The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by nightwyrm »

westrim wrote: But there will be lots of checking over to do. At least once Michael makes a motion to Lemuel (I think putting his arm around his shoulders) that would be very awkward if the difference was more than a couple feet. Maion is fairly low ranking as far as I know, but she has to be within a meter of Lemuel's height for them doing the horizontal boogie to not look very wrong in my head (though, how do they boogie with those wings in the way?).
You just brought up something that always bothered me about winged humanoids. Do they even sleep on their backs anyways? As for sex, maybe they just do doggie...the wings provide convienient handholds. :lol:
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Eevin »

nightwyrm wrote:You just brought up something that always bothered me about winged humanoids. Do they even sleep on their backs anyways? As for sex, maybe they just do doggie...the wings provide convienient handholds. :lol:
Maybe they have a "special mattress".

But maybe, if the wings are a lot like arms they can lie in their backs and extend each wing to the sides. And I'm sure humanity, or angels in this case, will find a way to have sex. Or maybe we have just stumbled over the cause of the low birth rate.

I have a question, where exactly do the angels have the Hydrogen bags?

I have an idea of the kind of "awkward" sex wings can create, but I'm not sure of the forum's policy toward semi-explicit awkward sex.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Tamahori »

nightwyrm wrote:
westrim wrote:You just brought up something that always bothered me about winged humanoids. Do they even sleep on their backs anyways? As for sex, maybe they just do doggie...the wings provide convienient handholds. :lol:
I'm not going to speak on the sex front, aside from pointing out that people can be very good at finding a way (and ways around major size differences too) but as for the sleeping, a lot comes down to how the wings are set up.

Given descriptions, they have a bat-like internal arrangement, so think of a second pair of arms (the shoulder setup will be complex) with shortish upper arms, probably quite long forearms, and very long fingers. The fingers are the wing-spars, with the forearm making up the other primary spar, kind of like a paper or fabric fan (one of the good quality types, with the paper or fabric supported spars that fan out). The skin of the wing is supported by the bone spars, and then the feathers attach to the skin.

Even with birds, they wrap their wings down their sides, and could lie on one side if they wanted to, and bats are quite a bit more flexible. If you've ever seen a bat moving on the ground, or though a tree, they tend to be using the wings as front legs (though it works better for them, they have little claws at the main wing joint (the thumb) and can grip onto thing, while the angels almost certainly lack such features, however that doesn't they don't have the full range of motion.

We've seen a comment about one of the female angels at Michael's club giving somebody (the Mason I think) a backrub with her wings (I can't be bothered tracking down the exact quote) which also implies bat levels of flexibility. So they can probably fold them fairly tightly against their back (though that may add another third to their height) or wrap them around their body. If anyone has seen the cartoon Gargoyles, that tendency for them to use their wings as a kind of cloak is probably fairly plausible for a bat (if the bat could balance on it's hind feet at least), though again it's a trick the angels can't quite match, again due to the lack of the 'wing claw' that the Gargoyles used as a 'clasp' for their 'cloak'. Though an angel could wrap their wings around themselves if they needed to, enough for a female angel to retain modesty when naked if she had to (though depending on where the wing shoulder joints are compared to the arm ones, her arms may be trapped under her 'feather dress').

One thing to keep in mind. An angel's (or a Harpy's for that matter) wings are probably their strongest limbs, quite a bit more so than their arms, and probably stronger than their legs. An angel lashing out with a wing is probably one of the more dangerous attacks they can do while unarmed (though a sword, especially if charged, will be better ... though may have less reach). If you've disarmed an angel, don't worry about what they are doing with their hands, worry about what they are doing with their wings. :)

Their muscular/skeletal setup is going to be something odd. Even with the extra lift from the gas pockets, the wings shouldn't be able to move them the way they do, not without a decent keel-bone to attach the kind of muscles a flyer needs (the reason that birds always look like they have big chests, that's what makes the wings work) and one of those would leave them not looking nearly as human as they are described. Then you get the complex mess that's going to be the double set of shoulders. Frankly, while you can make the physics for a loosely humanoid flyer work, even a six limbed one, you can't do it and have them still looking human, unless the wings are purely their for steering and something else is providing both the bulk of the lift, and most of the propulsion (they may, in theory have the lift covered, but even then, they shouldn't have close to the thrust to be able to catch up with even a slow moving chopper). Though given that, then the classic anime image of them floating in the air, the wings slowly flapping, becomes quite plausible. The physics don't work, frankly I don't care myself, Rule of Cool. Also given Satan's tendency to splat people by looking at them, their is probably some way to use their 'magic' for what amounts to telekineses, and an unconscious telekinetic 'drive' would cover things quite nicely. (myself I would have gone for that rather then the 'lift sacks' but it does raise a bunch of other complications in the setting design, so I can see why things are the way they are)

