The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Simon_Jester »

[R_H] wrote:I have no idea what the fuses on the HEAT rounds were like then, but assuming the berms would have detonated them, they would have been rudimentary standoff armour (which may have prevented penetration from the front, but not from the sides or rear - depending on the vehicle of course).
Would it not also depend on the thickness of the standoff? A pile of sand puts a lot more material in the path of an incoming shell than your average piece of standoff armor.
tortieconspiracy, at enlarged font wrote:Umm, I think you mean "sand" there, don't you.
Why yes. Yes I do. How helpful of you to notice.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by [R_H] »

Simon_Jester wrote:Would it not also depend on the thickness of the standoff? A pile of sand puts a lot more material in the path of an incoming shell than your average piece of standoff armor.
Yes, but keep in mind that the RHAe value of sand isn't specatacular. More important is how many charge diameters of space there is between the vehicle and the berm, the more, the less vehicle armour the HEAT jet will be capable of penetrating.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Simon_Jester »

I'd expect there to be quite a few jet diameters of spacing; the tank has to be able to back out of the berm, after all.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by westrim »

Mayabird wrote:I sent the crap to the barrel. I've said it before and apparently I have to say it again for the idiots who have as short a memory as they do patience: Stuart will write when he has time and feels like it, and he is a very busy man. I'm not having this thread stupidly spammed up by useless beggars.
:? I think your humor detector needs maintenance... To clarify, I at least was well aware that he is a busy man and that frequent updates should be met with rejoicing, infrequent ones with patience. I'm just glad he put pen to paper fingers to keyboard and made this for us. I can't remember what exactly I said in response to the first query, but I believe it was in joking language intended to highlight the needlessness of their impatience. I guess the light wasn't high enough- oh well, no worries. You might want to turn that blood pressure down a little though. :-S (the emoticon for worry, apparently not in the system)

As to the Iraqi army, I believe their flaw was that while the sand may have provided protection, they used it in such a way that precluded any further maneuvers- as soon as they were found (which was almost always before they did the finding), they were stuck and ripe for flanking. And they were still exposed on top, so our helicopters still had something to find and annihilate. :kill:
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by [R_H] »

westrim wrote: As to the Iraqi army, I believe their flaw was that while the sand may have provided protection, they used it in such a way that precluded any further maneuvers- as soon as they were found (which was almost always before they did the finding), they were stuck and ripe for flanking. And they were still exposed on top, so our helicopters still had something to find and annihilate. :kill:
Pretty much, yeah. I thought it was the Bradley's that plinked the most armour though?
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Saint_007 »

So speaking of the uselessness of Iraqi armor and Iraqi armored tactics, let's talk about a more relevant, more technologically inept, and more screwed enemy: the Angels.

We've already established that aside from the Great Beasts and Uriel, they're effectively an infantry army - albeit one that doubles as an air force. So how would they, an army that fights with Iron Age "Infantry Block" tactics, use the Angels to their advantage? The 50,000 human levies (IIRC, Elhmas-Lan said that the feint had 10,000 Angels and "five times that number in human levies") are dead weight in this fight; as loyal as they are, they're like the Daemon infantry during Abigor's push through Iraq - only they're smaller, can't shoot lightning, and much, much weaker. Standard infantry tactics of the modern era, like trench warfare, would devastate them. The humans being servants to the Angels, it would make sense for the Angels to use them as a hammer or distraction for the enemy to hold off while the Angels strike deep into sensitive areas and inflict major damage. In that sense, they're an antiquity infantry army with CAS, where the Angels will most likely be the ones to do the most damage, similar to how modern armies use tanks to spearhead an attack while using aircraft and CAS to do surgical strikes. Of course, the biggest difference is that we don't attack modern armies head-on because that is tantamount to suicide. Since the Heaven humans don't know this, they're walking into meat grinders.

Bear in mind that this is all speculation on my part, so I may be very, very wrong.

