Omeganian wrote:Less than 10% of the planned bunkers being in progress?
Over 15%, actually (880 out of 5807 built, a few hundred in construction). Most similar defence lines were built in ~4 years, if not more. And all that completed in precisely one full year. Mind showing me which large-scale permanent defence lines (Maginot, Siegfried or other) had a superior rate of construction?
Omeganian wrote:The December conference talks about much greater depths. Why was there no change in the barely started building accordingly?
Because... defence depth of units is not the same as feasible defence depth for fortifications of the time? You continue mixing concepts?
Omeganian wrote:Kiev - allowed to rust. Minsk - after the Germans attack, the locks are removed with crowbars (no one kept track of the keys). In other words, the most important directions are in a state which shows no one expects to use them in the future.
I re-iterate the question - prove the entire line was abandoned. You said so - prove it. More importantly, tell me how were abandoned the Karelsk FR, the Ostropol FR, Letichev FR and Mogilev-Yampolsk FR. All those FRs were sites of major battles. Moreover, some old border FRs were re-armed in 1941. For example, on June 11 the Letichev FR was re-armed with 13 45-mm guns, 4 37-mm guns and . Care to explain? Kiev was put on conservation. Minsk was just not properly manned - not "abandoned", old FRs had sentry units assigned to patrol and keep them. But considering the Stalin line was never properly and fully manned, I fail to see how this is relevant to the issue. A report of April-May 1941 details this quite good:
Кадрами гарнизоны УР в настоящее время не обеспечены. Средняя численность гарнизона составляет в настоящее время не более 30% от штатной (реально - 13-20%) и не может быть увеличена ввиду отсутствия жилья и тылового обеспечения... Штатная численность пульбатов также не соответствует задачам обороны укреплений, так как может частично прикрыть не более 60% огневых сооружений.
So - no living quarters on the old border fortifications that could support it being fully manned, ergo, only a 13 to 30% manpower. And you're saying the Stalin line was 100% manned at some point? Care to prove when and where?
FR condition wrote:В 1938-39 гг. службами Наркомата обороны и Наркомата Внутренних дел была проведена широкая инспекция укреплений старой госграницы, показавшая их практическую небоеспособность. Вот выдержки из некоторых протоколов упомянутой инспекции:
* "НКО тов. Ворошилову 5 января 1939 г. ... По сообщению Особого отдела БВО строительство Слуцкого УР идет весьма неудовлетворительно... Из 91 объекта, намеченного к строительству по плану 1938 г. построено только 13... Работа была развернута со значительным опозданием, так как чертежи и планы объектов были высланы из Инженерного управления с опозданием в несколько месяцев... Л.Берия"
* " НКО тов, Ворошилову 17 января 1939 г. По сообщению НКВД Украины, строительство УР КОВО находится в явно неудовлетворительном состянии. Утвержденный НКО план строительства на 1938 г. не выполнен, также как и планы предыдущих лет... Из 284 намеченных по плану сооружений на 2 декабря было забетонировано 86... 60 сооружений, в том числе 30 ДОТ и 30 командно-наблюдательных пунктов из-за отсутствия чертежей, не представленных отделением инженерных войск КОВО, со строительства совершенно сняты... Присланные Инженерным управлением чертежи внутреннего оборудования сооружений имеют целый ряд серьезных недостатков, вследствие которых нарушается не только нормальная работа в них, но и пользование ими... В строящемся Шепетовском УР совершенно выпали из плана строительства узлы 7, 8 и 9, в результате чего между Шепетовским и Староконстантиновским УР образовались неперекрытые ворота более 60 км... В Новоград-Волынском УР в плане строительства не оказалось 19-го сооружения, утвержденного Генеральным штабом РККА... Отсутствуют чертежи внутреннего оборудования многих объектов... Запланированные материалы не соотвествуют потребностям строительства... Практика бетонирования сооружений на ряде объектов проводится вопреки существующим инструкциям НКО... В Каменец-Подольском УР при бетонировании сооружений (в частности № 53) бетон возле амбразур утамбован не был, в результате чего после бетонирования пришлось дополнительно заливать образовавшиеся пустые места, чем значительно снижена прочность сооружений... В Остропольском УР бетонные стены оказались на 15 см тоньше установленного значения... Особенно много дефектов отмечено в строительстве Остропольского и Каменец-Подольского УР... Л.Берия"
