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Coyote »

eion wrote:And being a weapon that is easily manufactured from common parts and ingredients makes a pipe bomb actually more useful than a grenade to an anti-invasion militia that will likely operate as a guerilla force against an invading army anyway.

But if we aren’t allowed a working knowledge of how to build and use them, it’s essentially banning them isn’t it? It’d be like abortion being legal, but no medical school could teach a doctor how to do it.
eion wrote:
Coyote wrote:They're not really something you'd need to "practice" with, if you've experienced a couple of 4th of July celebrations (light fuse, run; or light fuse, throw at drunken friends/cat) you're pretty much, um, qualified.
eion wrote:The military would seem to disagree with you. Or do they accept, "Oh, I've thrown firecrackers before, Drill Sergeant" as sufficient evidence that you are qualified to throw hand grenades?
See above, the bolded and colored part. You were talking about pipe bombs, not grenades, you dishonest douchebag.

An M67 grenade has a listed kill radius of 15 meters, so as long as no one and nothing I don't plan to destroy is within that range I have controlled it. If you're about to say, "But you might throw short," then I would just make sure to keep a 15m path from me to the target clear.

If it is true that the majority of persons owning high-capacity magazines and "military" weapons are simple law-abiding citizens who either hate reloading or are just using them recreationally, why is a distinction made for "destructive devices"? What exactly does a firearm do if not destroy things.
Actually, firearms typically punch neat holes in things. Unless you buy that Hollywood bullshit about heads exploding when shot, or something. But hey, if you want to go out and practice making your own hand grenades and pipe bombs, go ahead and enjoy yourself. I'm not the one arguing for that.
And if we're going to outlaw those devices that are uncontrollable or lack a reasonable use in hunting or self defense, why exactly are "dragon's breath" shotgun rounds not illegal nationwide? Why aren't flamethrowers regulated by the federal government then?
Ask a judge, maybe? Just because I'm not a 100% ignorant fuck about firearms doesn't mean I'm a fucking expert in every facet of law having to do with destructive devices. I'd assume because flamethrowers have applications in agriculture (my granddad used one on his farm; note they are not napalm flamethrowers but use a liquified fuel of a type I don't know). Dragon's breath shotguns rounds have, I can only guess, some similar application.
The point is that we lack a unified and rational set of firearms regulations in this country. If the only rule we can hold ourselves to when discussing firearms regulation is the 2nd ammendment, then our options are very limited.
There are a lot of things about firearms and firearm law that would be helpful if it was clarified. Heller vs. DC was a landmark case because for the first time in 200+ years that the Supreme Court finally pinned down that, yes, the 2nd Amendment does indeed apply to individual citizens' rights. So I would not hold my breath too much waiting for some sort of gun-owners' sourcebook to explain everything.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by eion »

I'm not advocating banning anything. I'm saying the criteria for banning should be consistant.

I'll even drop the grenade argument if it is distracting. Let's just stick with flamethrowers and Dragon's Breath shotgun shells. Why are those legal?

A) They serve no purpose in hunting
B) They are "destructive devices"

There is absolutely no federal law restricting who may buy, manufacture, or sell flamethrowers.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Coyote »

eion wrote:Again, why isn't every gun owner falling over each other trying to acquire more training then the next guy if it such a natural thing to do?
Many people do, in fact, get more training-- the best kind, at the gun range, practicing. Some don't. I'm in agreement that I'd like to see more range time from the average owner. It's good to stay in practice.
Why don't all gun stores require a mandatory 4 week course in gun safety before you're allowed to take your revolver home?
Probably because 4 weeks of training isn't necessary to learn to use a revolver? :roll: I went from 100% gun ignorant to shooting in the mid-thirties out of 40 possible in less than a week with the M-16 in basic training.
Do you know of any gun store that even requires you to know the 4 Laws before you can buy a gun from them?
The 4 laws are pretty simple and are part of the manual for every gun sold. Gun stores probably don't require people to recite them because treating your customers like idiot children is not conducive to business.
If the community of firearm's owners and sellers is so self-regulating, where is all the voluntary regulation?
It is pretty self-regulating already.
I don’t doubt there are many good and responsible gun owners who wouldn’t think of letting a friend pick up one of their guns and fire it without giving them a blue-gun and drilling them for weeks until they knew everything about gun safety, but those are a rarity I’m sure.
I have news for you: learning to use a gun is not like going to medical school. You can teach a person everything they need to take their first shot in a few minutes; stuff like better target acquisition, tighter shot groups, breakdown and cleaning, etc, can take just a little longer., After that it is practice and muscle memory.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Coyote »

eion wrote:Let's just stick with flamethrowers and Dragon's Breath shotgun shells. Why are those legal?

