Bellosh101 wrote:1. Larger active military: quantity has a quality of its own, and the 25,000+ ISD force along with a good amount of battleships, a few battlestations, and countless numbers of lesser ships would have posed a much greater challenge to the Yuuzhan Vong than the mere five fleets the New Republic fielded most of the time.
1. Grand Army of the Republic: The Old Republic would've been far more mobilized for actual total war than the Galactic Empire which was farting around quelling tiny insurgencies to the point where its armor had atrophied to uglee stupid lumbering useless mechanimus. Clearly Emperor Palpatine is a shit for creating the Galactic Empire, and the Old Republic would've been far more superior in stomping the shit out of the Vongoes.
2. No hesitation: the Emperor would have no motive to hold back his forces the way the New Republic Senate did. Keeping the Yuuzhan Vong from establishing a foothold in the galaxy would have gone a far way towards ensuring Yuuzhan Vong failure.
2. Too dead: The Emperor was too prone getting himself killed in convoluted Sith schemes to do any of that.
The Rebel Alliance's objective was to overthrow the Emperor; the Rebellion was not doing a very good job of overthrowing the Emperor before Skywalker came along to save their butts. As long as the Rebellion was failing to overthrow the Emperor, the Galactic Empire was ultimately victorious on all fronts.
Did Luke Skywalker obtain the necessary schematics needed to find the Death Star's weakness, was he the one who orchestrated the Battle of Endor? Was he actually even the one who took out the DS2's shields and blew the fuck out of the DS2 itself, and was he the one commanding the fleet action that fucked the Executor in the face? Nope. The Rebel Alliance did all that. And, also, the Rebel Alliance apparently found the right man to kill the Emperor himself - namely, Darth Vader.
Damn, the Rebel Alliance is good! Picks the best guys, and makes the best plan, to defeat the most incompetent bunch of totalitarian farts in sci-fi. Hahahahaha.
*AT-ATs trip on their own shoe laces*
whoopsie i made a poopsie
General Schatten wrote:
Because the Empire had more assets available to it than the New Republic and New Republic intelligence reports even said as much.
The Grand Army of the Republic would've kicked the shit out of the Vong. Clearly this means that not only was the New Republic shit for replacing the Empire, it also means that the Empire was shit for replacing the Old Republic. Senator Jar Jar Binks > Emperor Palpatine > Mon Mothra.