So my guess is, the Angels will try and use aerial scouts to divulge of weaknesses in the humans' lines near the concentration camp. Said scouts will carry the information back to their commanders either in person or by telepathic communication. If they can get the chance, they will try to shoot down the "grey birds" that the humans brought with them; provided, of course, that they don't go out of their way to do so for it could prove dangerous. This is what the Harpies Abigor brought with him did. Once the weak spots have been defined, the humans are made to hit at one point to divert attention, then use the more powerful Angels to hit vulnerable spots behind enemy lines. Angelic powers we've seen thus far are sonic cries, energized swords, and the use of a "battle aura", like the one Appollyon-lan displayed against Memnon in Iraq and what Michael-Lan did to the guard at the Heaven-Hell gate when the humans were invading Hell, to intimidate their opponents. The main question is if the anti-air artillery Caesar's Legions bring along will be up to the job of sufficiently thinning 10,000 Angels before they can do too much damage.

Another concern is Angelic combat range. Thrown spears would be of little use (too slow against Aircraft, too weak to penetrate APC armor), so I want to know how far a sonic scream would get? The Heralds in the opening chapters of "Armageddon???" were able to see the F-18's at a distance, but had dismissed them as "too far away to do any damage" (evidently, they were wrong). By comparison, the Angels that were dropping the Second Bowl were pretty proficient at fighting back against enemy aircraft, dropping a few in self-defense before they were torn apart. Do the Angels have the ability to strike at the ranges a modern fighter plane can, and will they even realize that even at these ranges the human planes can strike accurately?

Like Gen. David Petraeus said, this next battle could clarify how Angels fight, thus giving the HEA the key to beating them.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by GenghisQuan »

Simon_Jester wrote:
MondoMage wrote:Not really. The root of the issue is the fact that Heaven - and Yahweh in particular - totally misrepresented their position in things. With the demons, there was never any doubt where you stood with them. Hell is... well, hell. Everyone knew that, and the demons pretty much went along and stayed true to that.
You can say that, but since when is lying a bigger war crime than torturing people for millenia? I mean, declare war yes, oust Yahweh yes, take over the afterlife system and do it properly, with no second lifers having to scream in pits of fire or be slaves.

But if we're going to do a systematic de-archangelification of Heaven, we should damn sure have done the same thing in Hell. Dagon and Euryale deserve to face firing squads at least as much as, say, Lemuel, if you look at what they actually did.
Hi there, long time lurker, first time poster.

Anyways, I would posit that the crux of the matter isn't that the angels lied, but that they handed us over to Satan's boys. Under that framework, they are more responsible for the torture than the demon lords under Satan - at least they had the (small) excuse of not being able to help it, while Yahweh could have prevented it from happening (and by our understanding was supposed to have been preventing it from happening) but didn't. Kind of like how if you sold a puppy to someone that you know is abusive towards animals - yes, it's the customer who did the abusing, but it was you who put the puppy in an abusive home in the first place, which IMO makes you more responsible for whatever abuse the puppy suffers. YMMV though, my thoughts on this aren't completely formulated.

Like Dubya said in the first chapter of Armageddon - "I don’t see the difference between those who promise us an eternity of torture or those who would hand us over to that fate. They’re both our enemies now."
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Simon_Jester »

GenghisQuan wrote:Hi there, long time lurker, first time poster.

Anyways, I would posit that the crux of the matter isn't that the angels lied, but that they handed us over to Satan's boys. Under that framework, they are more responsible for the torture than the demon lords under Satan - at least they had the (small) excuse of not being able to help it, while Yahweh could have prevented it from happening (and by our understanding was supposed to have been preventing it from happening) but didn't.
That accusation works on Yahweh in here, but not on his subordinates- who have to follow him just as the demons have to follow Satan. Yahweh might be complicit in Satan's crimes, but none of his underlings are, because it was his decision, not theirs.

Or, if we decide that Yahweh's underlings are guilty of the torture in Hell by association, we then have to say the same thing of the senior demons. Not only were they associated with Satan, who directly and personally ordered the torture instead of merely allowing it to happen, but the senior demons themselves were directly and personally involved. For that matter, so were the junior demons.

