Back on topic, for his use case everything other than .doc support should work well, w/o much (any?) command line mucking around since the applications are prepackaged (except maybe Skype - I use Fedora and the Skype RPM's dependencies aren't properly specified causing breakage
and annoyance - likely better luck w/ Ubuntu though ).
As for .doc support, depends on how much he cares about interoperability/collaboration w/ more complex documents / dealing w/ formatting quirks. If you're just working on .doc files by yourself or formatting isn't a big issue, it should be fine. If formatting is required but you're just distributing docs, there's export to PDF
I'm also a grad studentm doing CompEng, and all of our computers are mostly Linux w/ a few Macs (funny thing about that is no EDA software runs on MacOS so all real work has to be done in a VM running Windows or Linux). Everyone other than me and the professors uses Windows on their personal laptops though...
We seem to get by throwing .doc/.ppt/.xls's around, although it gets irritating when the occasional file is saved in docx/pptx/xlsx/keynote (usually the Mac people and grad students outside the lab). All the machines do have VMs running Windows for when we do need it though (except mine due to performance reasons
Anything where formatting is important gets thrown into LaTeX/Beamer/etc anyway- of course, this isn't an option for most people nonfluent in LaTeX/Beamer.
In my experience, most Word files turn out okay, the main breakage happens w/ spreadsheets and powerpoint.