Turn 2!
Carinthium wrote:Unit 4, observing "his" new situation, decided to switch plans (also, he looked at a map and came to his senses about which way to go). Grabbing what explosives he could, he headed at top speed to the elevator (+ later addition), intent on blowing any opposition he encounters into tiny bloody pieces.
Find map:[2], Find elevator:[4], Throw explosives:[1], Take cover:[4], Matt dodges:[4+1], Level integrity:[5]
Unit 4 cautiously rolls along the corridor, looking around, half-hoping to find a map of the area somewhere. No such luck, of course. Thankfully, he manages to come out to the hub area without the need of a map, but what's this? An inconspicuous box right in the middle of the room? Unit 4 carefully circles around the oddity, trying to make sense of it. Finally, he decides that this trash has nothing to do here anyway. Might even make a good trap while he makes his escape. "
Here, little boxie! Unit 4 shall make you into a nice boombox, hehehe!"
He made the mistake of activating the timer before setting the explosive down. Twenty seconds began ticking away on the demolition charge in his hand as Matt Frehley came bursting out of his inconspicuous hiding place and discharged his Ravager right into Unit 4's torso. A dozen of Fury .500 uranium-core armor-piercing slugs worked as advertised, tearing a pineapple-sized hole through three centimeters of armor and two feet of vital electronic components. Paralyzed by shock and hardware failure, Unit 4's body was thrown back several feet, the armed demolition charge still ticking away its seconds. Through a thickening haze of noise, Unit 4's optical sensors could see Matt Frehley's eyes suddenly widen in horror, his body turning around as if in slow motion, turning to run from a threat he so suddenly realised. As the emergency batteries began dying and all senses failed him, Unit 4's personality programming threw out a quick list of possible last words that could still be pronounced with the remaining energy. Putting everything he had into his voice processor, Unit 4 screamed at his killer, trailing to laughter before the exploding charge cut off his voice forever.
Norade wrote:Cursing under his breath he knew he should have looked before he dove into an elevator. Lucky for him he can climb back up the tube and try to make it to the upper decks, and in the lesser gravity he can climb fairly swiftly, though not as well as he would do in even lesser gravity. However before he does that he has some competition down here with him, something that wasn't likely caught in that explosion above.
Cocking his rifle he fires a quick burst at his fellow crew member while saying, "No hard feelings Hummelsaft, just trying to survive!"
Attack Hummelsaft:[2]
Coldly lifting his rifle, Tyler follows Hummelsaft's figure with its muzzle as he desperately tries to find cover. Aiming straight for his fellow crewmember's head, he pulls the trigger. "
No hard feelings, Hummelsaft, just trying to survive!" *click* "
Whuh? DAMN these safety things!" Flipping the little lever on the rifle's side back into "Full Auto", Tyler scans the space in front of him for traces of Der Hummelsaft, but he's nowhere to be seen.
Where'd you hide, Hummelsaft? Come out and fight, you sneaky coward! Only one of us is leaving this place, and it's going to be me!!"
The Vortex Empire wrote:Swearing profusely the entire time, Matt stops to think about what maintenance shafts or emergency staircases lead to level 3.
Matt also realizes that he saw that damn robot Unit 4, and waits around the corner of the door he had come through to ambush Unit 4. He takes cover behind a box. He also keeps an eye out for anyone else in the area, muttering under his breath, "Why in Thor's name did I sign on for this mission? Goddamn space whales..."
Find other means to get to L3:[4], Ambush Unit 4:[6], Unit 4 dodge:[2], Damage:[2+1-1-1]
Desperately running the plans of the ship through his head, Matt suddenly remembers a set of emergency stairs that connects levels 4 and 3, located in diagonal branches of the level's side corridors. The knowledge securing him in his hope for survival, he attempts a daring plan to rid himself of dangerous opposition. Quickly finding a large cardboard box among the various trash littering the floor of the hub - he remembered it was from the new refrigerator in the lounge, another purchase from the last haul - he hid himself in it, standing amidst the room in the most inconspicuous way he could think of. His ploy did not go in vain - the robot, Unit 4, already banged up from his explosive experiments, rolled into the hub and started taking interest in the box. Waiting until
just the right moment, Matt tore his hiding place apart and tore into Unit 4 with his assault rifle. The poor robot never stood a chance, its body collapsed helplessy to the floor, a gaping hole torn through his chest. And he dropped something, too, something... ticking.
The next few seconds did not register properly in Matt's memory. Eyes wide with fear for his life, blood adrenaline levels rivalling those of alcohol a few minutes prior, he ran like the wind until he cleared a corner of one of the side corridors leading out of the hub. A great explosion, not unlike the previous one, rocked the level and messed up Matt's hair with its shockwave. This time, with a lot of space to expand into, the blast did not do significant damage to the level. Probably not so for Unit 4, Matt thought. Checking the corridor number on the wall, he realised that the staircase he remembered should be nearby. He took another look at the smoke-filled Hub area, and somewhat fondly remembered the tricks he and the crew used to play on the witless robot.
Rust in pieces, matey."
OmegaChief wrote:Deciding that now was indeed a good time to get the hell out of the medbay, and indeed off the entire ship before someone wound up blowing it to peices or worse, James slid open the Medbay door, advancing cuatiously to find some kind of stairs up towards the captians pod, after all with the ship damaged there was no guarentee the elevatos would work.
