Exactly. Whenever people ask me if I am doing something when I'm taking my vacation days I tell them, "Yes, not being at work". It's one of our benefits to have paid vacation days and that's all that matters.Knife wrote:I don't like it when anyone uses stupid and obviously false excusses to get out of work, weather they use family, religeon, or "medical" emergencies.
However on the flip side, my job does not run my life. If I need time off, I have no problem in taking time off. I do give them advanced warning but they always seem to come up with as many excusses as to why I should come to work as those who try to sluff work do. If I am sick, I stay home. If they do not pay me for it, then it is none of their bussiness how I am sick and what my doc said.
Most of the time they don't try to get me to work extra. For one thing I intentionally make it difficult to get in touch with me. My phone ringer is never on because I work nights, don't get many real personal calls, and had the dang thing waking me up all the time because I would forget to shut off the ringers when I went to bed.