if WW2 tech = WW2 era factories, WW2 era refineries, WW2 era reactors, WW2 era mines... in short: WW2 era infrastructure then yes. Otherwise it is merely knowledge of technology, but not the technology itself. So yes. If Baldricks had WW2 era technology available they would be able to develop atomic weapons.
Dora's main problem was its low mobility, the fact that it took forever to deploy properly and its ammo. With portals you could have a permanent emplacement right next to the factory that makes ammo for the gun, thus bypassing the logistics problems.
If you can make an atomic bomb you can bury it. It doesn't matter when somebody decided to try it IRL. Or are you implying that shovels and mine detonators are too advanced for WW2?
Again, does not follow. Since your argument for their development of nukes was that they gained it from captured human dead nuclear scientists. Again: HOW would they have heard of uranium and plutonium prior to the capture of said scientists? Uranium was UNKNOWN to most people before fission research, so how would the demons have even heard of it when all of their interest prior to capturing nuclear scientists was with conventional weapons, which Uranium has nothing to do with and most people they capture for such wouldn't even know about?
And when they capture said scientists and gain knowledge of it, WHERE DO THEY START LOOKING? Uranium was discovered pretty much by accident, and people didn't recognize it for centuries. Here, the demons have no prior knowledge of it at all, and NOTHING in the story implies that they've even stumbled across the ore unwittingly. Suddenly you assume that the demons would quickly find it and ramp up production just like that? Human uranium mining already existed prior to its recognition as useful in nuclear fission (see pitchblende), it's just that people didn't really know it could be used for that till scientists figured it out. We stumbled on to uranium deposits CENTURIES earlier and were using the unrefined ore for mundane things, so when nuclear production began we already knew where to look. The demons don't have that luxury.
Leave aside the one very important fact you chose gloss over: in WW2 nuclear production gave us a grand total of two weapons used. Production for the rest of the forties only resulted in around 50 bombs by 1948, and production rates didn't pick up significantly until the 50s. That's not even approaching the 400-500 B-61s the US has on standby alone, leave aside the bombs which are in storage and the nuclear arsenals of every other country with them. Even if, somehow, Hell has WW2-era production facilities it would be a stretch for them to make dozens of the damn things. How do they compete with all of the nuclear nations on Earth with their thousands of weapons in total?
Nitpicky nitpick is nitpicky. You know what I meant
A) Those nukes need a target and until humans can make their own portals, targets will be few and far between (unless the demons do something stupid like opening a large permanent portal).
B) Pissed off? Probably, but also scared. Very VERY scared. Atomic bombardment with little to no prior warning, or possibility of prevention and no way of striking back? There would be mass panic in the streets and countries would be begging for peace left right and middle.
A)Because the only reason the demons even fought people in the first place is because Yahweh gave Earth over to Hell. So why do you suddenly think that the Baldricks won't invade when that was their VERY FIRST MANDATE in the story? To invade they need to open a portal large enough to get an army through, and those end up permanent. You don't start nuking your prime real estate first if you plan to take it all.
B) The military loses its balls all of a sudden? And for that matter, so do people? You're assuming that people will behave like Imperial Japan after WW2 and sue of peace in a panic, forgetting certain key differences: Japan did not have it's own stockpile of nukes, and even after surrender a brief coup was launched because the military wanted to fight, damn the nukes. Now when the whole of humanity is at risk from essentially an alien invasion -- an invasion which has expressedly stated that it wants to
torture them for eternity -- AND we have our own nuclear stockpile, and you think they'll sue for surrender? Humanity is fighting to prevent an eternity of SLAVERY AND TORTURE from the demons. There will be no surrender until we've exhausted our nukes or our capability to deliver those nukes back at the bastards.
1) How do you know they have less? It is likely they would have had less, but this is a hypothetical scenario about Baldrick having WW2 equipment and atomic bombs are WW2 equipment. Also flying both ways says nothing about the respective numbers. If a thousand goes one way and one goes the other, it is still going both ways.
Because your assumption is predicated on WW2 technology levels which would mean they have less sophistcated, heavy, unweildy, hard-to-deliver nukes which would be a nightmare to keep maintained in dusty-as-bumfuck Hell. Do you even realize how difficult it was to maintain those big, clunky WW2-tech-level nukes? They were tempermental as all hell, and had to be kept in careful storage or something fucks up their all-important mechanisms.
To assume that the demons would have those in large numbers, ready to go one-for-one with an ENTIRE planet which inherited a massive stockpile of much smaller yet more powerful nukes from the Cold War, is handwaving so many practical and implementation problems it borders on a fucking no limits fallacy.
The same people who were on the verge of mass hysteria when some idiots decided to fly four planes into buildings? I don't know how old you were in 2001, but I remember the almost palpable aura of fear then. And that was NOTHING compared to an atomic attack.'
And do you also remember that the fear led to a fucking war on terror THAT STILL ISN'T OVER THIS VERY DAY? You do realize you just shot your own point in the foot. You know what that mass panic and hysteria inspired? Feelings of revenge and calls for nucking the entire Middle East, and that was from a small bunch of idiots flying planes into buildings.
You think this translates to "OH NOES, LET'S SURRENDER!" when a demonic force Hell-bent on torturing and enslaving humanity for all eternity NUKES cities? How the fuck does that follow?
Your entire argument up to this point has predicated on EVERYTHING going perfect for the Baldricks (they magically get a massive stockpile of WW2 nukes, ignore all of the practical problems Hell would face making them in the first place, and deliver it at whim) and everything going wrong for the humans (they can never retaliate with their own much more efficient and easy to deliver nukes, and fear immediately = surrender). This scenario is only even remotely plausible if you stack the cards in favor of the demons while putting nothing but jokers in the hands of humanity. To put in in TV Tropes terminology, you're handing over humans an Idiot Ball so massive it might as well be a second goddamn moon while you demons suddenly turn hyper competent with PERFECT COMMAND AND CONQUER ENGINEERING where the only things needed to make anything is clicking something on the goddamn build tab and your infrastructure shows up magically.