And so he advanced through he corridors looking for the stairs up, lasgun raised and ready to shoot, just in case.
Find stairs:[5]
Carefully activating the door's motion sensor with his leg, James leaps off the bench just as its leg fails completely and it drops into the bubbling sea of chemical destruction. The door proves none too cooperative, attempting to close while James was only half through it, but he makes it in one piece and looks around, searching for directions. Finding a wall marker of particular interest, James follows it until it leads him into a dead end, with a massive mirror wall and a tiny metal hammer suspended right next to it. Across the mirror, in bright red letters, a sign reads "
In case of fire or similar emergency, break glass." Wondering how the hell did the mirror even survive the initial impact, James takes the tiny hammer and cautiously taps on the reflective surface.
Making an unholy hell of a noise, the great mirror crumbles into a pile of tiny cut-safe fragments, revealing a rather elaborate metal staircase leading upward. Seeing no reason to stay, James ascends the stairs, noting to himself - "
This'll probably cost a whole century of bad luck.."
born in shadow wrote:Ducking away from the gunfire behind the nearest cover, Hummelsaft fires off a few blind shots at his attacker, screeching, "Did I ever tell you how much I hated you Wilks!?"
Looking around, he bit his lip trying to remember the fastest way to get back on track towards the Captain's Pod.
Find cover:[3], Attack Tyler:[1], Find route:[1]
Seeing Tyler Wilks raise his rifle, Der Hummelsaft takes immediate action. Cartwheeling sideways, he ducks behind a block of damaged engineering equipment, half-expecting to be riddled by bullets in the process. But either Wilks is being too playful or he's being too lucky, because no bullets come his way. Taking the opportunity, Der yells at Tyler - "
Did I ever tell you how much I hated you, Wilks!? - before slinging out his trusty blaster and... wait, where is it? Der hastily checks his belt and the floor nearby - the blaster is nowhere to be found. Carefully peeking from his cover, he finally manages to see it - right between him and the advancing figure of Tyler Wilks, his spacesuit's peripheral lights making him appear out of this world in this darkness.
Damn. Time for Plan B. At least I won't miss, the damn bugger's lit up like a freakin' christmas tree."
chitoryu12's AI wrote:Jack Ross swears profusely and tries to find some tools that would help him overcome closed doors.
Find tools:[3]
Alone and with no clear plan in mind, Jack roams the corridors in search of something useful. He manages to find a rusty crowbar, and comes no closer to escaping.
Character statuses:
Norade wrote:Name: Tyler Wilks
Species: Human
Location: Engineering deck, level 1, near a damaged elevator to Habitation level 4.
Health: Perfect.
-CAW-1a Assault Rifle (+1 to-hit, +1 pierce damage)
-Armored Space Suit (+1 to resist energy damage, +1 to resist physical damage)
-Multitool (+1 to making broken things work again)
-MP3 Player w/ Headphones
-Toiletry Kit
-Assault Rifle Champion (+1 to hit and +1 to damage with assault rifles)
-Low-G Hero (+1 to actions taken in less than 0.5G's gravity)
OmegaChief wrote:Name: James Khan
Species: Human
Location: Habitation deck, Level 3, Fire Escape ladder leading to Habitation level 4.
Health: Perfect.
-Lasgun (+2 Energy Damage)
-Combat Armour (+2 to resist Physical damage, +1 to resist Energy damage)
-0.5L vial of ethanol
-Packet of Bubblegum
-Medic (+1 to Medical Rolls)
-I've been in space! (+1 to actions to operate shipboard machinery)
The Vortex Empire wrote:Name: Matt Frehley
Species: Human
Location: Habitation deck, level 4, lower portside diagonal corridor.
Health: Perfect.
-Ravager-11 Assault Rifle (+1 Armor Penetration, +1 to melee attack)
-Reinforced Combat Armor (+1 to resist physical damage, +1 to resist energy weapon damage)
-Omni-Tool (+1 to technology interactions)
-Spray Deodorant
-Firearm Training (+1 damage with slugthrowers)
-Quick Reaction Time (+1 dodge)
Carinthium wrote:Name: Unit 4
Species: Anthromorphic Robot
Location: Habitation deck, level 4, the Hub.
Health: Destroyed.
chitoryu12 wrote:Name: Jack Ross
Species: Human
Location: Habitation deck, level 4, a corridor.
Health: Perfect.
- P45 Combat Handgun (+1 pierce damage)
- Sunglasses with holographic overlay (+2 to-hit with weapons)
- Datapad (+1 computer use)
- Rusty Crowbar (can force doors and locks open)
- Cigarettes
- One-handed shooting (+1 handgun accuracy)
- Quick thinker (+1 dodge)
born in shadow wrote:Name: Der Hummelsaft
Species: Human
Location: Engineering deck, level 1, near a damaged elevator to Habitation level 4.
Health: Perfect.
-TRXX-1 Blaster Pistol (+2 laser damage) (lost)
-Slick coat (+1 persuasion)
-Sictes Pistol (small enough to be concealed)
-Master Investigator (+1 to search)
-Gunfighter (+1 to-hit with guns)
-Precise aim (+1 to hit a held item)
Whee, first death! Sorry, Carinthium. Bad rolls are bad rolls. Technically it was the rifle shot that killed you, but getting hoist by your own petard, literally, was more dramatically appropriate.
Sorry in advance for any mistakes, I'm staying up through the night.