Nephtys wrote:So? If you played 'only' a mere tenth as much as them, you'd be able to fly an Interceptor or Interdictor just as capably, and have important squad roles. What DO you want? Instant gratification? Or an unending system of gear grinding?
What do I want? I want to be able to solo. There's a reason I love the hell out of Retribution Paladins in World of Warcraft; it's the most soloable class and spec in the game. I don't want to be shackled to the whims and designs and baroque self-styled lording of corporate/guild higher-ups.
So you either won CCP's Space Lottery, or you mugged someone who did - that's hardly a realistic means to financial security. You might as well suggest playing the Powerball or ganking the winner of his ticket as a realistic soloution to real-life money woes.
Hardly. I invested in something that proved fruitful, by identifying a research field that nobody put any points in, dumped it, grabbed my BPO, and traded up until I had something that printed money. If that isn't your thing, there's many, many other ways to make gobs of money in that game. Or is this all too difficult for your tastes? I mean, grinding mobs for dough isn't exactly the most mentally challenging experience in any game.
I want a game to have fun with, not to stress me out more. I get enough of that knocking on doors on behalf of the government and having pistol-wearing irate assholes tell me "I don't care why you're here, you need to leave" and worrying about the fact that my employment by nature is transient and trying to figure out how I can sink my claws in deep enough to wrangle full-time work out of it.
So after all of that, coming home and angsting and wringing my hands over whether this-or-that ISK-scheme will bear fruit or blow up in my face doesn't seem like a whole hell of a lot of fun.
And even if I seized the BPO, what would that change? It'd be seeing an opportunity, and taking it due to someone else's carelessness. It's not against the law or rules.
And this is another reason I hate EvE: in any other MMORPG on the planet, if another player defrauds you of everything that's yours, it will be considered an exploit at best, they will be punished and possibly permanently banned, and your things returned to you. CCP shrugs their shoulders and says "sucks to be you."
Why do you think WoW guilds aren't so paranoid about "infiltrators." Even if someone manages to gank the vault, Blizzard will fix things because that's against the TOS; whereas for EvE, the big corps go through ridiculous background checks to make sure you're not someone who's trying to rip them off or get intel into their stuff for a rival corp.
When gameplay starts to resemble real-life cloak and dagger shit to the point where they try to pry into your real life, things have gotten
too serious. Yeesh!
Losonti Tokash wrote:This is the problem. He wants the game itself to protect him from his own stupidity,
Quite frankly, yes, I do. A game is supposed to be fun, and to have fun you experiment with something. And anyone who knows a damn thing about experimentation knows that trial and error is inevitable, with most of it likely to be
Error. In World of Warcraft, you can fuck-up royal and be back on your feet in twenty minutes at the most and down a slug of change, and that's only if you really retardedly get your corpse lost somewhere you can't recover it, like down the magma of Blackrock mountain's hub, or in the middle of the ocean beyond your ghost-self's range to run out and get you and swim back from the deeps.
of which he clearly has in abundance. Seriously, you couldn't afford an EVEmail because you put your entire net worth into one ship which you were too dumb to fly effectively? It's fucking amazing to me that you remember to breathe.
Feel free to fuck yourself with a rusty wire brush. At the time I left the first time, I was infuriated with my corpmates hammering me to learn nothing but learning skills and not getting to
DO ANYTHING. So yes, I got frustrated, trained up to cruisers, blew it all on a cruiser and took it out to do some low-level runs and let off some steam.
No, nobody
told me that was a very bad idea. I didn't realize that until I was hip-deep in the shit and floating around in a pod, and broke. I was fucking sick and tired of mining for endless stretches of hours, watching another endless learning 5 grind up towards what seemed like it was
never gonna get to, and being told to keep at it.
Stark wrote:Come on, he's just a coward; he totally ignores the utter nonsense of their being no scope for RP and simply says he's afraid of PVP, and would rather use max-level characters to solo runs in WoW because easy = fun.
Why yes, I do find it fun, in WoW, to go back to those places that gave me such a bitch of a time at level 40 with a maxxed and tiered 80 and solo them all. Great way to let off steam.
But... only high level guys can do that... so ... that's no RP basis... or ... something?
I guess he'll just ignore that there is, in fact, massive scope for you to do hilariously underpowered missions and do nothing but read the fluff and RP with your mates while the NPCs are unable to break your tank.
My point is there's no fucking equavilent in EvE. There's no storyline to run, only endless proceedurally-generated identical missions and PvP paranoia.
That is, if he even knows how to fit jack shit. Remember 'RP support' = 'dress up like a woman' and 'walk around' even though those things are in fact not roleplaying at all, and the EVE community supports all kinds of fluff and event generation. But wait, it's 'psycopaths' and 'mugging', rather than 'piracy' or 'politics' or 'capitalism'. Turns out he actually can't roleplay for shit?
Turns out I don't consider PvP to be RPing, because it's almost always a psychopathic mugging by a paranoid band of lunatics who take umbridge to you have the gall to try and fly through "their" space. That's not RP support.
