Iosef Cross wrote:Capitalism, defined as an market economy, is the only type of economic system compatible with an reasonably advanced civilization. Anything different is impossible to work under a sophisticated system of division of labor.
I think an educated American would understand that. But usually, the people that benefit the most from it are the ones that want to destroy it.
Being an asshole and declaring things on fiat does not qualify as substance. I'd love to hear you preach from a
favela, asshole.
Iosef Cross wrote:Although I also think you're also wrong about the objective general superiority of "actually existing capitalism" over "actually existing socialism" (which I mean in the technical sense, meaning the USSR's centrally-planned economy), myself, Stas, and others have repeatedly shown to you this was not even a constant feature of the USSR itself, much less Leninist states in general (e.g., USSR under the NEP, Khrushchev's regional planning, late-era Gorbachevian reforms, Yugoslavia, etc., etc.), and arguably other proposed economic alternatives, such as syndicalism and participatory economics/planning (which of course avoids the central perfect planner and single-point of failure problem), and the revolutionary anarchist regions of Spain of course was not under a centrally planned economy.
Of course, only ad hominen, opinions and bullshit. To understand and refute my argument, that's impossible for you and Stas to do. Your profile says that you are an "libertarian socialist", while Stas is a widow o the soviet regime. Moved only by pre conceived ideology and prejudices.
Are you fucking stupid? In order to prove the whole point of this thread--that socialism is fundamentally unworkable, you cannot just attack the central planning regime of most of the USSR's history, because no one in your position ever disputes that the USSR was always socialist, and therefore,
periods when it operated under different economic systems are also socialist, and must be refuted as well, in order to sustain your argument. Furthermore, the ad hominem is a logical fallacy where you dismiss the argument of your opponent by attacking his character;
where the fuck did I attack any argument using your character, imbecile? Do you have any idea what these words even mean?
Was the USSR under NEP socialist? Was Yugoslavia under Tito socialist? Even if you are right about the USSR's central planning, state ownership socialism, that does not comprehensively address whether socialism is possible because the predominant USSR system is only a subset of historical, much less proposed or theorized socialist economic systems.
Iosef Cross wrote:To try to control for exogenous factors you first need to have a theoretical conception of the impacts of these factors. In other words, you need to use the spectacles of theory to judge reality.
Everybody has some theoretical perceptions of these factors. The people that have very crude ones imagine that they can "control" these exogenous factors and obtain an bias free result. Like you.
The historical fact is that we do not have an ideal lab environment to test different social systems. But the East/West Germany historical case is the closest historical case of a lab environment comparing the Soviet system with the Western.
Iosef Cross wrote:Germany received only 1.4 billion dollars from the Marshall plan! That's a symbolic value.
Again, it appears that the modern economics education contains no facets of the scientific method, since you are incapable of understanding isolating the "system performance" variable would mean having to equal out
the relative aid to each German state, not the Federal Republic in particular, imbecile.
Iosef Cross wrote:What are your academic qualifications?
From what you have posted, I expect that you don't know what an indifference curve is.
You're way out of your league if you think you can try and browbeat people with the bachelor or less that you have, on this forum. One does not need an economics degree to demonstrate that quoting the performance of and aid to the FRG alone somehow controls for the relative aid/reparations starting point from which one can isolate a simple variable in a qualitative discussion of FRG v. GDR economic systems. This is Google/Wiki level basics of the scientific method and empirical analysis of data, apparently basics they do not teach you.
Since you threw down the gauntlet on economic academic authority,
you had better post proof of an accredited academic degree that could be third-party verified before you keep shooting your mouth off, asshole. This forum has a VERY poor opinion of Internet Experts pretending to be shit that they are not.