Oskuro wrote:Oh, for the love of funk, I wasn't making an argument about the superiority of the Firefly, just reminding people that it has a nifty turbo boost of sorts that might help in sublight races. Notice how I specifically say it is only useful in sublight races? Also notice how I'm just contributing information on the Serenity because I don't know how the other vessels perform at sublight (not that surprising since those shows usually focus on FTL performance)?
If you were expecting me to argue that the Serenity is superior, too bad for you, I was just adding information, just as I could've added "It has a nifty paint job" so those actually interested in debating wich ship is superior have more information.
I call you an idiot because apparently you understood I was claming the Serenity was somehow superior to other ships, and then pounced on me and tried to rip me a new one. Well, too bad, you fail at understanding posts, and thus you are an idiot, go try to pick a fight with someone who is actually trying to fight you, instead of preying on those you think you can tear appart easily, imbecile.
You are a complete moron. You don't get it do you? You haven't added ANYTHING to the discussion. Nothing whatsoever. At no point did you add information about the capabilities of the Serenity, because you didn't define anything. You only threw out some terms and are now acting like a self-righteous asshat because you are being required to actually add some substance to your meaningless post.
Again, who the hell CARES about the turbo if there is no quantification? There are race cars that can get a nitrous boost, but merely mentioning the nitrous boost means absolutely nothing without numbers attached to it. Particularly when the race car might be in a race with jet fighters in this case, for all you know. No quantification means empty content here.
That doesn't bug me though. What gets me is how stupid you are that you are tossing around insults when you START with stating your position comes from complete ignorance. Seriously, are you five? How much of a retard to do have to be to get highly outraged when you ADMITTED that you know absolutely nothing about the discussion?
Edit: Oh, and if you want me to try and quantify the power of the full burn thing, or explain how it works, ask for quantification instead of attacking my ignorance of how other ships perform at sublight, you imbecile. And nice spin-doctoring on the reasons for attacking me, by the way, it is lack of information now? What'll be next? Poor spelling?
Every post I made to you has been a demand for quantification, jackass! That you don't get this makes you stupider than your user icon. So how about you put some numbers on things, or you bow out? I doubt you can, which I'm sure is why you are resorting to being a petty little grub, but at least try, for pete's sake.