IS no RP support in EvE, as I've already demonstrated. No, being the first player to do something and get your name in a newspost doesn't count. RP support is things like WoW's many (many) holidays, selection of RP clothes and stuff. (WoW's selection isn't so good, to be honest, SWG is much better at this, but EvE is completely devoid of this kind of thing.)
There's no roleplaying involved in EvE. The huge corps are all metagaming assholes who refer to their characters as 'toons', wouldn't know what the fuck 'in character' is, let alone how to differentiate it from 'out of character,' and type in annoying fucking AIM-speek.
That is not roleplaying, unless you presume that everyone is roleplaying a brain-damaged violent lunatic!
He's just an idiot and a liar and a coward. He's HILARIOUS. He seriously doesn't know how to make money and thinks mining the way to go? He complains that missions are repetitive, where in WoW they are LITERALLY one million fedex quests, just like EVE? That he's now become mega-defensive is just the icing on the cake.
I never claimed WoW's FedEx quests were very interesting. At least they do constitue a build-up to a story, though, and usually culminate in some kind of encounter that feels pretty damn epic when you get to it - in EvE, all you get is another iteration of a proceedurally-generated "go here, blow up generated enemies, come back and get your generated random reward."
Serafina wrote:No, Stark, all roleplaying must be about epic events, because there is totally no way that playing a small guy who makes an important job (say, running important, small freight trough hostile territory) but gets his ass handed to him by stronger players is fun or an RP-possibility.
Getting your ass handed to you generally isn't very fun.
And when, exactly, did Captain Solo get his ass handed to him, get the
Falcon blown up and barely escape with his life and his first mate in the escape pod - oh right, that never happened. He also got embedded straight into the middle of a ridiculously over-the-top war and it can safely be said that after Luke Skywalker, Captain Solo has the most right to paint a Death Star on his canopy since he's the one who blew
Darth Frigging Vader off Skywalker's six at the last possible second.
What are you talking about? The
Enterprise has always been one of Starfleet's biggest, most heavily-armed and most capable ships, in all of her iterations.
I dunno about you, but I don't particularly relish the idea of taking on the role of one of those anonymous TIE fighter pilots who swarm everywhere and die as soon as some Rebel's gunsights so much as looks at them funny.
Nope, these are all too lame - you have to be the big hero for RP
Captain Solo and the crews of the Enterprises
are the Big Damn Heroes, in case you've taken leave of your senses and need to be reminded.
Stark wrote:But that's it, EVE -has- those giant epic evens all over the mainpage news channels, that you can actually participate in.
Sure. If you're an elder member of some corp with the money and skill to force your way onto EvE's frontpage or get really,
really fucking lucky in their Space Lottery du Jour. They also only happen once, so if you miss your chance, tough shit, you're a nobody.
By 'RP' he just means 'do really underlevelled raids solo' and 'dress up like a woman', instead of 'do dangerous things that may lead to a major loss to shape the universe'. There's a whole channel in the game for gamemastered events!
-Doing underlevelled raids solo certainly can be RPing, but it's kind of dull unless you take a like-minded friend along. Whereas some of the most fun I've had in WoW was being one of two level 80, geared Paladins going through the Blackrock Mountain instances and beating down on bosses which were meant to be 5-man hellish affairs with a combination of teamwork and overwhelming firepower.
-Oi, you want to knock it off? I happen to take a great deal of pride in customizing my characters' looks and coming up with outfit schemes and what-not. If you don't like it, that's up to you,
so why the fuck don't you lay off those who do?! I happen to think that was without a doubt SWG's best point, the crazy amount of customization possible, down to being able to reshape character's faces and bodies in-game. If it's not your thing it's not, but
shut up with the fucking coming down on it.
-A channel. Big fucking deal.
There is certainly no scope for anything out in lowsec or 0.0 that isn't constant 'murder' and 'pillage', even if we don't romantically describe that s commerce warfare or privateering because we're cowards.
I've already made it clear I have no interest in PvP. You want to kindly take the "lol coward" shit and
Losonti Tokash wrote:Man, I originally made a living just as a courier and blowing my way across lowsec. If it goes well you wouldn't even see anyone but it was always one of the most exciting moments in the game when you're aligning to the next gate while 10 people are trying to lock on you.
C-3P0 wrote:Exciting is hardly the word I would use.
This is really ridiculous. I get told I don't know how to roleplay (been at this over a decade,) and don't know how to have fun right. What, is this the EvE Appreciation Society or something? Fine. You want me to like EvE so damn bad?
I'll do the reactivation thing, claim the new ship. I'll give someone or multiple someones who've appointed themselves the Defenders of EvE the five days to show me "how to have fun right." If at the end of those five days I liked it enough to re-subscribe, I'll concede that you know better than me and buy you a time-card. If not, you concede that EvE isn't very fun for everybody, and does not have any support for the kind of roleplay I find fun.
Anybody want to take me up on it? I've got a long-ish weekend coming.