Regarding powered armor, it could also be used to allow humans to move easily around on inhospitable planets or at least allow for infantry to move on inhospitable planets without being cooped up in vehicles all the time.
On a planet without a breathable atmosphere (or perhaps no atmosphere at all) a human would need equipment to give them breathable air.
Also, a planet without a protective ozone layer would be bombarded with radiation.
Other elements such as altered gravity (either high or low) or extreme temperatures would make things dangerous for a person walking outside of a vehicle.
Powered armor or rather a powered exoskeleton would be very helpful to let a human carry all the life support systems and armor that protects them from the radiation and elements on an alien world. Also, worlds with different gravity would change the weight of all the gear so it would make sense to make the armor self-supporting so that changes in weight wouldn't result in stress on the human occupant.
I mean, a human born and raised on Mars would likely have less muscle mass and less durable bones than one raised on Earth due to the decreased gravity (even if there are ways around this through training, drugs, or vitamins) and similar conditions could result from humans raised on worlds with other conditions or environments. Recruiting people from multiple planets with varying environmental conditions would result in a people with a variety of strengths and environmental medical conditions. A military that has an infantry would likely need powered armor just to make its people capable of stepping outside their vehicles and lifting stuff.
The 'civilian model' for powered armor would likely be a space suit with a powered exoskeleton and some protective coating to keep out radiation or toxins found on alien planets. The power source might not be really necessary, just a long cable that leads to portable power source with some on-board power supply that lets them move around for long enough if they get disconnected.
As for mecha... I think that bipedal legs are rather unfeasible or impractical for a large vehicle. The combat suits in Avatar looked
really badly designed to me... or rather their legs. Their hip-joints were horribly thin and looked like they could snap in half any minute considering how much they were running around. If you are in a car and one of the tires bursts then you skid to a stop and replace the tire... or see if you can drive a ways on the rim. If the leg of a bipedal mecha goes out then what are you going to do? I suppose you could have your hi-tech mecha crawl along with its arms but that seems very indignified to me.
A vehicle with a wheeled base and a humanoid upper body might work. One of my favorite mechas in fiction is the
Gustaff from the Megaman Legends series and Misadventures of Tron Bonne. It spends alot of its time as the usual bipedal walking mecha... but there is one level in Misadventures where its lower body is replaced with tank treads so that it can lift heavy objects and carry them. Then in Megaman Legends 2 it returns as a boss where its legs were replaced by hover units that let it float above the ground.
In short, a mecha with a humanoid upper body with arms could be useful to allow a wide range of movement for construction or lifting or such. Turning it into a combat vehicle would be as easy as replacing its 'hands' with guns or something... or just replace the whole arm. But have it use wheels or tank treads or hover units or something... maybe four wheeled legs that let it drive around on flat surfaces and walk spider-like if it reaches rough terrain. But keep the center of gravity low enough that it doesn't fall on its face if it breaks down abruptly.
I think the SCVs from Starcraft are a pretty good looking vehicle. They move around on either tank treads or hover units and have two robotic arms precise enough to perform construction or repair work while being strong enough for heavy lifting. They also are the worker units for the Terran faction and just stink at combat... but might be pretty good if they had decent weapons equipped. The Terrans still stick with tanks, powered armor, and other vehicles for their combat forces so its all good.
Fry: No! They did it! They blew it up! And then the apes blew up their society too. How could this happen? And then the birds took over and ruined their society. And then the cows. And then... I don't know, is that a slug, maybe? Noooo!
Futurama: The Late Philip J. Fry