One thing that's would be interesting to know is does the skin of the wings attach to the back (like pretty much any bird, bat, or similar does) or does it only go as far as the elbow joint, leaving the upper arm bare (well, covered in feathers most likely, but you get the idea) like a lot of dragon and demon images tend to go, along with some angel images. Having it link all the way to the back is going to give better flight performance (which is why everything does it that way) but is going to complicate clothing and armor options, meaning anything they wear will have to be backless to quite a degree (expect a lot of their clothing to have either shoulder straps, or a strap that goes behind the neck). The other option is less efficient for flight (but they are already having to cheat anyway) but will make the wings a lot more mobile on the ground (almost like having another pair of arms, just without useful hands) and mean they can have outfits that go most of the way up the back.

One defense/weapon I'd expect to see from both sides would be armor strips worn along the front of the wings (though attaching them would be tricky) to reinforce the wing against somebody trying to break it. An extension of that would be to have blades along the strips, so you could cut somebody in half with your wings ... would have better reach then any standard sword you can carry (though not a pole-arm) and may well hit harder, though not nearly as precise. However having anything attached there may well render the wing useless for flight purposes (which still doesn't rule it out for inside use, if you have a way of attaching and detaching it quickly ... I can think of a couple of options, though they are messy and painful).

-- Brett, who will admit to spending way too much time thinking about things like this. :)
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by westrim »

Tamahori wrote: Sweet merciful Petraeus that is long.

It has been presented that they have enough flexibility to groom their own wings, so expectations of very good limberness are valid. I wonder if they're just wings or if they one or two claws to grapple with. That may have been mentioned/refuted in text, but I forget. As for the physics, I just apply the Bellisarios Maxim. It's extremely interesting when there is an explanation, but I don't mind if there isn't.

Also, 'telekinetic drive' is now my most desired mode of transportation.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by SilverHawk »

So, to sum it all up, it's like the Orks. Red makes it go fasta, etc.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Captain Trek »

I agree with what the others have said regarding size. 20 feet should, I think, be the maximal upper limit for all but Satan and Yahweh and indeed, probably half that or less would be neccessary for Michael to interact unnoticed in Vegas as someone else pointed out.

For reference, a mister Robert Wadlow is the world's tallest known man... As you can see from this image, he's already pretty damn massive and he's only 8' 11'' (and note that the man he's standing next to is 6' 0'' and thus is no miget)... Even at "only" 20 feet, Michael would be significantly taller than two of this fellow stacked on top of each other and probably substantially wider too...

And if that's zany, 60 feet would be downright insane as that would make him almost as tall as the tail height of a Boeing 747 (which is about 63 to 64 feet, depending on the variant)... Honestly, look at these pictures and try to imagine a humanoid who is as tall as the tails of these planes even merely existing in the same scene let alone interacting with humans... ... 252724.jpg ... 594_12.jpg (note: This one gives a "URL could not be retrieved error, but the error page provides a functioning link) ... -412-2.jpg (look at the utility vehicle in the bottom-left, a 60-foot Michael could crush it under foot with no problems!)

It's hard, isn't it? And indeed, even a 20-foot tall Michael (or Maion) would be (quite literally) the size of a shipping container standing on its end... ... e_bags.jpg

Gah! It's such a shame the Sensible Units website is defunct... Jeff Russell's Starship Dimensions is another good source for getting your head around scale though. Note, however, that his website lists measurements in metres, meaning many of you will likely need to convert them to feet, which you can do at the second link below (also note that a 6 foot tall human is 1.82 metres while a 20-foot Michael would be 6.1 metres and a 60-foot tall Michael 18.3 metres), with the first link being Starship Dimensions itself...
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Tamahori »

westrim wrote:
Tamahori wrote: Sweet merciful Petraeus that is long.
It has been presented that they have enough flexibility to groom their own wings, so expectations of very good limberness are valid. I wonder if they're just wings or if they one or two claws to grapple with. That may have been mentioned/refuted in text, but I forget. As for the physics, I just apply the Bellisarios Maxim. It's extremely interesting when there is an explanation, but I don't mind if there isn't.

Also, 'telekinetic drive' is now my most desired mode of transportation.
I have a truly evil cold, so I've been stuck home sick all day with too much free time, to be honest. Also I'm one of the "yay, woman with wings" fanboys, so I've looked up just what's involved in this kind of thing in the past. The physics behind animal flight (as opposed to our "stick an engine to a barn door" approach) is really quiet interesting, but you do need to build the critter around it, and it's not compatible with looking that much like a human. But yeah, Bellisarios Maxim works.

