He doesn't have to sink 97 hours into Dragon Age to play Awakenings, because we know it blows.

Moderator: Thanas
Why?Alyeska wrote:There is absolutely zero chance of me ever getting a console.
Uh... wat?Stark wrote:Actually hav, did you link you XBL to your MSN?
It looks a lot like Mass Effect 2, which I understand is because they're done using the same engine.Alyeska wrote:Just how good is Alpha Protocol on the PC? There is absolutely zero chance of me ever getting a console. Is the game enjoyable? How does it compare to other action RPGs?
Shit, wish someone had told me Awakenings sucked before I went out and bought it.Stark wrote:And now that they're hell old it's obvious which ones are good and which aren't, so there's less risk and requirement to 'play them all' just to see.
He doesn't have to sink 97 hours into Dragon Age to play Awakenings, because we know it blows.
Complain about upgrades being expensive? I take pride in paying a shitload of money to play games on the PC. I've bought two different $2,500 computers in the last 4 and a half years. I pay for quality. And I am willing to pay a lot of money to get access to a mouse and keyboard.Stark wrote:Then he wouldn't be able to complain as much when PC ports suck, PC versions don't exist, upgrades are expensive, etc?
Ironing guns? Being a hold? Would you care to elaborate?Stark wrote:Hotfoot tells me the PC version of AP is crap due to control issues. It's ok if you plug in a 360 controller though, which Aly obviously won't have. Ironing guns being a hold is pretty typical of shooters on PC, however. Hots had the same issues with the hacking, since it's a really shit translation from two sticks.
Jack of all trades, master of nothing.Stark wrote:That's a pretty absurdly dogmatic thing to say. AP is only on PC for appearances sake (and it's an awful port) and it's probably the RPG of the year. Try learning a new skill and branching out a bit instead of sitting on the toilet with blinders on.
But then you can't explain why controllers are bad (particularly in a thread about a game where the controller is better) so you're clearly talking about your own inability to use them. Everyone starts out crap, but if my girlfriend can go from turning the wrong way to outscoring me in Gears in three months I'm sure you can do better.
IroningStark wrote:EDIT - Are you serious? Ironing up (looking down the iron sights) is typically a hold function on all platforms. In third person ironing is just 'zoom in a bit' or 'put crosshair on screen', but it's very seldom a toggle function. Stofsk needs to play some Gears!
Excuse me? What does this even mean? Are you saying consoles are bad because you're better than me at PC games?Alyeska wrote:Jack of all trades, master of nothing.
So what? Planes are faster than cars but I still drive. The value of 'customisation' decreases as you drop from 120 buttons to 17, so how is that important? How would you 'customise' the controls for Gears or Halo or Saints Row, beyond what you can already change? You're the elitist here, I'm just a guy with an open mind and flexible attitudes.Alyeska wrote:The mouse and keyboard offers superior controls in the majority of games that I play. And I use customization heavily.
*I'M* being sanctimonious? I'm not the one saying hilarious stuff like 'if a game isn't on PC I don't want to play it'. Owning a PC and playing games on it isn't a religion you know; you're allowed to go wherever in the market the good games are. Are you just offended that I pointed out people learn new control systems? Are you afraid of learning curves?Alyeska wrote:I don't critique people for playing games on their preferred system, so take your attitude and fucking shove it up your sanctimonious ass Stark. You can fucking kiss my ass you worthless shit stain.
Uh... ok. Did you seriously think I meant 'ironing clothes'? Of course not. I only bothered to mention it because Stofsk may not play enough shooters to know that holding to iron is quite standard these days.Some guy who can't edit his replies wrote: Ironing
Iron Sights
Two different concepts.