A) They serve no purpose in hunting
B) They are "destructive devices"

There is absolutely no federal law restricting who may buy, manufacture, or sell flamethrowers.
I don't know. Write your Congressman and start a petition and try to get a law passed. Here's a quick how-to. Enjoy. :wink:
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by eion »

Coyote wrote:You were talking about pipe bombs, not grenades, you dishonest douchebag.
And again, the functional difference is? Better fusing, maybe? But I've dropped that, it's distracting.
Actually, firearms typically punch neat holes in things. Unless you buy that Hollywood bullshit about heads exploding when shot, or something. But hey, if you want to go out and practice making your own hand grenades and pipe bombs, go ahead and enjoy yourself. I'm not the one arguing for that.
If I punch holes in the bottom of a bucket I have destroyed its usefulness as a bucket as effectively as if I ground it into a million little pieces. Neither will hold water without leaking.
And if we're going to outlaw those devices that are uncontrollable or lack a reasonable use in hunting or self defense, why exactly are "dragon's breath" shotgun rounds not illegal nationwide? Why aren't flamethrowers regulated by the federal government then?
Ask a judge, maybe? Just because I'm not a 100% ignorant fuck about firearms doesn't mean I'm a fucking expert in every facet of law having to do with destructive devices. I'd assume because flamethrowers have applications in agriculture (my granddad used one on his farm; note they are not napalm flamethrowers but use a liquified fuel of a type I don't know). Dragon's breath shotguns rounds have, I can only guess, some similar application.

Yes, perhaps. But ammonium nitrate also has applications in agriculture, but there are numerous laws and regulations regarding its manufacture and sale. Again, there is absolutely zero federal regulation regarding flamethrowers, none. zippo. There is no consistency. Why is an incendiary grenade that envelops a 15m area in flame different from a projecting device that does the same thing? That points to emotional reasons (on both sides) rather than rational ones, for what arms we regulate and don't in this country. Again, I really no longer care about X being banned or not, but can we at least agree that a red X out to be as illegal as a blue X?
The point is that we lack a unified and rational set of firearms regulations in this country. If the only rule we can hold ourselves to when discussing firearms regulation is the 2nd ammendment, then our options are very limited.
There are a lot of things about firearms and firearm law that would be helpful if it was clarified. Heller vs. DC was a landmark case because for the first time in 200+ years that the Supreme Court finally pinned down that, yes, the 2nd Amendment does indeed apply to individual citizens' rights. So I would not hold my breath too much waiting for some sort of gun-owners' sourcebook to explain everything.
No, you're right. But consistently loose laws would still be better than inconsistent ones any day. At least then you can't violate them by driving into a city or evade them by doing the opposite.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

eion wrote:The military would seem to disagree with you. Or do they accept, "Oh, I've thrown firecrackers before, Drill Sergeant" as sufficient evidence that you are qualified to throw hand grenades?
Look at the diagram, no amount of playing with pipe bombs will make you proficient with hand grenades.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Mr. Coffee »

eion wrote:Dragon's breath shotguns rounds have, I can only guess, some similar application.
They make a big flash of light and flame for a few seconds, which is useful for startling birds and pest critters or wowing the neighbors on the 4th of July. Other then that they're pretty much useless, expensive as fuck (try $10USD or more per shell), you have to be careful about ejecting the shell as they'll keep producing a big of flame for a few seconds after firing, and they have a tendency to damage the shotgun you fire them from. But all that's kind of irrelevant as the damned things are banned in most locals anyway.
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Re: Arizona legalizes carrying concealed gun without a permit

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

eion wrote:"But Drill Sergeant, I made Varsity Baseball. Doesn't that count?"
"Does this look like a fucking baseball diamond, recruit? Do I look like your pot-bellied, gum-chewing, towell-snapping P.E. Teacher. PULL AND THROW, NOW!"

If I know how to pull the trigger on an arcade M-16 light gun, is that the same thing as knowing how to shoot a real M-16?
Seriously, eion? My training battery (Bravo 1-19) did dummy grenade training and live grenade training in less than four hours hours hours and none of it was anything that couldn't have been done with a decently heavy ball of iron. We ate chow at 0630, got our kit together and get onto the LMTV, did our shit at the range, and were back in time to take showers and eat chow at 1130. It's not like M16 training where you have to learn and practice proper breathing control and keeping a proper sight picture, if you don't know how.
A Certain Clique, HAB, The Chroniclers
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