As for pigtails and ponytailsmmmmm...**Proceeds to do he happy dance** God I love em! Dont agree with the handlebar statement tho
Above all dont overly care about short or long, so long as its cared for and smells/looks nice

Moderator: Edi
In that case, I'll add that I don't mind armpit hair on a woman, so long as she takes care of it, like trims it or braids it.Kelly Antilles wrote:Hm, how you men fall into the stereotype.... I thought better of you.
Would you feel better if I got drunk, Belched you the alphabet and fell asleep on your front door?Hm, how you men fall into the stereotype.... I thought better of you.
Hey, we're only expressing personal preferences, not declaring jihad. Everyone's got a personal preference. I like long hair on women, Rebecca says she likes short hair on men.Kelly Antilles wrote:Hm, how you men fall into the stereotype.... I thought better of you.
Woooooo!! Have I mentioned lately how much I love you, Yosh?Darth Yoshi wrote:Shoulder length is good. Although I am much more interested in eyes.
But only if you know what you're doing. Do not tug at knots, Brush this side this way, this bit like this, no no no start here then work up.... Doing it wrong can seriously earn a womans wrath!Defiant wrote:
BTW, for you men who have women with medium-long hair, you'll score mucho brownie points if you actually help her take care of her hair. Help her wash it or straighten it, or whatever she does. It'll show you give a damn, and she may repay you in scary but pleasurable ways