Long Hair or Short

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Post by pellaeons_scion »

Sometimes short hair can be cute, gives the woman a kinda 'rebellious' look, spunky too :)

As for pigtails and ponytailsmmmmm...**Proceeds to do he happy dance** God I love em! Dont agree with the handlebar statement tho

Above all dont overly care about short or long, so long as its cared for and smells/looks nice :D
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Post by Utsanomiko »

I prefer long hair, shoulder length or more, though shorter is fine if it's done right. Really short isn't my thing at all; hell, I don't think it even looks good on men (you've all seen my pics, so you know where this is coming from :wink: ).

Kelly Antilles wrote:Hm, how you men fall into the stereotype.... I thought better of you.
In that case, I'll add that I don't mind armpit hair on a woman, so long as she takes care of it, like trims it or braids it. :wink: :P
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Post by Mr Bean »

Hm, how you men fall into the stereotype.... I thought better of you.
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Post by beyond hope »

shoulder length or longer, naturally red, and curly.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Hair that is to the shoulders or shorter, and I think that really short hair is kind of arousing. Colour can be brown, black, red, or dyed (especially anime colours :mrgreen: ).

Pubic hair I really don't have much of a preference on, except that I'd say that I would favour cleaned up and trimmed.

Underarm hair is actually kind of a turn on, as is unshaved (NOT hairy) legs. I just like how they feel.
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Post by pellaeons_scion »

Addendum: preferably red or black hair. Blondes dont do much for me.
Underarm hair=Bad. Nuff said
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Post by ArmorPierce »

I always like a longish hair (no shaving your head please) but how long depends on the girl. But I usually find that I like girls with longer hair.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Kelly Antilles wrote:Hm, how you men fall into the stereotype.... I thought better of you.
Hey, we're only expressing personal preferences, not declaring jihad. Everyone's got a personal preference. I like long hair on women, Rebecca says she likes short hair on men.
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Post by Superman »

I have never liked short hair on girls. Especially when it is shaved or cut very short in the back.

Long hair all the way.
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Post by Captain tycho »

I like long hair on women. Although it does depend on her...
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Post by David »

Shoulder length or less, long on a few women.
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Post by EmperorMing »

Mark S wrote:Both. Depends on the woman.
I agree. 8)

Had it both ways. It really does depend on the woman.

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I like long hair on a boy. Something like Hotfoot's hair... or longer...
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Post by Shaka[Zulu] »

depends on the lady in question, but I am more likely to be attracted to those with hair down to the bottom of the shoulder blades or longer.
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Post by Shaka[Zulu] »

as for the *ahem* other regions, I prefer neatly trimmed, not too wooly, not too bare.
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Post by Sienthal »

Short hair and long hair can both have nice styles...In long hair I kind of like the more feral looks of some, and in short hair angles can be interesting.
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Post by Zaia »

Darth Yoshi wrote:Shoulder length is good. Although I am much more interested in eyes.
Woooooo!! Have I mentioned lately how much I love you, Yosh? :D

PS~I like guys with short hair. Not really short (no buzz cuts), but nothing past shaggy either. Just long enough for me to run my fingers through it....mmmm....
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Depends on the womens facial structure and body type. In general I do not like hair that is too long. It tends to get in the way.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

For some strange and unfathomable reason, I prefer long, flowing hair (like that Miranda Otto had in The Two Towers as Eowyn) for the most part, but some girls can actually look quite cute with short hair.
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Post by Captain Kruger »

About 3/4 of the way down the back, just above the waist. What can I say, I love hair. :)

However, I have to agree with the Yosh…eyes are MUCH more important.
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Post by Hyperion »

Short hair on both sexes...
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Post by Dahak »

Both long and short hair can be very sexy. I really don't have a favourite. Depends on the guy wearing it :)
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Post by XaLEv »

Depends on the individual. Average would be about shoulder-length.
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Post by Defiant »

Yes, yes, I've heard the argument from women before: "If you men had to spend an hour on your hair like we do, you wouldn't want it long either."

Its true. But dammit, I likes what I likes!

BTW, for you men who have women with medium-long hair, you'll score mucho brownie points if you actually help her take care of her hair. Help her wash it or straighten it, or whatever she does. It'll show you give a damn, and she may repay you in scary but pleasurable ways :wink:
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Post by Ro Jo-Mu »

Defiant wrote:
BTW, for you men who have women with medium-long hair, you'll score mucho brownie points if you actually help her take care of her hair. Help her wash it or straighten it, or whatever she does. It'll show you give a damn, and she may repay you in scary but pleasurable ways :wink:
But only if you know what you're doing. Do not tug at knots, Brush this side this way, this bit like this, no no no start here then work up.... Doing it wrong can seriously earn a womans wrath!
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