Punishing Michael and not Abigor for the mass torture in Hell would be like punishing Mussolini and not Eichmann. You can certainly make a case that Mussolini was complicit in the Holocaust, since he was an ally of the people who did it, but if you're going to punish him you should damn well punish the people with actual blood on their hands.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by bogy_shashav »

While we wait for the next chapter, I bring thee a gem from /tg/

Good enough for a cover art isn't it? Unfortunately, I have no idea who's the artist.

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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Ilya Muromets »


That is just... HOLY SHIT! That is one awesome piece of art.

EDIT: Battle of Hit, perhaphs? Though, I don't think there were any demons that huge then...

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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Snaake »

*breaking lurker status*

Hey, I originally found my way to these boards to read TSW: Armageddon when it was maybe halfway through, and have thoroughly enjoyed everything so far. I'll have to admit that I first broke board lurker status for TGG: Anatomy of War (the re-edited version), but this is what originally brought me here... and to be honest, got me started on reading fanfics in the first place (if this can strictly be called that, since it's not actually derivative of any fictional canon).

P.S. That piece of art really is good. I don't think there was anything that big at Hit (sadly, since the general setting and feeling is otherwise spot-on IMO), but IIRC the Greater Heralds were in that size category?
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I wish I could find these threads on /tg/ when they're still going.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Stuart »

Helicopter Base, Third Legion. Heaven

"What you're going to be doing is very dangerous isn't it." First Consul Gaius Julius Caesar looked along the line of MH-6T helicopters. Their pilots were mostly inside or around them, doing the final checks necessary before take-off but the pilot of Diana-One was sitting on a Hellfire missile, speaking to her husband. Second Consul Jade Kim was going to back to war, this time in a way she was trained to do. At the head of a helicopter attack squadron.

"Very. Last time I tried this, I got killed. Things are different now, we have fighters up to cover us if we run into flying angels and the ground here is nearly perfect for what we will be doing. Lots of cover we can duck behind." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Don't try and stop me doing this Gaius or we will have a falling–out."

"Stop you? I'm applauding you. A Consul leading from the front is in the best possible Roman tradition. I just wish I could come with you. Just waiting here doesn't sit well with me."

"Both Consuls in the same helicopter is a bad idea Gaius. We're getting our new state working properly at last, we don't want it decapitated. In fact, you and I should never be on the same aircraft together. Can't you oversee the ground troops or something?"

"I'm not wanted there. Oh, nobody has said anything, but it's obvious I'm just in the way. I can't understand what they are doing or why. The strategic stuff, that I already have in hand but I've given the orders and other people are executing them."

"Welcome to being a modern general Gaius."

"It doesn't please me. What's worse, on the ground, what's happening makes no sense to me. So I have to sit here, out of the way, while I watch and learn." He poked his breastplate ruefully. "They tell me my armor just makes me a better target."

"And they're right. I can see that gold shining on my optronic display from miles away. I hope the angelic commanders have the same shiny breastplates, I've got four Hellfires loaded up ready for them." She grinned very nastily. "So you can say bye-bye to at least thirty of their top commanders by the time we've finished. Then we'll be back here to re-arm and refuel."

She stood up, hugged Caesar and rested her head quickly on his chest, her flight helmet making a dull thud as it hit his breastplate. "Now, wish me good hunting and a full bag of kills."

Caesar gave her a Roman salute which she gravely returned, then she slid away and climbed into her MH-6. Her hands moved over the engine controls, starting the ignition sequence. While the rotor was spooling up, she glanced quickly at her co-pilot. A newbie, a police pilot who'd crashed his helicopter trying to pick up survivors after a hurricane had devastated a South Carolina town. Before that, he'd flown UH-1s for the Army. She'd have preferred it if she could have had her original copilot on board but all her veterans were spread out across the other helicopters.

"Ready for lift-off?" He grinned at her and gave a thumbs-up. "All Diana Birds, lift off."

Her hands moved on the controls again and the helicopter lifted, its nose dipping as she gained forward momentum. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the figure of Caesar shrinking and she watched him give another salute. Then, he was gone and she concentrated on the flight plan. The Global Hawk overhead was tracking a large formation approaching the hill held by Third Legion. The position was being relayed directly to her, showing up on her navigation screen. The same screen gave her details of the terrain between that position and her flight of nine helicopters. It was time to do something about that.

