[RANT] Help Wanted- Atheists and Childless Only

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Post by Tsyroc »

Knife wrote:I don't like it when anyone uses stupid and obviously false excusses to get out of work, weather they use family, religeon, or "medical" emergencies.

However on the flip side, my job does not run my life. If I need time off, I have no problem in taking time off. I do give them advanced warning but they always seem to come up with as many excusses as to why I should come to work as those who try to sluff work do. If I am sick, I stay home. If they do not pay me for it, then it is none of their bussiness how I am sick and what my doc said.
Exactly. Whenever people ask me if I am doing something when I'm taking my vacation days I tell them, "Yes, not being at work". It's one of our benefits to have paid vacation days and that's all that matters.

Most of the time they don't try to get me to work extra. For one thing I intentionally make it difficult to get in touch with me. My phone ringer is never on because I work nights, don't get many real personal calls, and had the dang thing waking me up all the time because I would forget to shut off the ringers when I went to bed. :? I do work extra ocassionally but in most of those cases it's because I don't want someone being hung out to dry like I have been in the past. Basically I do it when it really matters but avoid setting myself up as the shift covering "bitch". That's what they have part timers for. :D
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Post by Kintaro »

Man, I can't wait until I graduate college so I can (hopefully) work with some decent people. I hope my bosses aren't two-faced sons of shitheads, either.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Darth Wong wrote:It cuts both ways. If you work at the kind of company where the managers come to you on a Friday afternoon and ask if you can work all weekend because "something came up", then they'd goddamned well better deal with it when you call up one day and say you have to take the next two days off because "something came up".
Either that or they have a comp time policy. Sure I will work all weekend, but I want two paid days off in exchange. Or at least one.
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Re: [RANT] Help Wanted- Atheists and Childless Only

Post by Rubberanvil »

Tsyroc wrote:40+ years old and having your 5th kid just because it happened. :x
Because of that, they may be spenting a lot of time with the kid in the hospital for at least 2 years.
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Post by theski »

Lord Poe, I will try not to offend all of the people with children with this. I manage a 9 million a year retail biz, I completely agree with you!! I could go on a 30 min rant about the many days myself or any of the single people on my staff have had to cover for the (family) people... I have never seen so many sick kids and soccer games and doctor apointments..Human Resources say that can't be disciplined or even spoken to about the issue. There is a movement around the country to take a hard look at single parents if possible before they get hired and make them stick to a set schedule. BTW How did our parents manage to not have to go home 1 once a week..
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Post by Tsyroc »

On a similar note, how about employees/co-workers who get multiple personal phone calls a day, every day?

It's damn annoying to pick up the phone and find out its someone spouse or bootty call for the 3rd or 4th time a day.
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Post by Mark S »

My job is generally the 8 to 4 type. But there is always this stigma about putting in unpaid overtime. Screw that! You pay me for X hours, I'm working for X hours. The managers in my company, like many others most likely, keep track of hours worked and what not and they actually had the balls once to spread that certain departments weren't putting in enough overtime. I said that I would be more than happen mark down more hours than I work on my time sheet if that would help. Don't get me wrong. If a deadline is coming up and the work needs to be done, I'll work until it's done, but that's because if it isn't, we don't get paid. That's the business. But I too have made it clear that I'm not going to work late just because they want me to. I think that might have gone off topic but it's related, damn it.

On another note, as someone without children, I get annoyed when people use their kids as the trump card to everything. Oh, hell, you have a kid, you must be right. :roll: I can't hold a candle to you. I can't possibly understand. :roll: And these mothers who have to constantly remind you of how they'll do anything to protect their children. Yes, we get it. You love your children. Shut up.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Depends on the subject, doesn't it? If the subject of discussion happens to be parenting, then a parent does have a legitimate right to tell a non-parent that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, just as anyone with experience in any field generally trumps someone with no experience. Obviously, if the topic is something unrelated to parenting, then one's status as a parent is a red herring.
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Post by Mark S »

That's just it. It isn't even talking about parenting. I'm not a parent and I wouldn't think to argue about it with someone who is. I'm talking about people who pull the child card whenever they want to feel like top dog. "You don't know what (insert subject, feeling, etc. here) is really like until you've had kids.", "I'm a mother/father, I know how to (whatever)." It is a red herring and it bugs me.
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Post by Lord Poe »

TrailerParkJawa wrote:It sounds like you are working in a retail or some other environment where coverage is really important.
Nope worse; transportation!

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Post by Lord Poe »

Mark S wrote:And these mothers who have to constantly remind you of how they'll do anything to protect their children. Yes, we get it. You love your children. Shut up.
Heh, Chris Rock has a great rant about that! " 'I take CARE of my kids!' You're supposed to you dumb motherfucker!"

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Post by Gandalf »

Lord Poe wrote:
Mark S wrote:And these mothers who have to constantly remind you of how they'll do anything to protect their children. Yes, we get it. You love your children. Shut up.
Heh, Chris Rock has a great rant about that! " 'I take CARE of my kids!' You're supposed to you dumb motherfucker!"
George Carlin also has a good one "Loving your kids doen't make you special, John Wayne Gacy loved his kids."
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Lord Poe wrote: While true, I can't respect those who will promise to be there only to cop out at the last minute and leave me holding the bag.
I agree, given one of the jobs I have worked, event theaming, its not good for the organiser to have people say "oh I cant work today, i have a hang over" when they said last week that they could work that day. Such an attitude in time sensitive jobs seriously fucks it up for everyone and serious money can be lost, or worse, reputations.
If you cannot be on a job, on time, when you are needed to be there, you should not be doing that job.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Lord Poe wrote:
TrailerParkJawa wrote:It sounds like you are working in a retail or some other environment where coverage is really important.
Nope worse; transportation!
Okay, I can see why it is such an issue for you. My last job was in a high tech company so while there are certain deadlines, hours for most people tend to be very flexible. Even for me as an internal support person, if I came in half an hour late one day or half an hour early one day it was not a big deal. As long as you are there at a reasonable time and put in 8 hours.
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