Abortion debate is not something I want to get into in this thread.Purple wrote:Well firstly, the abortions part was used in countries in our world (I think, but am probably wrong with at least 99% probability of being wrong) in case of birth control laws and we know it is used in our world in case of ultrasound detected heavy birth defects (abit with a choice for the parents).Broomstick wrote:It's not just that - he was talking about using artificial insemination and abortions - that is, treating women like we do cattle, without any mention of what restrictions, if any, men are under.
Actually, AI is used in other circumstances, such as enabling men with low sperm counts to conceive more easily. In some circumstances, men have preserved sperm samples to use later when they have reason to believe they will be exposed to conditions adverse to produce healthy sperm. Cancer treatment, for instance, can really fuck up sperm and some men will preserve their sperm prior to undergoing chemo or radiation therapy. That possibility has also been discussed for men engaged in work involving radiation - something that might be more common in the future.And artificial insemination means that when a couple wants a baby and the male is "incompatible" they go to a clinic rather than doing it them self.
You sounded like one. Learn to express yourself better. That is, more precisely and without being sloppy.I was not actually advocating peening women up and force-sexing them you know...
You make me sound like some tyrant from a bad manga plot.
What? Are you maintaining that women aren't affected by not having children? There isn't really a way to quantify what effect being childless has on a person. Some people don't have a problem with it. Some do. Some adamantly don't want children at all. That applies to both genders.You clearly underestimate the effect upon a male when he knows that he can not have children. Sure there are more things to life than having kids but the emotional stress is still there.A typical male blind spot, to be eager to restructure and control female reproduction without imposing limits on their own..
Sex does not equal reproduction, and these days, reproduction does not always involve sex. Unless you're going to maintain the only purpose of sex is procreation your issue as expressed in that statement doesn't make much sense.And just how do you say that being forbiden to have kids is "without imposing limits on male sequality".
Mandatory vasectomies are cheap and very reliable contraception. Tubal litigations for women are more costly and technically demanding, but also extremely reliable. Reversible contraception is a bit more costly.Provide free but mandatory contraception and have babies only be born from selected preferred gene stock and than adopted by the families.
Are you now implying that adopted children someone aren't "real" children?In the end, every family could get a child, just not every child would really be yours.
Actually, it might be better for such a society for people to never raise children genetically theirs, that way everyone is adopted. It eliminates potential tension between biological and adopted offspring.