When it comes down to it, wings on an angel (or a classic winged demon) are going to be either purely decorative, or something you steer with, they aren't going to be doing the work of keeping you up, or keeping you moving. If you're building an angel though, you do want something that moves like it's got a vertical vectored thrust system, lets them hover menacingly over people, and chase down choppers (or at least try before getting ambushed by fast-movers). You'll see the same thing almost any time you get anything with people with wings running around, be it angels, demons, various superheros, or whatever. I can't think of the last time I saw something honestly trying to work out the practicalities that wasn't either a GURPS source-book, or furries (who are less worried about keeping things human-like, and can mount the kind of massive breast-bone keel this kind of stuff needs). :)

Generally, for this kind of thing, if you are playing games with physics (and anything like Fluffy the Terrible, or Wuffles walking around, is playing games with physics ... hell, they have even said in the story that there is something deeply screwy going on with everything from the Beasts to Demon Tridents) then some kind of magic is the easiest way to do it. Call it 'levitation' or 'telekineses' for ease of use, but it's the same thing in the end. The other option is to go SF ... not so much built in anti-grav (magic by another name), but if you had a large air-filled dome on the moon, then it might be more practical. 1/6th gravity would help a lot.

Telekinetic drive would be cool, though still not as open to creative weirdness as the Thinking with Portals we've already seen.

-- Brett, who is a lot more sympathetic to the angels (more as individuals then as a group) then he really should be. Stupid fanboyish tendencies. ;)
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Erra »

Wait wait wait.

Michael would have no problem interacting with humans if we add one fact; that higher level angels can do the same mental projection trick as the daemons. Sure, if he was 20ft tall he'd have to be damn careful, but everyone could just see him as a normal sized human. I don't remember seeing anything that precludes this consideration. Demons and Angels used to be the same species, so it would make sense for them to have some of the same powers, plus Uriel obviously is an example of Angels using mind tricks (albeit in a much more powerful way), so I don't see why they couldn't have mental imagine projection powers as well.

Course, him being 60ft tall would be REALLY hard to work around, just manipulating human objects would be a challenge.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Simon_Jester »

Erra wrote:Wait wait wait.

Michael would have no problem interacting with humans if we add one fact; that higher level angels can do the same mental projection trick as the daemons. Sure, if he was 20ft tall he'd have to be damn careful, but everyone could just see him as a normal sized human.
That would work, but he'd still have problems fitting into structures. That said, twenty feet is big enough to work, with most of his underlings that he interacts with regularly being in the 16 to 14-foot range, maybe 12 at the low end; their underlings may go down to 8 to 10.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Night_stalker »

That sounds more realistic, given what we know about them.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Psykotyrant »

So, here I am, after one year of lurking around. Thought the whole "Angels' size bug me" would an opportunity to unlurk. Well, done.
First, I will not say I like your story Stuart, mostly cuz I love it...yeah that was lame, but hey, what can I said that hasn't already been said? :D
Since Word of Stuart said Michael is 60 foot tall, every time I try to imagine him, I got the movie poster of "Attack of the fifty foot woman" creeping into my mind. Having one hell(no pun) of a hard time thinking seriously of him.

Now then, someone posted the example of Avatar earlier has an example of interactions between average humans and 10 foot tall humanoid. Since I probably watched the blasted thing a hundred time now (My job is to sell TVs, you see), I could say that actually, there is extremely few scenes where Avatars/Navis and human directly interacts. I can think of two, near the begginning and near the end. Only the first one is relevant, and yes it looked awkward. Either you got yourself a neck of reinforced carbone, or the smurf sit down. Otherwise, you're pretty much talking to his/her genitals.

Another example, the animated movie Monsters vs Aliens (selling TVs again, pretty much the only thing we got for those evil 3D TVs demonstrations). The girl is essentially 50 foot tall. To quote TVtropes, she nearly kiss her (normal sized) fiance head-off. An avatar would a Barbie doll to her. Of course, any awkward move she made has the potential to end in disaster, like accidentally slapping a small helicopter out of the air.

Now that I think about it, the electric trolley that friggin Michael found heavy to pull must have been a really monstruous trolley loaded with bricks of lead or bits of a neutron star.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Stuart »

I think we can use the following size brackets.

