The "Say Something Nice" Thread

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The "Say Something Nice" Thread

Post by Zaia »

Remember the thread where we rated the person who posted above us? Well, I'd like to do something similar, except I'd like to have us say something nice about the person who posts above us.

You know what you mom always used to say: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." If you can't think of anything nice to say about the person who posted last, please wait for someone else to post first, ok?


Since I have to start and don't have anyone posted above me, I'll do everyone's favourite anal sex afficianado.

D.W.: You have this amazing ability to step into any conversation and sound like you've spent your life studying that very thing. The ease with which you express even the most complex theories and then switch right over to rallying for more anal sex in no time flat is nothing short of awe-inspiring. :P

That, plus the fact that you really are a softie who's madly in love with his wife just makes you all the more likeable to me. :D

EDIT: I'm going to try really, really hard not to post again, because I don't want people to think I put this up so everyone could kiss my ass, but I'm just not patient enough to wait around for people to say nice things about NoK and Keevan!! :D I'm trying, though...I really am trying...
Last edited by Zaia on 2003-02-18 05:25pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Next of Kin »

Zaia, someone who is always willing to listen and knows how to have fun.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Zaia - if DW could be said to be the "Brain" of, you would most certainly form a great part of the heart of it.
You are one of the most caring and compasionate people on the board and your presence itself seems to brighten the place.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Keevan. Knows his swords and other such implements :D

EDIT: Yeah, thanks Skimmer, brightened my day :mrgreen:
Last edited by Brother-Captain Gaius on 2003-02-18 06:10pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

JediNeophyte, I don't fucking hate your rotten guts as much as I used to.

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Post by Colonel Olrik »

Sea Skimmer, I know much more about military hardware than I used to, and it's partially due to you.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Colonel Olrik: Knows how to crush idiots and put them in their proper place, particularly in the Hall of Shame.
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Post by Joe »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Colonel Olrik: Knows how to crush idiots and put them in their proper place, particularly in the Hall of Shame.
Spanky: Stellar avatars and better at smacking down misguided Eva fans than anyone else.

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I'm studying for the CPA exam. Have a nice summer, and if you're down just sit back and realize that Joe is off somewhere, doing much worse than you are.
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Post by Andrew J. »

Durran Korr: Excellent avatar.
Don't hate; appreciate!

RIP Eddie.
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Post by Nathan F »

Uhm, I don't know anything about Andrew J... So I will go with Durran Korr:
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Post by Oberleutnant »

Andrew J, your Wong quote made me laugh. Thank you for cheering up my evening!
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Post by Larz »

Oberleutnant: your avatar scares me and seems to fit you well. Good show on both accounts.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Larz wrote:Oberleutnant: your avatar scares me and seems to fit you well. Good show on both accounts.
You seem like the nicest guy, when I see you're the most recent poster, I always read it.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Larz...always has cool and at times amusing Avatars.(ah Pen-Pen, and Gendo)

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Mike Wong's site

Post by jegs2 »

Mike has compiled an excellent source of information on this website for those of us who consider ourselves to be warsies. I know I've used the information on this site to bolster my arguments in debates against trekkies.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Jegs was kind enough to answer some career questions about himself. Im always curious about people who serve in the military and am happy when they take time to answer my questions.
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Post by Shinova »

TrailerParkJawa wrote:Jegs was kind enough to answer some career questions about himself. Im always curious about people who serve in the military and am happy when they take time to answer my questions.
Helped me out regarding that dual-booting and linux "frenzy" I was in back then. Thanks.
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Post by Dalton »

Shinova, an erstwhile unofficial ambassador from with an avatar indelibly linked to his name. Good show!
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Dalton, Lord of the FUQ. Has a nice avater, and is a good guy/mod.
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Post by RogueIce »

ArmorPierce: you seem like a nice guy, and I like any Terran StarCraft avatar. :)
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Post by Zaia »

Ok, I can't stand that NoK got left behind! We teachers have to watch each others' backs! :D

Next of Kin: You are such a sweetheart, being there for me to turn to with my teaching woes. Our conversations have always managed to brighten my day and put a smile on my face, and I thank you for that. Your students are lucky to have such a fabulous person as a mentor, role model and educator.

Ok, so this whole thing doesn't get thrown off, I should do Mr. Ice as well. :D

RogueIce: Unfortunately we haven't had any conversations yet, as you are still fairly new around here, but I like you because you took part in my thread AND because you have a totally kickass sig! I hope you stick around so that I get the chance to know you better.
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Post by God Emperor »

Zaia your contributation to threads are filled with quality and you can understand when someone makes a mistake :oops:
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Post by Nathan F »

:cry: no one had anything to say about me...
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Post by Shinova »

NF_Utvol wrote::cry: no one had anything to say about me...

Started that insane chatroom over on IRC :mrgreen:

Was in some trouble early on in his "career" over here at sdnet, but apologized and recovered quickly. Kudos.
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Post by VF5SS »

I really enjoy the debates here. I tip my hat to the big players and everyone else. Peace. 8)
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