We were talking about Controllers as specifically outlined in your very post I was talking about. Do pay attention.Stark wrote:Excuse me? What does this even mean? Are you saying consoles are bad because you're better than me at PC games?![]()
I am happy with PC gaming. You decided to needle me for being a PC gamer. You are either a prick, or an idiot.Alyeska wrote:So what? Planes are faster than cars but I still drive. The value of 'customisation' decreases as you drop from 120 buttons to 17, so how is that important? How would you 'customise' the controls for Gears or Halo or Saints Row, beyond what you can already change? You're the elitist here, I'm just a guy with an open mind and flexible attitudes.The only person making outrageous declarations here is you. I'm just expressing the value of change and learning.
I don't give a shit if you still play the NES or if your preferred console is the X-B0x 2.360. You decided to needle me on the issue of my preferred system. I have decided to tell you to GO FUCK OFF.Alyeska wrote:*I'M* being sanctimonious? I'm not the one saying hilarious stuff like 'if a game isn't on PC I don't want to play it'. Owning a PC and playing games on it isn't a religion you know; you're allowed to go wherever in the market the good games are. Are you just offended that I pointed out people learn new control systems? Are you afraid of learning curves?
Different post, so post the reply as a different post."Some guy who can't edit his replies"
I didn't have a clue what you were saying, what with your PR1 violation of a sentence.Uh... ok. Did you seriously think I meant 'ironing clothes'? Of course not. I only bothered to mention it because Stofsk may not play enough shooters to know that holding to iron is quite standard these days.
No, just a waste of a human being.Sorry, is that me being sanctimonious again?
I am happy to limit myself to something I enjoy. I do not enjoy sticking icepicks under my finger nails. And thats about as fun as using a controller.Stark wrote:Grow up. I don't care if you're a PC gamer; I am too, surprise surprise. It's your dogmatic attitude I find amusing and limiting.
I'm not going to rewrite my statement in crayon so that you can better understand it. Go back and read things again. Consider the context of what was being said. Its not my fault you got lost on a one-way street.It isn't MY fault you're laughably insecure about your refusal to touch a controller for... some... reason. And sorry, you still haven't explained how 'jack of all trades etc' is relevant. Do you mean... controllers are a jack of all trades? Console gamers are? People you don't like? Sadly, I prefer to assess something's worth by actual performance and not adherence to some ideal standard.
If its better on a controller, I don't own it or wish I hadn't bought it. Based on the reviews I am hearing over AP, I will avoid it.Y'know, some PC games are better using a controller. Do you own one? Will you play AP with the awful keyboard controls out of orthodoxy?
Alyeska wrote:I do not enjoy sticking icepicks under my finger nails. And thats about as fun as using a controller.
This is awesome. Not only dogmatic but you'll hide this by claiming you'll avoid it based on reviews, despite everyone in this thread saying they're all wrong.If its better on a controller, I don't own it or wish I hadn't bought it. Based on the reviews I am hearing over AP, I will avoid it.
Guess it didn't actually mean shit, then.I'm not going to rewrite my statement in crayon so that you can better understand it. Go back and read things again. Consider the context of what was being said. Its not my fault you got lost on a one-way street.
Wow. So you are just a pompous mouse and keyboard elitist. Although I find it interesting that you actually take pride in bad decisions... $5,000 in four years to play games that you can play on an XboX that cost $300 just so you can use a mouse... awesome.Alyeska wrote:Complain about upgrades being expensive? I take pride in paying a shitload of money to play games on the PC. I've bought two different $2,500 computers in the last 4 and a half years. I pay for quality. And I am willing to pay a lot of money to get access to a mouse and keyboard.Stark wrote:Then he wouldn't be able to complain as much when PC ports suck, PC versions don't exist, upgrades are expensive, etc?
I have no intention of getting a console because they use controllers and do not effectively support mice and keyboards. Because they are not as easy to mod the games as on the PC. If the game doesn't exist on the PC, I don't want to play it.
Actually that would make you that Jack of one trade and the master of nothing.Alyeska wrote:Jack of all trades, master of nothing.
