Norade wrote:I never said it was right, and while I do agree with pirates being killed I also admit it's illegal. You also need to realize that when something is illegal, but also the easiest way to deal with a problem, and there's nothing that others can do about it, that option will see use.
No? You said
Backpedaller wrote:I don't see how the Russians did any wrong.
You also argued that the Russians could have tossed a pistol in the cell and then shot them under a pretense and argued that the option would be more cost effective.
Quit backpedaling.
Most options solve nothing, they simply delay the problem and bring people with every reason to hate you into your nation.
More useless wigging. We have a viable option which also is morally superior. You have no case, no argument. You are nothing but hot air.
There would be a market if ships were allowed to mount them, they also have uses in future remote and unmanned weapons systems. A single well placed motorized mount makes attacking the wrong ship a far greater risk and the pirates may look for easier targets when it fires at them. As for AR's I only mentioned them due to cost, something like an LMG would be far better.
As you have already conceded that (and not been able to produce any cost estimate either) I'll not address this any further.
Assuming every person aboard was paid at the lowest rate and there were no other costs it costs Canada $7.6 million per year to keep her contribution in theater. The US likely spends many times that given what it has in the region. Overall simply based on adding the number of sailors in the region as listed on the wiki and multiply by a the lowest Canadian soldiers wage I get $185.2 million spent on the issue each year.
With some economy of scale that seems like it would be enough to arm a decent enough number of ships with some form of semi-automated defense.
No, it would not. There are over 21.000 crossings there in any year. Also, your estimate is disingenious because those ships would still have been built and paid anyway. In any case, your estimate utterly sucks because you just declare that it would be enough. Heck, just purchasing a single AR for every one of the crossing would cost almost 17 million and that is just a stock AR without a mount or any persons covering it and not even covering the additional insurance, pay, risk coverage etc. In short, not feasible.
I wonder how many would love the chance to work on a nice air conditioned boat instead of in a nasty desert?
You've not been on a freighter, have you? That said, what these guys care about is pay.
It depends on the average salary of a PMC and how much it would cost to place a large enough team on ships that are likely to pass through the region.
Numbers or concede.
Yeah, because trials are free, as are jails, and prisoners are going to be feed only bread and water... Right. Like it or not human lives can be valued in dollars and it simply isn't worth it to not simply shoot pirates in the act.
As I said, sociopath. Sure good to know that when you are killed, it will be a net gain to society because you are a) a net negative and b) if the police don't investigate, they safe a lot of money.
The nation as a whole is draining at least $185 million a year simply in anti-piracy measures alone, not to mention aid and other expenses. If we assume that in total everything spent in the region only totals up to just over double that at $400 million per year then we're spending 5% of that nations GDP simply to keep them from harming the world more.
Which proves...what, exactly?
Over my lifetime I will become a net positive, over the past decades few Somalis will. I also don't raid ships and endanger my life and the lives of others. Nor does my nation as a whole.
Which has got what to do with the drowning of unarmed prisoners?
Easily? Likely not. Can they reform it? Maybe.
And the conservatives in the USA may just decide to support Obama, which is way more likely than what you are peddling.
Hmm, funny how the west, and many parts of the east broke from that mold many hundreds if not over a thousand years ago how long do we give these people to catch up
Because we had a basic economy that was enough to provide for us as a society over several hundred years. We also had a continous scholarly tradition and civilising influence in several institutions. The Somalis have neither.
before we decide we can make better use of the land?
Ah, so you are not only a sociopath, but also a social darwinist. Next stop: Eugenics.
What happened to Rome caused the dark ages, though there was much more to it than a simple invasion.
Way to miss the point here, which was that if you erode a people's livestock, they will become tribal and primitive.
You're an expert in that area though so I'm not even going to begin to get into this here. Though if you feel like it I'd pop buy a thread in History on the topic if it's worth your time to make one.
Given your utter inability to argue a point and lack of knowledge, it sure as heck would not.
Maybe they should grow the fuck up as a society and stop being ignorant tribal idiots. Most of the world has figured this out by now and we all started out with less knowledge than Somalis have now. They can at least see that other ways exist without having to invent an entirely new way to live.
You can't make any argument, nor can you cite any evidence to support your position. Your continued stubbornness in taking a position and when challenged, simply repeating your words and insisting that it must be so does not, contrary to your expectations, an argument make.
MKSheppard wrote:All you need to do is pass a regulation saying:
"If you wish to operate on shipping route A213 or within x nautical miles of the horn of africa; at all times your speed should be in excess of 25 knots."
Won't work because many merchantman have a top speed of 15-18 knots. They can't go that fast.