Ishim 6 - 8 feet
Cherubim 8 - 10 feet
Bene Elohim 10 - 12 feet
Elohim 12 - 14 feet
Malakhim 14 - 16 feet
Seraphim 16 - 17 feet
Hashmallim 17 - 18 feet
Erelim 18 - 19 feet
Ophanim 19 - 20 feet
Chayot-Ha-Kadesh 20 - 25 feet

That seems to be a little better; it's not so small as to completely undermine the "giantness" of angels. This would put Maion at 16 feet tall and Lemuel at 20
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Simon_Jester »

Yes, that's pretty good. Though this still puts Maion in the same size relationship to Michael as a four foot woman (a midget or a child) would be to an ordinary six foot man. It's conceivable that Michael might find Maion attractive, but... well, anyway.

Come to think of it, the size difference would do a lot to explain the angelic rank structure, in terms of marrying within your own class. There's not much temptation for a Seraph to marry a Cherub, on either end. It also raises interesting questions about how one would go about 'promoting' an angel...
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Teebs »

Simon_Jester wrote:Yes, that's pretty good. Though this still puts Maion in the same size relationship to Michael as a four foot woman (a midget or a child) would be to an ordinary six foot man. It's conceivable that Michael might find Maion attractive, but... well, anyway.
Just because we don't find much people of a wildly different size attractive as often doesn't mean that the same would hold for a different species though.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Erra »

Teebs wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:Yes, that's pretty good. Though this still puts Maion in the same size relationship to Michael as a four foot woman (a midget or a child) would be to an ordinary six foot man. It's conceivable that Michael might find Maion attractive, but... well, anyway.
Just because we don't find much people of a wildly different size attractive as often doesn't mean that the same would hold for a different species though.
I was gonna say the same thing. Weird to us maybe, but this has been their society for literally millions of years. Chock it up to a different culture/species.

I like the new size reference chart, Stuart, makes things a lot easier to rationalize and picture. I'm still wondering about the whole "angels using mental projection to appear normal sized" thing though. I figure that would be the easiest way to explain most of the angels appearances to humans.

Also, imo, leaving Uriel as a big muthafucka still works with the story, plus makes his pummeling all the more believable.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

How do these heights compare to demons from your rank-and-file grunts all the way up to Abigor?
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by GrayAnderson »

Stuart wrote:I think we can use the following size brackets.

Ishim 6 - 8 feet
Cherubim 8 - 10 feet
Bene Elohim 10 - 12 feet
Elohim 12 - 14 feet
Malakhim 14 - 16 feet
Seraphim 16 - 17 feet
Hashmallim 17 - 18 feet
Erelim 18 - 19 feet
Ophanim 19 - 20 feet
Chayot-Ha-Kadesh 20 - 25 feet

That seems to be a little better; it's not so small as to completely undermine the "giantness" of angels. This would put Maion at 16 feet tall and Lemuel at 20
Looks good. This is much more workable...and I think it holds within a decent range of realism, too.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by nightwyrm »

Stuart wrote:I think we can use the following size brackets.

Ishim 6 - 8 feet
Cherubim 8 - 10 feet
Bene Elohim 10 - 12 feet
Elohim 12 - 14 feet
Malakhim 14 - 16 feet
Seraphim 16 - 17 feet
Hashmallim 17 - 18 feet
Erelim 18 - 19 feet
Ophanim 19 - 20 feet
Chayot-Ha-Kadesh 20 - 25 feet

That seems to be a little better; it's not so small as to completely undermine the "giantness" of angels. This would put Maion at 16 feet tall and Lemuel at 20
Yeah, I think this size range is much more manageable. For human accounts of angels with size greater than this, you could resort to angels mentally projecting themselves to be bigger to humans. Since size is completely correlated to power and importance in angelic society, you would think there would be quite a few cases of size envy. Appearing as 50 feet to a lowly human might be something a puny Ishim would do to get his powertrip.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Simon_Jester »

Erra wrote:I was gonna say the same thing. Weird to us maybe, but this has been their society for literally millions of years. Chock it up to a different culture/species.
True to a point, though there are still practical issues related to size that would be pretty significant in their culture. A 30% size difference is probably practical; a 40% difference would be pushing it.
Also, imo, leaving Uriel as a big muthafucka still works with the story, plus makes his pummeling all the more believable.
Oh, absolutely. It's perfectly reasonable for Uriel to be big, possibly even bigger than Michael. Likewise for Dumah and some of the other major angels we've fought directly.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Jeremy »

I like the new scale as well.

Was there ever a physical description of the Orcs?
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by nobody_really »

Now that this ranking chart has appeared, I am wondering again about the description of Ohiel-Lan-Epidan (Belial's angel flunky in the camp) in Chapter Sixty-Five. Is he Cherubim or Ishim? Or is it the case that Belial simply choosing him as a guard raised him from Ishim to Cherubim status?
Stuart wrote:Belial's Camp, Heaven.