* "НКО СССР тов. Ворошилову 13 февраля 1939 г. Несмотря на долгое строительство и дооборудование Псковского и Островского УР, они не могут считаться в настоящее время боевспособными. Из-за неправильно спроектированного и построенного внутреннего оборудования большинства ДОТ они не могут быть заняты войсками... до половины сооружений на 20-40 см заполнены водой, появившейся из-за неправильной оценки глубины грунтовых вод. В то же время водопровод не работает... Электрооборудование укрепрайонов отсутствует... В жилых помещениях УР высокая влажность и спертый воздух... Центры снабжения УР не построены... Продовольственные склады отсутствуют... Из-за неграмотного планирования УР их огневые сооружения не могут вести огонь на дальность более 50-100 м, так местность имеет бугры, овраги и невырубленные леса. ДОС ь 3, установлен на склоне оврага и не может быть замаскирован из-за постоянных оползней, а имеющийся в нем орудийный полукапонир бесполезен, так как располагается ниже уровня окружающей местности... Для расширения секторов обстрела необходимо снять около 120 000 кубометров земли, а также вырубить до 300 га леса и кустарника... Амбразуры ДОТ расчитаны на применение пулеметов "Максим", но оборудованы станками неизвестной конструкции, ... предназанченными скорее всего для пулемета Гочкиса давно снятого с вооружения. Орудийные полукапониры не оборудованы броневыми заслонками и служат источником проникновения в ДОТ талых вод и осадков... Артиллерийское вооружение УР состоит из 6 устаревших полевых орудий 1877 года, к которым нет снарядов... Охрана территории УР не ведется. В ходе работы комиссия неоднократно встречала местных жителей, проходящих в непосредственной близости от огневых сооружений для сокращения пути между поселками... Л.Берия"
* "В ЦК КП(б) Украины О состоянии КиУР 11 января 1939 г. ... Киевский укрепрайон на сегодня представляет только лишь скелет предместной позиции , состоящей в основном из пулеметных сооружений ... и совершенно не обеспечен положенным оборудованием. Из 257 сооружений, имеющихся в районе, только 5 готовы к боевому действию... Левый и правый фланги не защищены и имеют свободный проход для противника (левый - 4 км, правый - 7км). В центре зоны УР ... образован мешок (разрыв в 7 км), через который открыт свободный проход противнику непосредственно к Киеву. Передний край долговременной полосы удален от центра Киева лишь на 15 км, что дает возможность обстрела противником Киева, не вторгаясь в укрепрайон... Из 257 сооружений у 175 отсутствует нужный горизонт обстрела из-за рельефа местности (бугры, горы, крупный лес и кустарник). Планировочные работы по УР, несмотря на указания правительства, оттягиваются выполнением на военное время, тогда как эти работы необходимо проводить немедленно. Только по 3-му участку необходимо для планировочных работ снять более 15 000 кубометров земли, а это не менее 4-х месяцев работы... Всего же ... по укрепрайону необходимо снять не менее 300 000 кубометров земли и вырубить до 500 га леса и густарника. ... 140 огневых сооружений оборудованы пулеметными заслонками обр. 1930 г., которые при стрельбе закрываются автоматически и способствуют поражению бойцов из своих же пулеметов рикошетированными пулями. О небоеспособности КиУР и непринятии мер комендантом КИУР Особый отдел КОВО неоднократно информировал командование КОВО, но, несмотря на это, до сего времени ничего не предпринято... Зам. Народного комиссара Внутренних дел УССР Б.Кобулов"