"All Diana Birds. Separate into three-ship formations and spread out to attack positions. It's time to party."

She led her element of three helicopters down into a valley, the young trees underneath bending and swaying as the MH-6s passed. The map showed it leading to a low ridge with the center of the Angelic column just over the other side. In other words, a perfect set-up for the kind of ambush the MH-6 was designed to execute. Overhead, Kim saw a flash of light, surprisingly yellowish in the brilliant white light of Heaven. Reflection from the cockpit of a fighter, probably a Lawn Dart she thought. The filthy atmosphere in Hell had been rough on single-engined aircraft. After the initial panic had subsided, they'd been pulled out and flying missions in Hell had been assigned to twin-engined birds. Here in Heaven it was different and the single-engined fighters had come back into their own. The yellow reflection was almost certainly from the gold-inlaid cockpit canopy of an F-16.

Kim brought her helicopter into a hover behind the comforting screen of the ridge, then allowed it to rise slowly. As soon as the mast-mounted sight was exposed, she got a good view of the army that was advancing on the positions held by Third Legion. It didn't actually look that much different from the last force she had ambushed this way and her skin crawled slightly when she remembered how that had turned out. The dominant color here was white, not black, but there were still the columns of troops marching on the ground while overhead flew their cover. This time they were angels, not harpies.

Then her face broke out into a broad grin as black clouds of smoke erupted in the center of the flying groups. The Lawn Darts had launched a salvo of missiles at them and were now racing in to the attack. The Angelic ability to hit aircraft with trumpet blasts had been a nasty surprise but countermeasures were available. Primarily, to move fast. If the aircraft came in beyond the speed of sound, the angels would be most unlikely to see them before they were hit by rocket and cannon fire. Once the jets were past, by definition the trumpet blast couldn't catch them. A dozen or more angels were already dying in the missile blasts as a quartet of F-16s streaked through them. Then, the fighters were up and away, climbing for altitude and distance, leaving chaos behind them.

Kim let her helicopter rise until it was just over the ridge and rippled off her four Hellfire missiles. She'd already designated one angel whose size marked him out and the gleam of his armor made him vulnerable. He was still looking up, searching for the fighters that had slashed through his formation so quickly when the Hellfire struck him. He vanished in the rolling black and red cloud that marked a missile hit while Kim shifted her designator to another likely-looking angel. A few seconds later, her last missile had struck home and her MH-6 dropped below the ridge. She spun the Little Bird around and poured on the throttle. Bitter experience at work here, she would not hang around.

"We got problems Boss." Her copilot gave the warning she dreaded. Behind them, at least two dozen angels had crossed the ridge in pursuit. I've been here before. The thought running through her mind was treacherous because it made her hands shake.

"Falcon Flight, Diana-One-actual. We need help down here."

"On our way Diana-One."

The voice on the radio was heavily-accented and she couldn't place it. There was no doubt about the pilots skill though, they slashed down in a power dive, breaking up the angelic formation with a dozen AIM-120 missiles then hammering the survivors with AIM-9s and cannon fire. One of the F-16s was caught by a trumpet blast and lost a wing, the crippled bird nosing over before plowing into the ground. The group pursuing Kim's formation broke up and fled under the impact. Angels don't match daemons for sheer bloody-minded guts, she thought. "Well done Falcon Flight. We're clear now."

"Compliments of the Polish Air Force Diana-One. We've got reserves up here if you need more cover."

"Thank you, we're on our way back to reload now. New Roman Republic owes you one. Call me in New Rome sometime. Good hunting."

"No debts owed Diana-One, just had a message from Diana-Five. Our pilot punched out and one of your people picked him up as soon as his feet touched. So, all square. And good hunting for you also."

Her helicopters were skimming back through the valleys, returning to her forward base. Well, that went better than last time. Kim found herself humming cheerfully as she started to plan the next strike.

