My name is Kat, and since this place seems to have a lot of action, I decided to join it. I don't know much, and I don't claim to, and if I seem like a moron, take it easy on me. After all, one of your moderators is my flesh and blood. Cut me off, and cut of a hefty portion of his anime supply (seeing as I have the superior collection, plus connections). Cut of his anime supply... and a certain brother of mine suddenly has good reason to get quite irate. He's rather tall and large. there's a "pictures" thread around here, somewhere. Would you like that guy searching you out because you denied him Ping Pong Club?

Heh. On a more positive note, I'm sure I'll get along well... I've met some of you, both online and in person, and yes, somewhere along the lines I shall brag that I did, in fact, see Episode II BEFORE some of the Star Wars geeks that come around. Hah. Hah-hah-hah. Hah. Nanny nanny poo poo.
Anyway, let the fun begin. Tee hee.