* В ЦК КП(б) Украины О состоянии Могилев-Ямпольского Укрепленного района ... На территории Могилев-Ямпольского укрепленного района имеется 297 огневых сооружений, из коих 279 ДОТов и 18 артиллерийских полукапониров... Материальная часть огневых сооружений находится в неудовлетворитеольном состоянии. На территории 2-го сектора обороны имеется 9 огневых артиллерийских полукапониров. Из них 3 сооружения - "Скала", "Партизан" и "Мюд" не имеют фильтровентилляционного оборудования... В связи с происходящим переоборудованием огневых сооружений, артиллерийских полукапониров на территории УР в казематах царят хаос и беспорядок... Электропроводка во многих ОПК перепутана и совершенно не обеспечивает их электроосвещение... Полукапонирная артиллерия в огневых сооружениях находится в неудовлетворительном состоянии. Все пушки собраны из некомплектных деталей разных пушек. Формуляров на пушки не имеется. Пушки, находящиеся в сооружениях 1932 г., только в 1937 г. подверглись разборке и чистке, вследствие чего вся матчасть пушек внутри имеет следы ржавчины. Пружины накатников пушек большей частью собраны неправильно (вместо левой поставлена головная правая пружина), что при стрельбе приводило к самоотвинчиванию головки цилиндра компрессора и ствол пушки после нескольких выстрелов мог сойти с установки. В двух пушках вместо веретенного масла была налита олифа, забивающая отверстие маслопровода, что могло привести к разрыву цилиндра компрессора... УР до сих пор не укомплектован ... средним комсоставом. Комсостав, приписанный из отдаленных мест и городов (Саратова, Москвы, Ленинграда), сможет прибыть в УР лишь через 5-6 дней, после объявления мобилизации... При существующих штатах рядового состава пульбаты не смогут выполнить возложенных на них задач, так как в роте по штату имеется 21 пулеметчик, а рота должна обслуживать 50 сооружений... Кадрами артиллеристов пульбаты совершенно не обеспечены... При наличии артиллерии пульбаты по штатам совершенно не имеют артиллерийских мастеров, которые могли бы вести технический надзор за капонирной артиллерией... Зам. Наркома внутренних дел УССР Кобулов"
So where, when were the Stalin line fortifications, inluding the Kiev FR and such, "completed", "fully manned" and combat-capable? Care to explain?
Omeganian wrote:The forces were to be transferred into the new FR. On the western border, there were no new FR to be transferred to, so we can hardly compare the cases. In summer 1940 on the Far East:
за это лето части 1-й Краснознаменной армии почти на 100 процентов выполнили план оборонных работ, буквально преобразили старые укрепленные районы, там, где можно было, сделали солидные предполья, создали несколько новых укрепрайонов и значительно преобразили приморскую границу вообще.
On the contrary, we can and will compare the cases. The new FRs
were being built on the new border, and to the FRs which was completed, forces were assigned and deployed. The old FRs were never fully completed, fully and properly manned or anything like that.
Omeganian wrote:Chapter 12 of the M Day needs to be explained.
Why anything there needs any special explanation? 121 thousand pilots who passed the OSOAVIAKHIM courses are not, sadly, what one could call trained military professionals. Even the
trained and formally educated for many years (!) fighter and bomber pilots of the USSR in 1941 had 30-180 flight hours on the average, whereas a German pilot had an average of 450 flight hours. If the
trained RKKA pilots in 1941 were of such low quality, the "121 000 pilots" prepared by the OSOAVIAKHIM are hardly even a factor here. Conspiracy theories notwithstanding, the quality of the Soviet Air Force personnel was exceptionally low.
Omeganian wrote:You think they were ignorant of their ally's progress? ...Doesn't seem to be the case on the December conference.
Yes, because they were. Otherwise they wouldn't plan for "defence with unmobilized and unconcentrated forces". Which was a complete disaster. Like I said, it's a complete contrast with the Germans. If you can prove that the USSR did NOT adhere to a doctrine of defending with unmobilized and unconcentrated forces, feel free to prove me wrong. It's kinda hard with the above quote, but sure, do.
Omeganian wrote:And what do the documents say, that it can disprove the reports of the people who saw the bunkers with their own eyes?
How much concrete and money was allocated. How many were actually built, as opposed to being ruse constructs. You know, like the documents I've provided. You provided nothing. Sorry, but that won't do. Where are the German documents similar to the Soviet 1938-1941 documents on the construction of fortifications, reports and such? Show them.
Omeganian wrote:Mind elaborating on where said old style thought is reflected?
Omeganian wrote:And what about 1941?
So you admit that on the 30 of June 1940, when France has fallen, the Soviet Union planned for (remember, the first decisions to erect parts of the Molotov line came on 26 June) old-style, absolutely inadequate defence strategy of defending fixed fortifications with undeployed, unconcentrated forces? *laughs* Then you probably admit that the Molotov line was a prime example of the Soviet leadership's military inertia and a complete lack of understanding.
Moreover, the December conference (see Tyulenev's report on defensive operations) hardly changed anything. Where does Tulenev state that FRs are useless if not supported by a fully deployed and concentrated Army? He doesn't.
What does Timoshenko state about the German operations in France?
Ряд успешно проведенных на Западе прорывов в войне 1939 — 1940 гг. породил у некоторых исследователей мысль о кризисе современной обороны.
Такой вывод не обоснован.
Его нельзя делать из того, что ни на польском, ни на французском фронтах немцы не встретили должного отпора, который мог бы быть им оказан при надлежащем использовании противниками существующих средств обороны (механизация оборонительных работ, разнообразный арсенал инженерных средств, мощные огневые противотанковые средства).
He thinks that pre-war views on fixed defence are not invalidated. He says that "mechanized defense engineering", "various engineering facilities" and "powerful anti-tank means" can change (sic!) the situation and fixed defence will win the day again. Nowhere does he say that the fixed defence should be supported by a fully mobilized Army. The critical issue (Germans deploying and attacking before Poles or French deployed) is ignored utterly!
The "depth of 100 km" is planned for the entire defence line. The fortification lines are only planned for tens of kilometers:
Тактическая оборонительная зона (схема 2) является главной зоной сопротивления, где должны быть сосредоточены основные усилия обороны и где наступление противника должно быть сломлено.
Она включает в себя:
а) полосу обеспечения — глубиной до 10 — 15 км, которая создается с целью задержать и измотать наступающего противника и выиграть время для подготовки оборонительной полосы. Полоса обеспечения оборудуется заграждениями; в ней действуют разведывательные части и передовые отряды;
б) главную полосу сопротивления — глубиной до 8 — 10 км, имеющую назначением остановить и расстроить атаку противника, на ней располагаются основные силы обороны;
в) вторую полосу обороны, — где располагаются корпусные резервы; она должна преградить доступ в глубину прорвавшимся подвижным частям противника и служить исходным рубежом для контратак из глубины.
За последнее время дебатируется вопрос: как предохранить войска, плотно занимающие передний край главной полосы сопротивления, от организованного артиллерийского огня противника в период артиллерийской подготовки.
Имеется мнение: войска на этот период оттягивать в укрытия в глубину обороны. Вряд ли это возможно сделать в современных условиях, учитывая темпы танковой атаки и ее авиационное сопровождение.
This is all Timoshenko on the December conference. Try showing me where exactly Timoshenko employed "new thinking" different from what is specified in the June 30 note about FRs.
Omeganian wrote:At what stage would they have started the opposition?
Who knows? *shrugs* Politics is always an unknown.
Omeganian wrote:And the Soviets preferred to waste no time on that. Different approaches.
The USSR spent a lot of time restoring broken machines during operations in Finland. Do explain yourself, do prove the Soviet strategy was to drop large fractions of equipment which was unusuable due to breakdown.
Omeganian wrote:If the plan is to be executed in response to a Moscow order ... Besides:
This is a note which specifies the nature of defence inside the USSR. It shows how pathetically misguided the views of the Soviet command were. Quite obviously the idea that the enemy would still allow your forces to concentrate and counterattack was stupid. The post-France 1940 notes on defence, and the December 1940 conference show that the Soviet General Staff considered old methods of defence quite adequate. Regardless of what Zhukov himself thought, Timoshenko, Voroshilov and Stalin seemed to be content with what they did, said and wrote.
Omeganian wrote:The Soviet pre-war planning stated that "The deployment of the main forces to the north has the danger of leading to protracted combat".
Yeah, because the South with it's plains, etc. was better suited for war operations. This rationale also made Soviet HQ consider that the Germans' main attack vector will come in the deep South-West, as opposed to being centered around the entire Soviet logistic network.
Omeganian wrote:And according to the book "BT Tanks":
Кристи уведомил Госдепартамент, что он продал "Амторгу" два трактора.
Well, if Christie lied to the U.S. State Department, frankly, that is no business of the Amtorg. They made a deal which Christie had signed. If Christie was really such a jackass, well... what can I say? Business comes first. Considering Christie was willing to ship M1932 illegally, it's quite possible he circumvented the law with the M1931 too. But I'd like to see primary evidence of that, if there is.
Omeganian wrote:Was he supposed to remain there? BTW, it doesn't say he went out, but that he moved the army.
No, "it BTW" doesn't. It "BTW" says that "BTW" Konev moved out and left the district without ANY MILITARY CONTROL. Literally.
Omeganian wrote:So, over a 150 000 pilots already, with enough skill for a very simple bomber. All that fuel spent just for fun?
"Enough skill"? *laughs* If Soviet pilots in the RKKA VVS had 30-180 hours on the average, I fear to think how many these "pilots" had.
Omeganian wrote:As for the orders for plane building - Suvorov said
I don't care what he "said". I want primary, documental proof. Do you understand? Prove that there was a plan to build 150 000 planes of the Su-2 model. Rezun says there was a plan. Rezun doesn't refer to the archives either, or to anything. He just claims it without any proof or source. Do prove it, then, if Rezun himself cannot.
Do you just quote without reading, or? The PT-1 had a whopping' 580 horsepower engine (M-17F) versus that of 400 hp (M-5-400) for a serial BT-2.
Omeganian wrote:Also, the movie "Tractorists" does seem to show BT's making about 70 kph tracked.
You can measure the speed by the camera, or what? How does a movie constitute proof?
Sorry, but that's a complete failure on your part.
Omeganian wrote:Horseriding seems to be abandoned in the September Parade.
How is it relevant for the Victory Parade?
Omeganian wrote:The flag of the Nazi Germany seems quite red to me. Yes, there are some minor differences.
The national flag of Germany is not "the same red flag" which was held on May Day. May Day flags are simple red banners, not state banners.
Omeganian wrote:Wild capitalism and economic freedom are not exactly the same.
Rezun says any state involvement period is bad. I don't care what you think, Omeganian. Rezun made a statement, not you. Go read it again.
Omeganian wrote:Well, the fact that both him and the German communists revolted the same day does seem suspicious (and so is Hitler's silence about the circumstances).
Conspiracy theories. Documents, please.
Omeganian wrote:So what? It had a lot to do with the war raped Germany. And with the future Nazi generals.
So... *shrugs* Perhaps then France and Britain should have starved the Weimar Republic and mass-murdered it's population? You know, because... they're future Nazis all right? I'm not sure how the Soviet aid to the Weimar Republic equals same aid to Nazi Germany. The cutoff in cooperation post-1933 pretty much proves my point. You... had no point to begin with.
Omeganian wrote:Did it remain war ravaged?
The USSR only restored it's industrial potential in the early 1950s (and that combined with the German reparations, anyhow). The Soviet Union's people were still living in horrid conditions, because a lot of the housing was destroyed and the Stalin-era housing construction was atrociously slow, which led to a problem with urbanized populations' not getting enough area (essentially, much like in the Industrial Revolution-era Britain). So the USSR shifted to cheap mass construction of housing and other priorities. The "Palace of the Soviets" as one of the architectural legacies of Stalinism was abandoned as an idea. Before Stalin died, though, new and new projects came out as the Soviet Union's economy restored its pre-war levels. The attack on "Stalin's Empire" architectural style done in post-Stalinist times first removed Iofan from the play, and later simply annihilated the idea of the Palace itself. Khrushev tasked the new architctects in 1956-1959 with such conditions that the Palace became unviable and impossible to construct (on the two locations chosen). The project was killed on purpose.
Omeganian wrote:Explain.
Rezun makes irrelevant mockery of old Soviet historiography (which was largely under the impact of Stalinism and operated with closed archives - lest we mention the "7 million human losses", long-term used as official figures). Old Soviet historiography is absolutely irrelevant and useless junk. By mocking it Rezun doesn't add anything to the historical science, which has long moved past the realm of stipulations and into the realm of documents.
Omeganian wrote:Not "ignoring", "leaving for the next two chapters".
Yeah, except nothing in those chapters indicates that the USA or Britain would remain sided with the USSR if it attacked. Trade and cooperation agreements? Pfft. The USSR had a "Trade and Cooperation Agreement" with Nazi Germany in 1939-1941.
Omeganian wrote:It was bad enough to melt down the fences. The British would have welcomed the relief. Even better (for the Soviets) would have been if Britain would have been invaded, of course...
Which fences? The British Empire never faced naval defeat, starvation, air defeat (in fact, in the air Britain defeated Germany in 1940), or anything like that. Better for the USSR if Britain had been invaded? Sure. One minor problem - Germany had no means to invade Britain. Such an invasion would end in complete disaster. But I'm sure you know that, too.
Omeganian wrote:Defenses are not just concrete. But yes, he exaggerated a bit.
Not just "a bit". The Soviet defeats were not a matter of fortification alone. The Finnish fortification was typical of the period. There's nothing "great" in that, no more "great" than the German defeat of certain forts on the Maginot Line, defeat of Eben-Emael, etc. etc. Fortified regions were taken before (1929, KVZHD - the Sungari FR of the Chinese), etc.
Omeganian wrote:They broke through, they learned enough to change the army organization, they put a division near the nickel mines important to Germany - well, not as bad as it's usually pictured.
Certainly not. But not a great victory at all. It was bad, because the USSR expected to utterly crush Finland and occupy it once the conflict began (there could be some speculation as to pre-war goals, but once it started, the USSR was expecting a full surrender). The USSR "learned" little. The Finnish debacle was extolled as a "great victory" by Timoshenko, who was once again peddling the idea of the strength of fixed fortification. The reorganization they started was absolutely necessary, but you know... reorganization is usually what you do when your Army suffers defeats. If it stimulated the RKKA to reform, that means the RKKA performed inadequately in combat - a pretty much well-known fact, which can be proven by lots of examples.
Omeganian wrote:If you'll please show me an order by another commander which says to execute the families of everyone who surrenders to the enemy.
It's not unprecended, such orders were issued in the Civil War (hmm, why not mention Tukhachevsky?). I'm not sure how this is supposed to prove Zhukov's especial brutality when in reality this order was deemed illegal by the PUBalt and itself was probably a misinterpretation of the Order 270. So in reality, no one was executed. Zhukov's unit losses were on par with other commanders. I re-iterate - where is the evidence?
Omeganian wrote:A commander who advances for five weeks without knowing where the enemy forces are is not a bad commander? Whatever it is you are smoking, I suggest you quit. Sounds highly poisonous.
Not knowing where enemy forces are when your forces lack aviation and modern means of intelligence is a common occurence. In the chaos of the Civil War it was more than common; and yet once again very common in the chaos of 1941; despite there being GOOD commanders, they often did not know where the enemy was. The counterstrike of the 6th MK is a prime example. On the other hand, Tukhachevsky developed a theory of mechanized operations in the USSR, which was later accepted by Stalin. How is he a bad commander, then?
Omeganian wrote:Some problem with definitions, yes.
How were the 20-tonners obsolete?
Omeganian wrote:Except he says the exact opposite. He says they cannot kill them (at least in a direct confrontation), but they can outmaneuver them, and win without a fight.
Except that's idiotic - he stipulates a win on a strategic scale with light tanks as "cavalry" moving "on roads and on wheels" (prohibited unless on-march). That is impossible when confronting a DEPLOYED Army. And the RKKA could not pre-empt the Werhmacht in deployment. Besides, it didn't even TRY.
Omeganian wrote:He talks about 1939, when the 20-tonners (well, some were still 15-tonners) were about 10% of the German tank forces. And their armor was thinner back then (the first variants actually had 15 mm, just like T-26). Besides, Suvorov doesn't talk about "engine and gear parameters", he talks about mobility. Now, 30 kph vs 40kph is quite comparable, especially if you take into account a minor advantage in ground pressure.
Except they had superior armament and superior facilities from communications to crew emplacement. So... where's the superiority?
Omeganian wrote:In 1939 - 15 ton tanks which had about the same armor and armament as the Soviet 10-tonners. Lower weight is not an insignificant advantage on its own.
The Ausf.B and Ausf.C of the Pz.IV already existed by 1939, as did the Ausf D. and Ausf E. varians of the Pz.III. On the other hand, serial production of T-34 and KV started only in June 1940 and Feb 1940 correspondingly. So in 1939, the Germans had two types of tanks which were already superior to Soviet light tanks.
Omeganian wrote:Except the tank design wasn't meant for such a weight. The ground pressure in later models was rather high, for example. And where is that thicker defense? The 15 tonners' armor was 15 mm, just like T-26. 5 tons seems a bit too much difference for just the engine.
I'm sorry, 285 hp and 300 hp engines versus 90 hp in the T-26? *laughs* "Just for the engine", indeed. The T-26s light weight offered no advantage with such a pathetically weak engine.
Omeganian wrote:And what was BT-1 (or simply BT), then? The page you are giving does seem to view "Christie" as synonymous to BT without any numbers.
The BT-1 designation did not formally exist in the USSR, IIRC. Simply BT, yeah. The Christie M.1931 displayed the exact same characteristics as stated for in U.S. sources, actually.
Omeganian wrote:So, 1939 - the Stalin Line is largely complete, but upgrades are needed
The Stalin line condition is well described above.
Omeganian wrote:The tens of thousands of people working on the other side in May don't look like a ruse either. So what, the Germans intended to defend then?
How? If they "work", but are not allocated concrete for permanent fortifications, that is a ruse. No permanent defence line; just field defences.
Omeganian wrote:The FR where the locks were forced open is Minsk FR, bunkers of the Novograd-Volynsky FR were dug up during the first days of the war, so, apparently, said list isn't final.
Minsk was probably unmanned and guarded (but the above list of Stalin line FRs having only 15-20% personnel on the average is indicating that it's quite probable even those FRs were never properly manned
Omeganian wrote:The RL figures don't quite match either schedule (Suvorov mentions that some FR's were assigned secondary priority of building later). Especially considering said plan supposedly includes the restoration and reinforcing of the Stalin Line.
The USSR had a tendency of overestimating terms (see: the Plan of building battleships in 1937). But even those optimistic terms were not aimed for 1941.
Omeganian wrote:Suvorov views that line as a counterpart to the Stalin Line - a good defense line (in concept, at least), abandoned once Germany started shifting its borders.
It's not a "good defence line", and neither is the Stalin line, which was 90% MG dots, and only less than 10% artillery.
Omeganian wrote:BTW, the proper Soviet use for the FR's, as seen on the Stalin Line before 1939 (and on the Far East later) is to merely use them as a skeleton for the field defense of an entire division if not a corps. So, the reliance on fixed defense can be argued. Doesn't look like a bad approach to me.
It's a bad approach because it is considered adequate before forces concentrate. War has shown this false.