"Most Blessed Lord, the human army is approaching. Already their war machines are near our walls." Ohiel-Lan-Epidan wasn't quite sure how to address Belial. A Grand Duke in Hell was, or had been, the equivalent of a Chayot Ha Kodesh but to give one of the Fallen the same titles seemed wrong on too many levels. Yet Belial was doubtless in charge here and was favored by The Almighty Father Of All. Had not He Who Is Above All himself placed this Grand Duke in charge of this place of punishment? And had not Belial chosen him, a lowly Cherubim as one of the guards here. Ohiel-Lan-Epidan had taken to his work very quickly, with the authority granted to him he had been able to take down the arrogant Seraphim and Hashmallim who had once lorded their superiority over the lower ranks of Angels. Now they whimpered in the mud while he, Ohiel, a mere Ishim, had his foot on their necks.
(Emphasis added)
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by GrayAnderson »

An interesting, absurd thought hit me: I-666 actually fits into the interstate highway grid if you convert part of US-50 over to being a part of I-66. The two are concurrent in parts of the DC metro area, and US-50 is also technically concurrent with I-595 east of DC. It really wouldn't take much to flip the whole mess over to being I-66, either declare the disconnect in DC proper to be an exception (not unlike you have with I-95 in part of New Jersey), sign it as I-66 (probably a headache, but has been done) or re-number the part inside the Beltway as I-366 while redirecting I-66 around the beltway (like is done with I-95). After that, I would expect that you'd have plans to get I-66 extended up into Delaware...which wouldn't surprise me, considering the proximity of that gate to the DC metro. This also makes sense as there is already I-64 (southern VA) and I-68 (MD/WV), offering no room in the numbering system to stick a new highway into things (not that it hasn't been done...see also I-99 in PA).

And yes, I know the I-666 bit was thrown in as a little joke. Sorry, I was obsessed with maps when I was a little kid, and these things do hit.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by iidave »

Another thing about large humanoids. I'm not sure what the body density, muscle strength, bone hardness, etc of angels is so I'll use humans as an example.
We live in 3-dimensional space, so that means an 18 foot tall human is 3 times the height, width and depth of a 6' human. That makes him 27 times more massive. And weigh 4500-5000 pounds.
Unless he was tip-toeing the ground would shake with each step, he would leave large (and deep) footsteps on any non-reinforced surface and could fall through floors not designed for pressure from his feet.
He would also have 27 times the amount of blood, so drinking 1 litre bottle of booze would be equal to drinking a little less than a single shot. 17 pounds of beef would be to him what a 10 ounce stake is to a 6' tall human.
Assuming the same strength-to-weight ratio as a normal human, the giant would also be monstrously strong. He could lift over two tons. Not nearly enought to lift a tank, but strong enough to bend the barrel.
.30 cal rounds would injure him less than a .22 injures a human. .50 cal MG rounds would injure less than 5.56mm (probably about as much as .221 fireball). .50 Beowulf doesn't have enough penetration to seriously endanger internal organs and may not penetrate the skull. Abigor's 30mm RARDEN rifle would kill one easily :).
Now try to do the same math for a 60-foot tall human.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Stuart »

nobody_really wrote:Now that this ranking chart has appeared, I am wondering again about the description of Ohiel-Lan-Epidan (Belial's angel flunky in the camp) in Chapter Sixty-Five. Is he Cherubim or Ishim? Or is it the case that Belial simply choosing him as a guard raised him from Ishim to Cherubim status?
Stuart wrote:Belial's Camp, Heaven.

"Most Blessed Lord, the human army is approaching. Already their war machines are near our walls." Ohiel-Lan-Epidan wasn't quite sure how to address Belial. A Grand Duke in Hell was, or had been, the equivalent of a Chayot Ha Kodesh but to give one of the Fallen the same titles seemed wrong on too many levels. Yet Belial was doubtless in charge here and was favored by The Almighty Father Of All. Had not He Who Is Above All himself placed this Grand Duke in charge of this place of punishment? And had not Belial chosen him, a lowly Cherubim as one of the guards here. Ohiel-Lan-Epidan had taken to his work very quickly, with the authority granted to him he had been able to take down the arrogant Seraphim and Hashmallim who had once lorded their superiority over the lower ranks of Angels. Now they whimpered in the mud while he, Ohiel, a mere Ishim, had his foot on their necks.
(Emphasis added)
That was a typo; Ohiel was a cherubim.
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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Seventy One Up

Post by Barrigana »

Simon_Jester wrote:It also raises interesting questions about how one would go about 'promoting' an angel...
When promoted an angel fills up with pride. :lol: