The Legends of Zelda Timeline.

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Anarchist Bunny
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The Legends of Zelda Timeline.

Post by Anarchist Bunny »

The other day I was doing some reading on the timeline of the Legend of Zelda. Now I knew that the time line mainly went like this First OoT, MM, LttP, LoZ, AoL, wiith LA fitting in anywhere(probly after LttP) And the Oracles fitting inbetween OoT and LttP but with a new completely new Link.

Another thing I was wondering was, the ending to OoT linking to LttP, my theory was Link was sent back, and then left Hyrule partly as an outcast, partly as in several years the events in the other part of OoT were going to happen, and to just avoid it. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best I could come up with. But I read an interesting one the other day, where Zelda sent Link back before pulling the sword out, and keeping Ganon away from the Sacred Realm, and he was later banished by wizards, while it had huge errors in it, like LttP said the battle of the Sages was where Ganon was locked into the Sacred realm, but what it did explain was why Hyrule changed like it did. The gorons died in the fire temple, the zoras lost there entire royal family, and became nomadic and aggressive, the guerdos were eliminated after Ganondorfs actions, there was no Deku Spout, so with out guidance and protection the Kokiri and their forest died and was overrun by the lost woods, etc.

But that too isn't perfect, so I was wondering if anyone had insight on the timeline to the Legends of Zelda.

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Post by HemlockGrey »

Damn, I wrote up a timeline for Ice's Zelda Central once, but I've lost it and I think all trace of the damn thing has vanished...
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Post by Dalton »

I don't know about any link between OoT and LttP: remember, Link had an Uncle there.
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

They refer to the Battle of the Sages that locked Ganon into the Sacred/Dark Relm in the handbooklet, the maidens were all decendents of the Sages, Link to the Past's Past was OoT. Beside it's not the same link in every game. OoT and MM is one Link, the Oracles Link is another, So is LttP, and the first two is yet another Link, Link's Awakening could be one of any of the Links, or a completely new one. Also the Wind Waker is a new Link too.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Hey, has anyone ever heard of Ice's Zelda Central, or know of any still-functional mirror sites or such? I did a lot of work for that place under 'Challenger' and I'd like to see if I can retrieve some of it.
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Post by Archaic` »

Okay, let's see if I can remember this correctly.....

The events at the end of OoT split the world into two seperate timelines. The timeline we're more familiar with is where Ganondorf conquered Hyrule, but was defeated by the Hero of Time and the Sages. The other timeline follows the world where Ganondorf Dragmire was defeated before taking over Hyrule (ie. A seperate timeline branching out from when Young Link returns from the future in OoT).

From that first timeline, the sequence goes OoT, Oracles, LttP, LoZ, AoL. LA could be placed pretty much anywhere in that besides before OoT, but directly after AoL (When Hyrule has expanded enough that it's not landlocked) seems to be the best, given his method of transport there.

From the second timeline, the sequence is, obviously enough, OoT, MM. Wind Waker *apparently* will belong to this timeline according to some gaming sites, but I haven't heard anything official on that.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Incidentally, where do people place the Grindle-Morian War? I'm rather certain it takes place between LttP and LoZ, which would account for the sorry state of Hyrule when LoZ opens.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Wind Waker takes place shortly before LttP. And my take on the ending of OoT was that Zelda sends Link back to a point just after Ganondorf enters the Sacred Realm, before Ganondorf can return with his army. Link then seals Ganondorf in the Dark World with the Master Sword. My reasoning: at the end, if you look closely, Link bears the Triforce of Courage on his hand.
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Post by Archaic` »

Is there any other place one can place it really?

Ice seems to be running thesedays (An old mirror for Ice's Zelda Central redirects to it). Frankly, I preferred the original.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Although, there is probably a gap of one or two hundred years between LttP and LoZ, so the Grindle-Morian war would have to occur nearer LoZ than LttP...
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Ice seems to be running thesedays (An old mirror for Ice's Zelda Central redirects to it). Frankly, I preferred the original.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

And I can't find a hint of my work there. Disappointing.
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Post by Archaic` »

When did you contribute to the site? I might be able to find a few things depending on how recent it was.
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Post by Archaic` » ... it132.html

That's all I've found with your name on it I'm sorry.
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

On the Wind Waker, I don't know about it taking place shortly before LttP, but it doesn't take place in Hyrule and I was incredibly pissed off to see the outline of Ganondorf(not ganon) in the background of the teaser booklet in the bonus disc case. But it could just be the rebirthing trend that seems to go on in Zelda world(read: Inbreeding) with many look-a-like princesses and heros(even though it had been the same ganon) and more often in Majora's Mask and the oracles could be happening with the Guerdos.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

anarchistbunny wrote:On the Wind Waker, I don't know about it taking place shortly before LttP, but it doesn't take place in Hyrule and I was incredibly pissed off to see the outline of Ganondorf(not ganon) in the background of the teaser booklet in the bonus disc case. But it could just be the rebirthing trend that seems to go on in Zelda world(read: Inbreeding) with many look-a-like princesses and heros(even though it had been the same ganon) and more often in Majora's Mask and the oracles could be happening with the Guerdos.
I don't know if Miyamoto has outright said that WW is before LttP, but it's supposed to be about 100 yrs. after OoT and Majora's Mask. Assuming human generations and Hylian generations are the same, 100 yrs. is about 4 generations, or the span of time between the Imprisoning War and LttP.
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Well, many people here have preordered Wind Waker, are we going to have a completion competion?

Ofcourse it would be no strat guide/Walkthrough, but it would be impossible to enforce that.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I'd have to sit out that one, since I can only play weekends. By completion do you mean kill Ganon, or also get everything?
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