Purple wrote:
Instead of geting all semantical about it think about the deeper meaning.
Just becouse something lasted for a considerable time does not automaticly make it good.
The word "dense" comes to mind. You are trying to argue that a government that lasted for only thirty years was more stable than one that lasted for 1,000-25,000 years. Please provide me with some real avidence that the Empire was more stable than the Old Republic, or even the New Republic for that matter. Despite the fact that well, a civil war raged for almost the entire time Palpatine reigned.
Am I speaking Chinese here? Are you just arbitrarily ignoring my words and saying what you think I should have said to fit your argument?
No i'm fucking asking you why you think a government that overly taxes, opresses, and murders its people is a somehow better alternative to a government that, while inefficient, knew peace and stability for nearly 1,000 years.
The Rebels, aka Space Terrorists were what brought it down. Had it not been for a certain jedi and his buddies the empire could have well lasted forever.
Show that the Rebels committed acts of terrorism. Show that they did things worse than what the Empire did. What's that? You can't because you are full of shit?
They fit all the criteria.
They are a non government, para military organization bent on destroying a government from within.
Except they didn't do it from within you stupid shit.
Well yea, sure it is. But the way you put it back there its like an old man's wish to live longer was a bad thing.
The Old Man in this case is a Dark Lord of the Sith responsible for the deaths of countless beings.
Well I newer said the empire was not in fact evil.
Just that I prefer them since they are the more efficient system.
Except you have utterly failed to show they were more efficient. And since when does efficency outweigh protecting the populace as a priority?
Its better to have some suffer and others be happy than to have everyone suffer. (By someone and others I am referring to parts of the general population.)
That is besides the point.
The Republic system allowed these things.
So the Republic that unintentionally allowed a corrupt individual to take control behind the scenes is worse than the government that killed billions of its own citizens (at the very low end). Gotcha.
If Microsoft tried to set up an army under the guidance of a sith lord with a plan to declare independance from America so that it can evade takes do you think the government would sit by and watch? Sith lord or no sith lord.
Except the United States of America is NOT the Old Republic and the Trade Federation actually was the legitimate representative of a number of star systems. Your comparison is fucking bogus.
Palpatine did not control the senate nor did he control the republic at that time. The fact is that they just did not care.
Palpatine controlled the Senate enough to get elected chancellor, he controlled it enough to delay investigation into the Naboo Crisis, he controlled the Trade Federation enough to convince them to invade Naboo. You claim you aren't familiar with the EU but it seems you aren't even familiar with the movies either.
Read the list of superweapons from the EU, imperial atrocities from the EU, Play SW KOTOR, read about the Vong and their teraforming etc.
Telling me to read a list isn't providing evidence, provide some evidence or concede the fucking point.
I might be wrong but it always struck me as if when ever the writers want to show how evil someone is they have him bomb someone innocent.
Really? How shocking
At least it was efficient to do so?
But it was. Just because it was evil and oppressive does not make it worse.
Actually yes it does.
Its better to have order at the cost of freedom than the other way around. Because freedom is worthless without order.
Except the Empire really didn't have order did they? They were constantly fighting the Rebel Alliance while putting down various other insurrections while at the same time trying to control the lives of their own citizens on thousands of populated worlds.
I newer denied that the GE was utterly evil. Heck read my 1st post here. Or maybe it was the 2nd.
And yet you are defending their system of government. Honestly i'm not getting at all what you are trying to demonstrate. The Empire failed to hold the galaxy after three tumultuous years and yet you maintain that they were a better system of government than the one that stood in some form for many millenia.
I don't know why you people are hell bent on proving that they are evil, something I newer even bothered to deny instead of focusing on the mater at hand.
Because that is the whole point of this thread you dumbass. You're actually providing a shining example of an idiot who defends and justifies the policies of the same Galactic Empire that MURDERED and ENSLAVED billions of its own citizens. You're doing it in a far worse way than other apologists too I may add. "Well they were evil and slavery and murder are wrong but they had the right idea taking away people's freedoms that they did!"
You have got to be one of the stupidest fucking idiots on the internet.