Wait, you mean the mouse and keyboard offer superior controls for games designed to be played with the mouse and keyboard. So why not use your, y'know, brain, and play games on a console that are designed to be used with... wait for it... a controller?The mouse and keyboard offers superior controls in the majority of games that I play. And I use customization heavily.
He isn't critiquing you for playing computers games and liking them the best, he is doing it because you are a computer games only snob that won't play console games because you don't know how to use a controller and can't put your nudie mods on Gears. There is a difference.I don't critique people for playing games on their preferred system, so take your attitude and fucking shove it up your sanctimonious ass Stark. You can fucking kiss my ass you worthless shit stain.
Oh yeah, I think I'm not explaining myself well. To use ME as an example, it's a separate key to draw a gun and have Shepard hold it ready to fire, but there's nothing in AP like that. Instead, drawing a gun is the same as aiming it, if that makes sense? So in ME I could run around without having drawn a weapon, or if I had drawn it, I just need to push the LMB to fire, and if I want to aim then RMB to aim. But AP just has the draw&aim function in the one control, being the RMB.Stark wrote:Hotfoot tells me the PC version of AP is crap due to control issues. It's ok if you plug in a 360 controller though, which Aly obviously won't have. Ironing guns being a hold is pretty typical of shooters on PC, however.
It's the only gripe I have, yet I seem to have gotten used to it. It was only ever an issue in the tute mission, where I didn't know what they wanted me to do and I didn't know how they wanted me to do it (mainly the second one). If they could just fix the controls for it it would be fine. Once you know what you're doing the hardest thing is actually getting the code strings where they need to go, and its the control mechanism that makes it stressful.Hots had the same issues with the hacking, since it's a really shit translation from two sticks.
Yeah, it is nice. The dialogue system is also interesting because of the timer on your response. No going back if you insult someone.Hawx and I were talking this morning and seriously, the fact that you can make a stereotypically 'evil' or 'wrong' choice without dreading what commuppance the developer has in store for you is refreshing.
Heh it's cool. I've ribbed Vympel in person even (but then he gets his revenge by kicking my ass when we play fighter games on his PS3).And Stofsk, I don't mean to ruin my REPUTATION or anything, but I was really talking to Vympel. His backlog and I go way back.
So far I haven't noticed any bugs, but the 'save last checkpoint' thing is annoying. I'm too used to being able to save anytime and anywhere.EDIT - oh, and I finally saw some bugs. Sometimes the checkpointing gets confused, and you respawn at a previous checkpoint, but with everything you did between the recent and second-recent one still done (everyone dead etc). Sherry got a checkpoint that respawned everything behind her once.
I must be doing stealth wrong, because I keep getting spotted.Stark wrote:Yeah I know what you meant; in ME you can shoot all the time without penalty, but AP makes you 'slow down' and 'get ready' first, especially with the silly weapon abilities.
And seriously Sherry took like five minutes to get into the stealth course because of that console. She carries 4 EMPs everywhere now.
Yeah, sometimes the timer is too quick. Not a bug, but lack of polish? Yeah. Still a great concept. Because you can't save before a convo you also can't reload and do things differently - it has the effect of keeping you on your toes when you make conversation with people, which brings you into the moment.I found the timers itneresting - some options run out at the end of the other dialog, so you sometimes want to suddenly change but have no time. Other times you get a giant timer of EYEBROW RAISING and SQUINTING that you can't skip even if you know what you want to say.
This is a flaw across platforms. Even on 360, you can spot the code and not make it because the speed you can move the overlay thing is so slow. I got into the habit of keeping the one I'm not currently placing moving just to increase the odds it'll be close to the destination. I would have preferred some kind of multi-click thing (click start and end of sequence) or something rather than moving them one square at a time.Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:For the record, AP is fine on PC. It's only the hacking game (and to a lesser extent, lockpicking) which blows shit. I've failed hacks and gotten alarms simply because I get three misclicks in a row trying to keep the mouse highlighted sequence on the spot it needs to stay on, or because the shit keyboard half physically moves slower than the "reset" timer.