Forward Edge of the Battle Area, Hill 117, Third Legion, Heaven.

It wasn't just the weapons humans had that made the difference, it was the fact that they thought about everything they did. The foxhole he was in proved that. Dripankeothorofenex had assumed that digging a hole and sitting in it was easy, a simple task fit only for a kidling. Not the way the humans did it. They had looked at his scrape in the ground and laughed at him. "Now that is one pathetic effort Drippy," their human commander had said, mixing disapproval with dismay. Then, he had gathered all the daemons into a group and shown them how to dig a proper foxhole. An officer digging, that was something Dripankeothorofenex had never seen before. The hole had been deep and narrow to offer as much protection as possible from overhead blasts. Then the back wall had been hollowed out so the daemons inside could crouch under some cover when artillery was pounding them.

The dirt had been piled in front of the pit so the two occupants could fire out to the sides on a diagonal but not directly forwards. "What do we do when the enemy is in front?" Dripankeothorofenex had asked. "Don't sweat it Drippy, your buddies on either side will deal with them. You protect them, they protect you. The mound in front will protect you from incoming fire."

And there it was, a simple hole in the ground turned into a warrior's work of art. Beside him, his buddy Maskelodoroarnathsan was watching his assigned zone. Neither tried to lift their heads over the mound to their front. As their officer had explained, the armored carriers were behind them and they would be hosing down the area in front of the infantry positions. That meant their streams of shells would be only a few inches above their heads. "Do you see anything?"

Maskelodoroarnathsan shook his head. "Nothing yet. Wait, listen."

Dripankeothorofenex swivelled his ears forward and listened hard. Faintly, in the distance, he heard a chanting, one that had been all too familiar to his clan during The Great Celestial War. It was nearly drowned out by the rumble of diesel engines idling behind him but the words were clear, carried by the perfection of the tones. More clearly than anything else, it told him who the enemies were for neitheir daemons nor humans gave out war cries like this. Daemons were taught to believe that a silent enemy was more fearsome than a noisy one while humans never believed in telling their enemies anything about anything. But still, he heard the words echoing across the peaceful hills of Heaven.

“Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Dies iræ, dies illa, Solvet sæclum in favilla."

Then peace was gone forever from those hills for overhead the sky itself started to scream. Dripankeothorofenex crouched down in his foxhole for he knew what that terrible screaming sound was. Across Third Legion there were other daemons who knew it as well, the survivors of Hit, of the Phlegethon River, of all the battles where human artillery had left the ground mounded high with the bodies of those who dared to challenge them. Beneath his feet, the ground shook as the first salvoes pounded into the Heavenly formation that was approaching. Dripankeothorofenex could see nothing of them for his unit was dug into position on a reverse slope and the Angelic Host was still advancing up their side of the ridge. The spotting for the artillery fire was being done by one of the small remote-controlled aircraft the humans liked so much. That gave him great comfort for how he had heard many tales of how the humans also liked to hide behind ridgelines when they brought their deadly arts to bear on their enemies. Now he too, a daemon, was armed with human weapons and was soon to be fighting like a human.

"Kyrie Eleison!! Kyrie Eleison!!" The rhythmic chanting had turned into the screaming battle-cry of the Angelic Host. Dripankeothorofenex took a chance and lifted his head so that he could see out of his firing position towards the direction of the attack. For a brief moment, he thought he was back in Hell and he felt a quiet moment of peaceful tranquility as he looked at the roiling red and black clouds thrown up by the human artillery barrage. The dust and smoke was forming clouds that drifted upwards, changing the clear white light of heaven into a filthy red glare that made him quite homesick. Then the noise crashed in on him and he realized that it was time to go to work.

"Fix bayonets!" The human battlecry at last. Dripankeothorofenex took the two foot long triangular steel out of its sheath and clipped it to the end of his rifle. For a moment he missed the trident he had been brought up to use but this was a human weapon so it had to be better. The human levies came over the ridgeline in small groups, their formations shattered by the pounding of the long-range guns far behind the human lines. What had once been the traditional concentrated charge of the Angelic host had already been broken up and that left it weak and vulnerable. Dripankeothorofenex shouldered his Martini-Henry, pushed down the lever underneath and inserted a 20mm round into the chamber. Idly, he wondered what an MG151 was for that was the gun this round had been originally been used in. Lever up to close the action and he was ready. The first of the Host to enter his arc of fire was a human, dressed in the white robes and glowing golden breastplate of the Angelic Host. Only now, the robes were stained and black and the breastplate had been dented. A careful aim, and his instructor's voice echoed in his ears. "Pick your man, mark your target as he comes. Lead him by just a fraction." And the recoil of the Martini-Henry jarred his shoulder.

His target spun and went down. He might have risen, he might not. Dripankeothorofenex had lost interest in him as he worked the action on his rifle, picked another target and repeated the drill that had been hammered into him and sent another member of the Angelic Host tumbling. Now, he could see why the foxholes were designed the way they were. The angels were charging straight at them and their arrows and trumpet blasts hit nothing but the piles of dirt. Concrete or stone would have shattered under the blasts but soft earth just absorbed the energy. But, as the enemy advanced, they were moving into the deadly crossfire from the daemonic riflemen.

Out, across the battlefield, he saw an angel, a large one, possibly even an Ophanim, rising over the ridgeline, his wings carrying him up as he fired arrows from the bow in his hands. Suddenly, the angel was in chains of red fire, the brilliant links securing him to the ground. Cannon fire, Dripankeothorofenex thought, the three 23mm cannon on the armored personnel carriers. Several of the tracked vehicles were concentrating their guns on the angel, tearing it apart in mid-air. The Ophanim was lurching, trying to recover from the impact of the long bursts of gunfire but it never had a chance. It burst into blue flame as its flight sacs ignited and crashed to earth.

To his amazement, he realized he was still loading and firing, even while his mind had been absorbed by the spectacular death of the angel, his hands and eyes had been firing shot after shot at the host members in his arc of fire. Overhead, the red streaks of tracer were screaming past. His section's own armored carrier was using its guns to rake the Host that still pressed in on the defense line. He was tempted, so tempted to lift his head and look over the parapet so he could see what lay in front of him but he forced the temptation from his mind and concentrated on the mantra. "Pick your man, mark your target as he comes." And another member of the host crumpled to the ground from the bullet strike. Only this one got up and turned to stare at him. It was an angel, a lowly Ishim, no bigger than a daemon but stronger and faster than the humans. It didn’t matter. Dripankeothorofenex didn't hurry and as the angel opened his mouth to trumpet, he carefully shot the white figure between the eyes. The angel dropped and stayed down Was it dead? He didn’t care.

"They're coming over!" The warning echoed in the radio earpieces along the line. The armored personnel carrier cannon were scything down the angels but there were too many of them to be killed and too few guns to do all the killing. A human had run up the mound in front of his foxhole and was trying to slash down with his sword. Dripankeothorofenex intercepted the blow using his rifle, knocking it to one side, then thrusting forward as the human tried to jump down. The long spike bayonet went right through him and Dripankeothorofenex used his strength to hurl the body on his rifle over his head so that it landed behind him.

As he turned back, he saw Maskelodoroarnathsan sprawled out on the back wall of the foxhole, his body terribly ripped by a swordblow. He was shaking, twitching uncontrollably, the effect of the energy charge that the angel's sword had dumped into his body, Angel? Dripankeothorofenex looked at his enemy, the angel who had killed his buddy. A Bene Elohim at least, possibly even a full Elohim. The daemon could even see himself reflected in the golden armor, a black figure in the red-and-gray uniform, helmet and body armor of the human infantry. He and the Angel locked eyes, each measuring up the other. The Angel's sword was dead, lacking the dancing lights that revealed its lethal charge. It would be live again soon enough. He tried a tentative thrust but this angel was experienced and didn't fall for the feint while all the time his sword started to regain its charge. Dripankeothorofenex thrust again and this time the angel reacted, slashing down at the bayonet-tipped rifle. He turned his rifle on its side, intercepting the slash on the wood so the charge wouldn't arc through the metal of his rifle. The sword and rifle met and it was the sword that gave way, thrown to one side.

It was the opening and Dripankeothorofenex used it to the max. He thrust had and strong, no mere feint this, and the long blade struck home, piercing the angel's side and sending him staggering back. A savage yank and the bayonet came out of the wound, dripping with white blood. Then Dripankeothorofenex thrust again and again, into the stomach, the groin, the heart, the throat all the points his instructors had told him to go for. The angel went down, sprawling next to Maskelodoroarnathsan and the sight of his buddy gave Dripankeothorofenex new heart. There was vengeance to be won and he thrust again at the dying angel, his bayonet slicing through the angel's eye into its brain. A pig-sticker, that was what the instructors called the vicious triangular bayonet and they had explained that the wounds it inflicted never quite healed right. Then he heard a sound before him and spun to confront an Ishim who had jumped into the trench behind him. Confused for a split second, he had thought the battle with the Elohim had taken hours but it could only have lasted a few seconds, he nearly let the sword hit him but he parried the swing at the last second. Then he thrust and saw his bayonet sink deep into the Ishim's stomach. Suddenly, Dripankeothorofenex knew the fierce joy of fighting with the bayonet, how the long steel spike on the end of his rifle could gain him mastery of the battlefield. It could defeat sword, it could beat spear, it could beat trident. Here, at close quarters, the bayonet ruled. The Ishim was screaming as Dripankeothorofenex's thrust carried him backwards to slam his body against the wall of the foxhole and he was screaming as he pulled the trigger, using the recoil to pull the blade clear. The Ishim slumped to the floor, his screams turning to weeping as the bayonet slashed down once again.

The foxhole was empty, the angels who had made it through the barrage were dead. Dripankeothorofenex understood what had happened, the occupants of the foxholes on either side of him had seen the angels break into his position so they had concentrated their fire to prevent any more gaining ground on him. They had saved him, and just possibly Maskelodoroarnathsan as well. Overhead, the frightful noise of the battle was joined by a curious reverberating roar, one that Dripankeothorofenex would never have recognized a few years earlier. Overhead, a helicopter emerged from the smoke and clouds of dust, a dull red helicopter with a purple circle bearing a golden eagle and the number three painted on its fuselage. A stream of orange fire was pouring from its nose, hammering the ground somewhere in front of his position. Then it was gone again.

Suddenly, Dripankeothorofenex realized he didn’t have a target. With Maskelodoroarnathsan dying, he had to cover both firing loops but there was nothing to shoot at in either. Another roar gained his attention, the APC was pulling up and his officer jumped out of the back. "Get on board Drippy, this isn't over yet."

The daemon was suddenly tired but he waved at the scene in the foxhole. "Maskelodoroarnathsan is hurt Sir."

The officer jumped down and quickly looked at the casualty. "We'll get help here for him. Into the APC, now."

Dripankeothorofenex joined the scramble into the back of the APC. The human gunners on the side guns grinned at them and waved quickly at the scene in front. The ground was carpeted with bodies, some the small shapes of the humans, others the larger winged bodies of the angels. "You guys done good. Drippy, we watched you work with the bayonet. That was fine work man."

They had called him a man! Dripankeothorofenex couldn’t believe that he, a lowly daemon had been accepted by these humans as one of them. He clapped one of them on the back, being careful to make it just a friendly tap. The APC lurched forward, leaving behind another with red crosses painted on its side. The medics had arrived for Maskelodoroarnathsan. "Where are we going Sir?"

"We fought off the attack. Cost us but we did it. First Daemonic down the line is in trouble, so we're hitting the force attacking them from the side. Like a door swinging open. We'll show them what Romans are made of."

"I'd rather show them what Angels are made of." Dripankeothorofenex thought again of how he had killed the Elohim with his bayonet. Around him the surviving members of the squad laughed and cheered at his joke. Third Legion was advancing into its counter-attack and a legend was being born,
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by Kodiak »

Awesome chapter Stu, it's nice to see the demons in action.

1 typo spotted -
It was the opening and Dripankeothorofenex used it to the max. He thrust hard and strong, no mere feint this, and the long blade struck home, piercing the angel's side and sending him staggering back.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by Gerald Tarrant »

Awesome. All the experience in fighting demons is paying off.

I just have to say this line:
Drippy wrote:For a brief moment, he thought he was back in Hell and he felt a quiet moment of peaceful tranquility as he looked at the roiling red and black clouds thrown up by the human artillery barrage.

made me laugh. The idea of Hell being a peaceful inspiration was funny.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Narkis »

Great chapter as always Stuart. Loved the demon's outlook. Just a question though. Why the sudden change from Latin to Greek here:
Stuart wrote:“Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Dies iræ, dies illa, Solvet sæclum in favilla."
"Kyrie Eleison!! Kyrie Eleison!!"
edit: Glaring typos
Last edited by Narkis on 2010-05-25 04:59pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by Jamesfirecat »

Great to see another chapter up, can only hope we won't have to wait so long for the next one. Either way, I also can't wait to see what the celistial humans (those of them who survive) make of this kind of fighting against deamons and the "sinners" who are invading Heaven.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by The Vortex Empire »

Awesome chapter as usual, Stuart. I hope the next one comes soon. I wonder if Maskelodoroarnathsan will survive?
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Nice bit! It looks like Stuart is settling into one chapter a week, to drive us all insane, I'm sure :-D
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by JN1 »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Nice bit! It looks like Stuart is settling into one chapter a week, to drive us all insane, I'm sure :-D
Driving? Some of us are already there. :lol:

Good bayonet drills will beat a sword most of the time.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by bogy_shashav »

JN1 wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Nice bit! It looks like Stuart is settling into one chapter a week, to drive us all insane, I'm sure :-D
Driving? Some of us are already there. :lol:

Good bayonet drills will beat a sword most of the time.

A bayonet turns a rifle into a short spear, and you can bash with the other end. A spear beats a single sword with a bad enough ratio already. A spear you can bash with(or shoot at point blank range) will be even better vs single sword. Sword and board now...well, that's a whole different story.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by Bayonet »

Narkis wrote: Why the sudden change from Latin to Greek
Probably reference to Catholic Church tradition. "Kyrie Eleison!! " is from the Mass. It means "Lord have mercy." In the Latin Tridentine Mass, the Kyrie was still in Greek. Now it's in the vernacular.

CaptainChewbacca wrote:one chapter a week, to drive us all insane, I'm sure
Merely a short putt. :roll:
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Seven Up

Post by phongn »

bogy_shashav wrote:While we wait for the next chapter, I bring thee a gem from /tg/

Good enough for a cover art isn't it? Unfortunately, I have no idea who's the artist.
Source is here.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by Edward Yee »

I'm not familiar with the "demonic-build" Martini-Henry, but can it still fire while the "pig sticker"-type bayonet is mounted? That would be another mark in favor of the bayonet, so I'm guessing that the rise of the M114-type rifle (in .458 Winchester) led to the bucking of the RL trend of omitting bayonet lugs?

And whatever happened to the .50 Beowulf-caliber M16/M4 family? I recall that Kim's group used a M4A5 when room-clearing a castle during the harassing of Asmodeus' army.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Eight Up

Post by Brovane »

Edward Yee wrote:I'm not familiar with the "demonic-build" Martini-Henry, but can it still fire while the "pig sticker"-type bayonet is mounted? That would be another mark in favor of the bayonet, so I'm guessing that the rise of the M114-type rifle (in .458 Winchester) led to the bucking of the RL trend of omitting bayonet lugs?

And whatever happened to the .50 Beowulf-caliber M16/M4 family? I recall that Kim's group used a M4A5 when room-clearing a castle during the harassing of Asmodeus' army.
The Demons can use a lot bigger weapons than what humans can use. So some type of rifle firing a 20mm round. The weapon sounds easy to manufacturer. I also remember something about not wanting to give the Demons weapons that where to advanced. Let the humans control the full auto weapons and the Demons will stick with weapons that fire a lot slower.